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B. Its industries attracted jobless people

C. It could provide food for a large local population D. Its wealthy inhabitants invested their money there 72.When did Chicago's first railroad service begin? A.1846 B.1847 C .1848 D.1849

73.Chicago was primarily important to the cattle industry as a ______. A. market for meat B. breeding center

C. center of veterinary medicine D. place to finance cattle purchases

74.According to the passage, bankers were primarily attracted to Chicago because of _

A. the outbreak of the Civil War in the East B. the increase in manufacturing activity C. good opportunities for travel

D. schools that trained qualified economists

75.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text as a major factor in Chicago's growth? A. New railroad lines B. Innovative farm equipment

C. Increased water transportation networks D. Rising demand for the manufacture of explosives (5)

It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they are possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with crises; that they talk too much about certain problems--and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships. I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young. Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment. They feel they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style and taste. Sometimes you are resistant, and proud because you do not want your parents to approve of what you do. If they did approve, it looks as if you are betraying your own age group. But in that case, you are assuming that you are the underdog: you can't win but at least you can keep your honor. This is passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your parents' control. But it ignores the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for yourself. If you plan to control your life, co-operation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially your parents, into doing things the way you want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do. 76.The author is primarily addressing ______.

A. parents of teenagers

B. those who give advice to teenagers C. newspaper readers D. teenagers

77.The first paragraph is mainly about ______. A. the teenagers' criticism of their parents

B. misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents C. the dominance of the parents over their children D. the teenagers' ability to deal with crises

78.Teenagers tend to have strange clothes and hairstyles because they ______. A. want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own B. have a strong desire to be leader in style and taste C. have no other way to enjoy themselves better D. want to irritate their parents

79.Teenagers do not want their parents to approve of whatever they do because they __

A. have already been accepted into the adult world B. feel that they are superior in a small way to the adults C. are not likely to win over the adults D. have a desire to be independent

80.To improve parent-child relationships, teenagers are advised to be ______. A. obedient B. co-operative C. responsible D. independent PAPER TWO PART V TRANSLATION (40 MINUTES,20 POINTS) Section A (20 minutes,10 points)

Directions: Put the following passage into Chinese. Write your Chinese version on Answer Sheet II.

The fact is that the energy crisis, which has suddenly been officially announced, has been with us for a long time now, and will be with us for an even longer time. Whether Arab oil flows freely or not, it is clear to everyone that world industry cannot be allowed to depend on so fragile a base. The supply of oil can be shut off at whim at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use. New sources of energy must be found, and this will take time, but it is not likely to result in any situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and copious energy we have had in the times past. For an indefinite period from here on in mankind is going to advance cautiously, and consider itself lucky that it can advance at all. Section B (20 minutes,10 points)

Directions: Put the following passage into English. Write your English version in the proper space on Answer Sheet II.

在科学技术方面,我国古代,曾经创造过辉煌的成就,四大发明对世界文明的进步起了伟大的作用。但是我们祖先的成就,只能用来巩固我们赶超世界先进水平的信心,而不能用来安慰我们现实的落后。我们现在在科学技术方面的创造,同我们这样一个社会主义国家的地位是很不相称的。 PART VI WRITING (30 MINUTES,10 POINTS)

Directions: Write a composition of at least 120 words on the topic: ON MAKING FRIENDS


You should base your composition on the following outline: 1.The need for friends 2.True friendship

3.My principle in making friends

Write your composition clearly on the Answer Sheet. Key For Your Reference

1 -- 15 B C A D C B C B B B C A C D B 16 - 25 A C C D B A B B B B 26 - 35 C A D A B A D C B C

of war and raise the olive branch.

Third voice:What is the result of the negotiation? 9.Man:At last we meet a heavyweight contender.

Woman:But compaigning across the state you attracted large and enthusiastic crowds.

Third voice:What are the man and woman involved in? Section B


Everyone knows that the sights and sounds of the beach -- 36 - 50 D B A A B A B C C D A C D B A 51 - 65 D B A C C A D B A C C D A B D 66 - 80 A C B C C A C A B D D A A D B Recording Script for Test 2 Section A

1.Woman:I saw many prositutes around this rural district.

Man:As a police officer working in an urban setting I've seen the same phenomenon for years.

Third voice:Wherer is the police officer working?

2.Woman:Beautiful!Is it one of your most affecting shots depicting human beings?

Man:Yes,I'm very fond of it.

Third voice:What are the man and woman talking about?

3.Woman:Why are there neither hugs nor hand shakes between the heads of the two sides?

Man:You know there was a conflict between the sides at the last negotiation.

Third voice:What is the relationship between the two sides?

4.Man:For now,you see,most economists believe a recession will not strike this year.

Woman: But, John, according to the statistical report shown on yesterday's newspaper,you can't be so optimistic.

Third voice:What are the man and woman talking about?

5.Woman:Hi.Look at these magazines.There are many pictures about future sites for underwater tourism.

Man:Yes,as I know,the dream about exploring beneath the waves is almost as old as seafaring.

Third voice:What are the man and woman talking about?

6.Woman:Ann,it is really a breathless afternoon, but the local Arabs don't seem to be bothered by the heat.

Man:Yeah.Maybe the people have already got used to that. Third voice:Where does this conversation take place? 7.Woman:Any news on the magazine you are reading?

Man:Yes.A man was beaten and shot on March 19 by mouners at the Roman Catholic funeral.

Third voice:What can you conclude from this talking? 8.Man:Would you please tell me the result of the negotiation?

Woman:I was informed that both sides were determined to bury the ax rollingwaves,fresh breezes swooping gulls -- can be a balm to a troubled mind.Now a pair of psychologists from England's Warwick University reportthat the mere smell of the beach can soothe people who suffer fromrelatively severe forms of chronic anxiety.

John and Steve put a gruop of eight anxious patients in a \laboratory room lit and orchestrated to recreate the feelingof the seaside.Using a polygraph,they measured the degree of relaxationin the

frontal muscles in the patients' foreheads, muscles that areamong the headest to relax.In each case,the patients showed measurablerelaxation of these muscles while in the lab. Then the researchersintroduced a chemical

\ composed of ozone and essences ofsuch familiar beach smells as seaweed and decaying clams. With theintroduction of the seaside odors, the degree of relaxation in thepatients increased by as much as 17 percent. 10.According to the talk,what does everyone know to be a balm to

atroubled mind? 11.Which can soothe the people suffering from relatively severe formes of

chronic anxiety? 12.Where are the places to measure the degree of relaxation? (2)

The Office of Computer Service has been set up to help all membersof the university community. Our primary activities

includeimplementing student and faculty research and providinginstruction in computer an information sciences.If you are interestedin making extensive use of our services which,by the way, are free forfull-time

students and faculty members, please observe the followingprocedures. 1)Submit a written summary of your project to us with a detailed

description of the computer help you will need. 2)Make an appointment with one of our staff members to discuss your project and to set up a work schedule for your project. One staff member

will be assigned to your project and work on it with you until completion.

13.What does the Office of Computer Service do?

14.How is the cost of using the computer services determined?

15.According to the speaker,why was the Computer Service Office set up?




Non-English Major Graduate Student English (Model) Qualifying Test



PART II VOCABULARY (10 minutes,10 points) Section A (5%)

Directions: In this section each sentence has a word or a phrase underlined. You should choose from the four choices A,B,C,and D the ONE word or phrase that best explains the underlined part in meaning. The mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16.Leisure no longer signifies a space with some difficulty secured against the pressure of events: rather it is a pervasive emptiness for which we must invent occupations.

A. broad B .widespread C. dim D. deep 17.I have gain this bad reputation simply by reason of a certain kind of wisdom. A. by means of B. for the sake of C. by way of D. because of 18.He was taken to task by busy farmers because he was always in the way of the others.

A. was scolded B. was ordered to fulfil the task C. was laughed at D. was asked to do a job. 19.All his statements are made without qualification.

A. without a restriction B. without being qualified C. without good quality D. without evidence 20.Mary encountered her sister while she was shopping in the city. A. ran over B. ran after C. ran into D. ran down 21.Often the authorities would deliberately close a hospital for a time. A. with reason B. on purpose C. without cause D. destructively 22.Hoping to continue his speech, he managed to make some kind of noise that stopped the boys from breaking in.

A. forcing an entry B. interrupting him C. disturbing him D. blocking him

23.The first time he ever saw a body of water, he trotted nervously along the steep bank for a while, fell to barking.

A. stopped B. started C. dropped D. felt like 24.The airplane and the radio are among the wonders of science. A. marvels B. disputes C. frustrations D. models

25.She was a person of such great integrity that everyone accepted her story ,even though it was hard to believe.

A. honesty B. reputation C. strength D. authority Section B (5%)

Directions: In this section each sentence is followed by four choices A,B,C,and D. You should choose the ONE choice that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 26.If Walker becomes Governor, he is going to ______ the sales tax in our state. A. abolish B. abstain C. abscond D. absent 27.The ______ child made up fairy stories and invented new devices. A. imaginable B. imaginative C. imaginary D. imaginal 28.______ your proposal, I would like to make one suggestion. A. With a view to B. With reference to

C. In one's opinion D. With great respect

29.He has behaved in the most extraordinary way; I can't ______ his actions at all. A. call for B. ask for C. account for D. count 30.After a long debate, a final solution ______. A. emitted B. exposed C. came to light D. came into view

31.The girl ______ understood the intention of the stranger even though she could not speak his language.

A. immediately B. instinctively C. obviously D. subconsciously 32.The rumor has ______ to be false.

A. turned off B. turned in C. turned down D. turned out

33.He is ______ indifferent but in fact he is very warm-hearted. A. apparently B. obviously C. actually D. really

34.A herd of cows are ______ the western plains grazing. A. travelling B. wandering C. galloping D. roaring

35.She was in ______ until she knew that her husband's life had been saved. A. anger B. difficulty C. anguish D. comfort PART III. CLOZE TEST (10 minutes,15 points)

Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. You should choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a sniggle line through the center.

It is tiny ,only about a quarter of an inch square, and quite flat. (36) a microscope it resembles a stylized Navaho rug or the aerial view of a railroad switching yard. Like the (37) of sand on a beach, it is made mostly of silicon,(38) oxygen, the most abundant (39) on the surface of the earth. Yet this inert fleck, still unfamiliar to the (40) majority of Americans, has astonishing power. The miracle chip represents a (41) in the technology of mankind, a development that (42) the past few years has acquired the force and significance. Just as the Industrial Revolution (43) an immense range of tasks from men's (44) and enormously expanded productivity,(45) the microcomputer is rapidly assuming huge burdens of drudgery from the human brain and (46) expanding the mind's capacities (47) that man has only begun to grasp.(48) the chip amazing feats of (49) become possible in everything from automobile engines to university laboratories and hospitals, from farms to banks and corporate offices, from (50) to a baby's nursery.

36.A.Under B. From C .With D. Below 37.A.drops B. particles C. grains D. fragments 38.A.like B. next to C. in the neighborhood of D.same as 39.A.material B. molecule C. element D. resources 40.A.wide B. deep C .long D. vast 41.A.leap B. way C. aspect D. effect 42.A.before B. over C. after D. since 43.A.resorted to B. succeeded to C. took over D. left over 44.A.hands B. brains C. bodies D. muscles


45.A.therefore B. thus C. however D. so 46.thereby B. otherwise C. at least D. inversely 47.A.at fields B. on aspects C. i n ways D. for areas 48.A.With B. After C. Within D. Despite 49.A.wonder and enjoyment B. memory and execution C. adjustment and repair D. manual and mental labor 50.A.universe place B .beyond sky C. outer space D. black hole PART IV. READING COMPREHENSION (45 minutes,30 points)

Directions: There are 6 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

(1) Today's trumpet is one of the world's oldest musical instruments. It is the result of many centuries of development. Although it looks nothing like its ancestors, there are many similarities. All trumpets are hollow tubes. They are all blown. And they all use the player’s lips to produce the basic sound. The trumpet developed as players and makers worked to improve its design, size, shape, material, and method of construction. They wanted to create an instrument that would produce a beautiful and attractive tone, enable the performer to play all the notes of the scale, extend the range higher and lower, make it possible to play more difficult music, and, in general, be easier to play well. The remarkable way in which the modern trumpet achieves these goals is a measure of the success of all those who struggle to perfect this glorious instrument. The trumpet is actually the leading member of an entire family of related instruments. There are trumpets of several different sizes, and in several different keys. There are cornets, bugles, flagella horns, and a number of others that are all similar to the trumpet in the way they are made and played. The trumpet family is much more than a group of related instruments that can stir one with their sound, or narrow tubes of metal capable of producing a variety of musical sounds. It is a link to many different periods of history and to people of many cultures. From the use of trumpets in ancient religious ceremonies to the part they play in modern rock bands, the trumpet family of instruments has much to tell about civilization and its development. 51.What is the best title of the passage? A. Science and the Trumpet B. Recording of the Trumpet C. The Trumpet and its Ancestry D. How the Trumpet Is Made

52.It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is needed to make the trumpet work?

A. Air pressure B. Keen eyesight C .Daily cleaning D .Long fingers

53.Which of the following can be inferred about the first trumpet layers? A. They could not play all the notes of the scale. B. They were not able to pick up the trumpet. C. They could not play simple tunes.

D. They had difficulty improving upon the trumpet.

54.In the sentence \trumpet family is much more than a group of related instruments that can stir one with their sound, or narrow tubes of metal ...\\ replaced by ______.

A. the listener B. a family C .the composer D. an instrument 55.The author believes that the trumpet is particularly important because it ______. A. can be used in rock bands B. has historical significance C. is a religious instrument D. has a narrow range


Now modern zoologist has the least doubt as to the general fact of organic evolution. Consequently anthropologists take as their starting point the belief in the derivation of man from some other animal form. There is also no question as to where in a general way man's ancestry is to be sought. He is a mammal closely allied to the other mammals, and therefore has sprung from some mammalian type. His origin can be specified even more accurately. The mammals fall into a number of fairly distinct groups, such as the Carnivores, or flesh-eating animals, the Ungulates or hoofed animals, the rodents or gnawing animals, the Cetaceans or whales, and several others. The highest of these mammalian groups, as usually reckoned, is the Primate or \includes the various monkeys and apes and man. The ancestors of the human race are therefore to be sought somewhere in the order of Primates, past or present. The popular but inaccurate expression of this scientific conviction is that \is descended from the monkeys, \the famous \opinion, but it certainly is partly erroneous. Probably not a single authority maintains today that man is descended from any species of monkey now living. What students during the past sixty years have more and more come to be convinced of was already foreshadowed by Darwin: namely that man and the apes are both descended from a common ancestor. This common ancestor may be described as a primitive Primate, who differed in a good many details both from the monkeys and from man, and who has probably long since become extinct. 56.Modern zoologists strongly doubt ______. A. that man is derived from another animal form B. that man has sprung from another mammalian type C. the descent of man from any present day species of monkey D. the fact of organic evolution from primitive forms 57.It is stated for certain that ______.

A. man is descended from the very earliest monkeys

B .man's ancestors are to be found among present day Primates

C.man and ape have, in all probability, a common ancestor who has been extincted D. there is little evidence to support the theory of the \58.The Primate group of mammals includes all ______. A. flesh eating animals B. gnawing animals C .hoofed animals D. monkeys, apes, and man

59.According the author, the ancestor of man ______.