Sepecail Economic Zone (SEZ)
1. Savan - Seno Special Economic Zone沙湾-色诺经济特区
园区位于沙湾拿吉省,于2003年动工,土地使用期为75年,总投资额7400万美元。园区开发由政府负责,占地面积945公顷。园区具有完备的基础设施,临近东西经济走廊的9号公路及老-泰友谊二桥,交通便利。 2.招商引资对象
●服务行业:银行、金融机构、保险、旅游、酒店、度假区、饭店、休闲公园、娱乐中心、体育中心、会议厅、技能中心、写字楼租赁、宾馆 ●贸易行业:免税店、免税边贸、进出口业务、展览/贸易促进中心、百货大楼、批发/零售商店、配送物流服务行业、交通 Location Savannakhet Province Establishment 2003 ( Land Tenure 75 years ) Total Investment 74,000,000 USD Developer Area Electricity Location Advantage Government 100% 954 ha 0.088 USD/Kwh Land Leasing Water Fee 0.3 USD/m2/year 0.68 USD/m3 The project sites are close to Road No.9 as a part of East-West Economic Corridor and the Second Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge. Services sector shall be granted the exemption of profit tax for a period 2 - 10 years and afterward 8% or 10% corporate profit tax will be applied based upon investment capital. Tax Incentives Trade sector shall be granted the exemption of profit tax for a period 2 - 5 years and afterward 10% corporate profit tax will be applied. by Sector Industrial sector shall be granted the exemption of profit tax for a period 5 - 10 years and afterward 8% corporate profit tax will be applied. # Service Sector: 1. Banking, Financial Institution and Insurance. 2. Tourism Promotion Service. 3. Hotel, Resort, Restaurant. 4. Amusement Park, Entertainment Center, Sport Center. 5. Conference Hall, Skills Center. 6. Office Construction for rent, Guest House. # Distribution Logistics Service Sector: 14. Transportation Business. 15. Distribution Service. 16. Warehouse, Cool Storage. # Industrial Sector: 17. Electrical Wire Manufacturing Factory. Investment Projects 7. School, Hospital. # Trade Sector: 8. Duty Free Shop. 9. Duty Free Border Trade. 10. Import-Export Business. 11. Exhibition -Trade Promotion Center. 12. Department Store. 13. Wholesale-Retail Store. 18. Food-Processing Factory. 19. Wood Products Industry. 20. Textile, Shoe, Bag Manufacturing Plant. 21. Automobile Assembly Plant and other Electronic Parts Assembly Plant.
2. Boten Beautiful Land Specific Economic Zone磨丁经济特区
园区位于琅南塔省琅南塔区,于2003年动工开发,土地使用期为50年,投资总额五亿美元。园区由中国开发商全额投资开发,总占地面积1640公顷。园区有着完善的基础设施,临近A3公路,该公路是连接“10+3”(中日韩)国家的战略通道。 2.招商引资对象
●农业、家畜养殖业、出口导向型制造业 ●文化中心、五星级酒店和度假区 ●高尔夫球场和旅游区 ●教育机构、公共卫生中心 ●商贸区
●房地产开发、金融机构、银行、股市 ●邮政和电讯
●仓储和配送物流区 Location Establishment Total Investment Developer Louangnamtha Province 2003 500,000,000 USD Private 100 % (Chinese)