(5) 总结
简述在企业网络架构过程中出现的问题以及解决的方案,对未来网络发展的展望。 3.设计(论文)的基本要求 (1)论文格式要符合规范 (2)提供完整的源程序
(3)至少提供10篇参考文献(书籍 期刊 网址等) 4.主要参考文献
王卫红 李小明.计算机网路与互联网.机械出版社 张福祥.计算机网络基础.中国电力出版社
周跃东.计算机网络工程.西安电子科技大学出版社 5.毕业设计(论文)时间安排 第一周 资料收集整理 第二周 收集资料 写初稿
第三周 论文初稿的中级检查 论文修改 第四周 论文后期修改及完善修改
摘 要
网络维护; 网络安全
The wave of information surging today, the enterprise network has become the core competitiveness of enterprises to enhance the key factor. Net more and more enterprises have been many people mentioned that the use of network technology, the modern enterprise can be suppliers, customers, partners, employees achieve optimal communication and information. This is directly related to the availability of key enterprise competitive advantage. In recent years more and more and more enterprises are speeding up the information to build their own networks, the vast majority of which are SMEs. China's enterprises, especially small and medium-sized construction enterprise network is currently undergoing major regeneration, to small and medium-sized enterprises in this article the formation of the internal local area network needs, the actual management as a starting point, from the management of small and medium-sized enterprise LAN LAN technology needs and the traditional approach to study the local area network technology in the enterprise management applications.
Key words: networking;topology;Equipment selection ;IP
maintenance ;security of network
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ................................ - 3 - 第二章 需求分析 .............................. - 5 - 2.1企业对网络的需求情况 .................... - 5 - 2.2用户需求分析 ............................ - 5 - 2.3案例分析 ................................ - 6 - 2.3.1 设备选型 ............................ - 6 - 2.3.2各设备产品介绍: .................... - 7 - 第三章 网络布局和综合布线 .................... - 9 - 3.1 网络布局的原则 .......................... - 9 - 3.2 网络布局的具体实施要求 ................. - 10 - 3.3 网络布局的规划与设计 ................... - 11 - 第四章 IP规划与配置 ......................... - 16 - 4.1 IP地址规划 ............................ - 16 - 4.2网络拓扑结构图 ......................... - 16 - 4.3 配置需求及解决方案 ..................... - 17 - 4.3.1配置路由器 .......................... - 17 - 4.3.2配置交换机 .......................... - 21 - 4.3.3配置ACL ............................ - 23 - 第五章 网络维护、安全控制 .................. - 27 - 5.1网络维护 ............................... - 27 -