外贸函电课后翻译 下载本文

4.我们急于想知道我方8000辆巨人牌自行车订货的 发运消息。

5.按照合同规定,货物必须在8月末之前完成装运。 Unit 15

1.According to the stipulations of the contract, shipping marks are designated by the buyer. 2.The packing of our men’s shirt is each in a poly bag, 5 dozen to a carton.

3.Our cotton prints are packed in wooden cases, lined with kraft paper and damp-resisting paper. 4.The goods should be packed in wooden cases of 100 kilograms each rather than in gunny bags. 5.Cartons are sea-worthy and they can keep down packing costs and help customers to save on freight.

1. 因为我们订购的货物要经过装运,所以包装一定 要能够经得起运输途中的野蛮装卸。

2. 请在纸箱上印上“中华人民共和国制造”的字样。 3. 纸箱必须用金属条加固。

4. 每箱的重量和尺码都清楚地标在了箱子上。 5. 包装不当将会导致意想不到的损失。 Unit 16 1. Dear Sirs,

2. In reply to your inquiry of April 20,

3. we generally cover insurance WPA &War Risk in the absence of physical instructions from our clients.

4. If you want to cover All Risks,

5. we can provide such coverage at a slightly higher premium. 6. Breakage is a special risk,

7. for which an extra premium will be charged.

8. Claims are payable only for that of the loss, that is over 5%. 9. We trust the above information will serve your purpose and await your further news.

10. Yours faithfully, Dear Sirs,

Re: Your Order No. 202, Our Sales Contract No. 70 Covering 400Cases Pottery We thank you for your letter of June 30, requesting us to effect insurance

on the captioned shipment for your account.

We are pleased to confirm having covered the above shipment with the

people’s Insurance Company of China against All Risks for $3,000. The policy will be sent to you in a day or two together with our debit note for

the premium. on

For your information, this parcel will be shipped on s.s.“huoju”, sailing about the 28th this month. Yours faithfully, Unit 17

1. 你方已确认我方定货,但诧异的是至今尚未受到货物,也未有何时可以交货的信息。

2. 我们已请保险公司检验人员检验了木箱及箱内货物。但他认为损坏是由包装不良所致。

3.除非这批定货已在运输途中,否则货物到达时会错过了季节,对我方毫无用处。 4. 因为他们不友好的态度,我们终止了和他们的业务来往。

5. 由于情况如是,我们被迫保留向你们提出索赔的权利。 6. 箱内包装过于松散,结果导致箱中物品晃动,部分杯碟破损。 7. 我们还没有受到你们地毯的装运通知,但连续受到我方客户的催货信。 8. 我们刚收到由“开拓者”号货轮运来的600箱陶器,系我方224号定单所购,但遗憾地告知你方,第7号和第11号箱破裂,箱内物品破损严重。

9. 我们已逐一检查了每件货物,发现每件都多少有点渗漏。 10.


1. On the basis of Clause 18 of the contract, we hereby place our claims before you as follows.

2. This is the first time in all our transactions with you that any

mistake has occurred and we hope you will take our claim into account. 3. But much to our regret, we have to inform you that eight typewriters in two cases of them were badly damaged.

4. As you hold the insurance policy, we should be grateful if you would take the matter up for us with the insurers

5. These errors place us in a very awkward position, we have lost some of our important customers.

6. However, five weeks went by before the goods arrived instead of three weeks, we lost a wonderful opportunity of sales.

7. The goods were promised to be delivered within four weeks, and we have been put to considerable inconvenience through long delay. We, therefore, ask you to make us allowance corresponding to our loss.

Dear Sirs,

We enclose Survey Report No. Hu(64)113 issued by the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau certifying that the quality of the above-mentioned goods have been seriously damaged during transport.

As the goods are entirely useless to us, you are requested to return the invoice value and the inspection charges involved, with the total of US $700.

We trust you will settle this claim promptly, to safeguard the

goodwill of your company. Yours faithfully, Unit 18


2.由中国商品检验局出具的检验报告将作为最后依据,对双方都 有约束力。

3.今天航空邮出3000美元支票一纸,以支付你方500磅短重索赔。 4.本着友好精神,同意接受你方的全部索赔。

5.得悉发运给你方的订货中货物损坏颇多,令人失望,使你们失 去一月份销售时机,致歉。

6.7月14日来函收悉,得知由“红旗”号轮所运的货物,其中两箱到 达时已损坏,深表歉意。

7.你方3月11日电传中提到茶具到货受损,我们异常惊讶,因在发 货前已象往常一样小心地予以包装。

8.我方货物因运输途中受损而接到投诉还是首次。 9.显然发生了差错,以致错发了货。

10.我们再一次把你方的剪样同我方所提供的布料样品进行了比 较,发现它们的质量完全一致。 Dear Sirs,

Please refer to your claim No. 202 for a short weight of 1,200 kg. Chemical Fertilizer, we wish to express our much regret over the unfortunate incident.

After a check-up by our staff, it was found that the packing bags of Some 30 bags were not strong enough, thus resulting in the breakage during transit, for which we render our apologies. In view of our long-standing friendly cooperation, we will make the

payment by cheque for $ 3,300 into your account with the Bank of China, upon the receipt of your agreement.

We hope that the arrangement we have made will satisfy you and Look forward to having your further orders. Yours faithfully,