老挝10大经济特区 - 图文 下载本文

Area Land Tenure Location Advantage 1,640 ha 50 years The project site is geographically located adjacent to Road A3 as a strategic route to connect to ASEAN+3 (China, Korea and Japan). 1. Agriculture, Livestock, Manufacturing Industries. 2. Cultural Center, 5 Star Hotel, Resort. 3. Golf Field, Tourism Zone. 4. Education Institution, Public Health Center. 5. Business and Trade Area. 6. Development of Real Estate and Financial Institution: Banking, Stock Market. 7. Post and Telecommunication. 8. Warehouse and Distribution Logistics Area Investment Projects

3. Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone金三角经济特区


园区位于波乔省敦鹏区,2007年动工,土地使用期为99年,投资总额8600万美元。园区由老挝政府和中国企业共同开发,总面积3000公顷。园区有着完备的基础设施,并位于泰国和缅甸接壤的边境城市,区位优势明显。 2.招商引资对象

包括高尔夫场地、五星级酒店、豪华公寓、度假区开发,会议厅、体育中心、超市、卫生保健中心建设等。 (十一)老挝园区优惠政策

●享受经济特区委员会或者管理委员会提供的一站式服务 ●用于建设目的的设备、车辆及原材料免征进口关税

●根据业务类型不同,享受不同程度的所得税及增值税减税待遇 ●在投资合同有效期内,投资者有权与家人在老挝居住

●根据各经济特区的实际情况,享受经济委员或管理委员会的其他特权 Location Establishment Bokeo Province 2007 Total Investment 86,600,000 USD Developer Area Land Tenure Location Advantage Government + Private (Chinese) 3,000 ha 50 years The project site is situated on borders of two countries: Thailand and Myanmar. Investment Projects 1. Construction of Economic Infrastructures. 2. Agriculture, Livestock, Manufacture Industries. 3. Hotel and Residential Area. 4. Tourism and Special Colorful Display. 5. Golf Field. 6. Educational Institution and Health Treatment Center. 7. Business and International Trade Area. 8. Development of Real Estates. 9. Banking, Insurance and Financial Institution. 10. Post, Telecommunication, Internet, Advertisement and Printing. 11. Transportation of Goods and Passenger. 12. Development of Tourism and Entertainment Zone. 13. Restaurants and Bars. 14. Warehouse, Duty Free Shop and Duty Free Area.