牛津译林版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下册Unit 1 Past and Present单元检测卷D卷 下载本文

B . want to be a teacher in the future

C . want to work for the Teachers Training Agency D . are looking for a good school for your children (3)What can you get out of this course? A . What it takes to be a good teacher. B . A place to teach in a local school. C . A quick taste of what teaching is about.

D . A chance to visit different parts of the country. (4)How many courses are on the way if you miss this one? A . 7. B . 6. C . 5. D . 4.

(5)Which of the following is true according to the ad. ? A . The course lasts continuously for five months. B . £20 each cannot cover the cost of the course. C . The course is not open to people from other countries.

D . You have to go to emdirect in person if you want to have a try. 28. (4分)阅读理解

Unlike most restaurants, the Enoteca Maria Restaurant in New York offers only home-cooked food by grand mas coming from across the world.

Joe Scaravella, a 61-year-old Italian-American born and raised in New York, opened a restaurant in 2007. Having lost almost all his family members, he tried to recreate the feeling of home-cooked meal in his restaurant.

He employed (雇佣) grandmas from different parts of Italy at first, and later, he begin hiring grandmas from other countries like Brazil, France and Greece. He built two kitchens in the restaurant: one for Italian grandmas to cook during lunchtime and the other for grandmas from other countries to cook every evening. The menus in the restaurant are constantly (不断地) changing because what is being served depends on the grandmas who are on duty.

The restaurant opens five a week from Wednesday to Sunday. At present, there are more than 40 grandmas working in it. Most of them came to the U. S. with their children, helping take care of their grandchildren Scaravella give them the chance to express themselves in a culinary (烹饪的)way.

第 13 页 共 19 页

The Enoteca Maria Restaurant has received positive reviews since its opening. Customers are ingested by its delicious food, comfortable environment and most importantly, the grandma who may remind them of their own.

(1)Why did Mr. Scaravella open the Enoteca Maria Restaurant? A . To express himself in a culinary M-ay.

B . To help the grandma cooks raise their families. C . To meet grandmas coming from across the world.

D . To recreate the feeling of a home-cooked meal in his restaurant. (2)Why are the menus in the restaurant constantly changing? A . Because the cooks on duty change

B . Because Joe Scaravella likes different foods C . Because the ingredients change with the seasons. D . Because customers don't like the menu.

(3)Karl wants to try French cuisine (法国菜) ,he had better come to the restaurant A . on Monday evening B . at lunchtime on Wednesday C . on Friday evening D . at lunchtime on Sunday

(4)Which of the following cook may probably get a job in the restaurant?

A .

B .

C .

第 14 页 共 19 页

. D .

(5)The best title for this passage may be . A . Italian Grandmas B . home-cooked Food C . American Cooks D . Grandmas' Restaurant

29. (3分)根据短文内容,将选项填入文中正确空白处。

A boy lost his arms in an accident (事故) and his father lost his life. ________ Except for(除了......之外) writing with his foot, he could hardly do anything in his life. As the two brothers grew up together. They had lots of problems. And they often argued(争吵). ________ So he was very sad and did not know what to do. ________ Though her sister wanted to take care of her, she decided to do everything by herself. At school, she studied hard. Once she wrote:\have legs. ________One day, the boy and the girl came to a television interview (访谈) Program. ________ The boy wrote\My younger brother's arms are my arms.\While the girl wrote\Broken wings, flying heart.\ A. A girl lost her hands because of a fire. B. One day, his younger brother left him. C Though my wings are broken, my heart can still fly. D. So he had to depend on (依赖) the arms of his younger brother. E. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their feet. 九、 单词拼写 (共5题;共5分) 30. (1分)The company has ________(派遣去)the man to work in China.

31. (1分)Mary and Jack are in the c________ now. They are having Chinese class. 32. (1分)This is his ________ (被子).

33. (1分)________ (也许) it is going to rain tomorrow.

34. (1分)It's wrong of us to believe or ________ (扩散) some untrue news on the internet.

十、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)

35. (1分)本单元话题为“交新朋友”,主要考查学生如何介绍自己和他人以及结交新朋友。 假如你是赵凯,来到了一个新的班级,请你向全班同学介绍一下你的基本情况。

第 15 页 共 19 页


一、 选出听到的单词 (共5题;共5分)






二、 短对话理解 (共5题;共5分)






三、 长对话理解 (共2题;共5分)






第 16 页 共 19 页