2018秋高中英语Unit4Wildlifeprotection同步练习新人教版必修2 下载本文

拼十年寒窗挑灯苦读不畏难;携双亲期盼背水勇战定夺魁。如果你希望成功,以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以小心为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。 Unit 4 Wildlife protection

话题诵读 日积月累

[导语] 世界自然基金会(WWF)是在全球享有盛誉的、最大的独立的非政府的环境保护组织之一,自1961年成立以来,WWF一直致力于环保事业,拥有全世界将近520万的支持者和一个在100多个国家活跃着的网络。

北部白犀牛 小嘴狐猴

World Wildlife Fund

For more than 45 years,World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has been protecting the future of nature.The largest multinational conservation organization in the world,WWF works in more than 100 countries and is supported by 1.2 million members in the United States and close to 5.2 million globally.WWF's unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science,involves action at every level,from local to global,and ensures the delivery of innovative (创新的) solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.

WWF's mission is the conservation of nature.Using the best scientific knowledge available and advancing that knowledge,it works to preserve the diversity and abundance (丰富) of life on the earth and the health of ecological systems (生态系统).WWF safeguards hundreds of species around the world,but it focuses special attention on the flagship species: giant pandas,tigers,polar bears,endangered whales (鲸) and dolphins,rhinos,elephants,marine turtles and great apes (大猩猩).These species not only need special measures and extra protection in order to survive,they also serve as umbrella species: helping them helps lots of other species that live in the same habitats.In addition to the flagship animals,it works in several areas of species protection all around the world and works for the animals that live within the world's priority (重点) ecoregions.Its wildlife trade experts at TRAFFIC work to ensure that trade in wildlife products doesn't harm a species,while also fighting against illegal and unsustainable trade.By the year 2020 WWF will conserve (保存) 19 of the world's most important natural places and significantly change global markets to protect the future of nature.


1.conservation n.保护 2.global adj.地球的,全球的 3.foundation. n.基金(会);基础 4.ensure vt.确保;使……获得 5.mission n.代表团;使命 [问题思考]

1.What does WWF stand for?



答案:WWF stands for World Wildlife Fund. 2.What's WWF's task?

_______________________________________________________ 答案:WWF's task is the conservation of nature. 3.What should we do as a student?

_______________________________________________________ 答案:略

自主预习 步步提高


Ⅰ.将单词与其正确释义配对 1.decrease A.鉴赏;感激;意识到 2.reserve B.安全的;可靠的 3.hunt C.雇佣;利用 4.respond D.减少;变小 5.contain E.包含;容纳;容忍 6.affect F.保护区 7.appreciate G.成功;接替;继任 8.succeed H.回答;响应;做出反应 9.secure I.损害;危害 10.income J.收入 11.employ K.打猎;猎取;搜寻 12.harm L.影响;感动;侵袭 答案:1.D 2.F 3.K 4.H 5.E 6.L 7.A 8.G 9.B 10.J 11.C 12.I

Ⅱ.根据所给汉语提示写出单词 1.________n.仁慈,宽恕;怜悯 2.________v.咬;叮;刺痛 3.________vt.检查;视察 4.________n.事件;事变


答案:1.mercy 2.bite 3.inspect 4.incident 5.fierce Ⅲ.根据语境及汉语意思或首字母提示写出正确的单词 1.He asked to be put under police________(保护). 2.As a child I learned to________(打猎) and fish. 3.Your opinion will not________(影响) my decision. 4.He had hoped to________(成功) as a violinist. 5.Hard work never did anyone any________(伤害). 6.Yogurt c________much less fat than cream. 7.Russia used to be a very p________country. 8.He turned his a________back to the road again.

9.In time you'll a________the beauty of this language. 10.How many people does the company e________?

答案:1.protection 2.hunt 3.affect 4.succeed 5.harm 6.contains 7.powerful 8.attention 9.appreciate



Ⅳ.选用短语的适当形式完成句子 decrease to; in peace; in danger; burst into laughter;pay attention to; do harm to; protect... from; in relief;die out; at the mercy of 1.Reading in bed for a long time will________________your eyes. 2.Every student should________________what your teacher said in class. 3.The two countries have been living together______. 4.No one was injured in the accident; we all smiled_______.

5.It's high time that we should take measures to protect these old traditions before they______________.

6.The poor cat is________________the naughty boy.

7.Hearing the funny story, all of the boys________________.

8.Children's lives are____________________every time they cross the road. 9.The government is doing the best to ________those rare animals________ being hunted.

10.The number of the rare birds in this area has________about ninety.

答案:1.do harm to 2.pay attention to 3.in peace 4.in relief 5.die out 6.at the mercy of 7.burst into laughter

8.in danger 9.protect from 10.decreased to

语篇理解 课文表层理解


1.The antelope in Tibet becomes an endangered species because of its fur being used to make sweaters.( )

2.The living conditions of the elephants are worse than they were.( ) 3.What the government of Zimbabwe did provide us with a good example of how to protect wildlife.( )

4.The millipede insect produces a drug naturally which can protect animals from mosquitoes.( )

5.Daisy returned home with the monkey and began to make her new drug.( ) 答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F Ⅱ.读课文,回答问题

1.What does the word “it” refer to in Line 2 in the second paragraph? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

2.Fill in the blank with the words from the second paragraph.

When Daisy heard that the elephant asked whether she came to take its photo,she laughed ________.

3.Why did the monkey rub itself according to the third paragraph? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 4.Was Daisy able to make her new drug,why?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


答案:1.The elephant. 2.in relief

3.Because the monkey protected itself from mosquitoes.

4.No,she wasn't.Because she was in her dream and everything had gone. Ⅲ.根据课文内容完成下表

Character Daisy Animals (3)______ Means of transport (1)______________________ Daisy's Journey Places Tibet Situations They are being killed for their (4)________ They used to be an endangered species because of farmers' too much (6)______ Their numbers are (7)________ because they get protection from the (8)________ The monkey is rubbing a (n) (9)__________over its body to protect itself from mosquitoes,which shows plants,animals and human beings live together by (10)________each other Aim To see some (2)________ An elephant (5)______ A monkey A thick rainforest 答案:1.A flying carpet 2.endangered wildlife 3.An antelope 4.soft fur 5.Zimbabwe 6.hunting 7.increasing 8.government 9.millipede insect 10.supporting



What's the main idea of the passage?

It is about a strange dream that Daisy dreamed.In her dream,she took a ________ to travel and talked with many different ________,which made her know the importance of ____________________.

答案:flying carpet animals wildlife protection Ⅱ.仔细阅读课文,选择最佳选项

1.Daisy first learned about the antelope ________. A.from her sweater made of fur B.once she was in Tibet

C.after she saw an antelope looking sad D.when she woke up from her dream

2.There are not as many antelopes as it used to be in Tibet ________. A.because of pollution

B.due to the development of industry C.because they're being killed for fur D.for lack of food

3.Why did elephants use to be an endangered species in Zimbabwe?