2002广东专插本考试英语试题 下载本文


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D.In addition the United States and England, English is spoken in many such other countries as Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


A.She had just come into the room, then she saw something strange on the table. B.She has just come into the room when she saw a strange thing on the table. C.She had just come into the room when she saw something strange on the table. D.She came into the room then she suddenly saw a strange thing on the table. 74.这家公司准备裁减五十名工人,原因是人员过剩。

A.The company is going to cut away 50 workers. The reason for this is that there is a surplus of personnel.

B.The firm is going to cut down 50 workers. The reason for this is that there is a surplus of personnel.

C.The firm will cut off 50 workers. The reason for this is because there is a surplus of personnel. D.The company will cut out 50 workers. The reason for this is because there is a surplus of personnel.


A.Our dormitory is at the second ground having the front windows faced the south. B.Our dormitory is on the second ground having the front windows facing the south. C.Our dorm is at the second floor with the front windows faced the south. D.Our dorm is on the second floor with the front windows facing the south. 76.请详细描述上星期天发生的交通事故。

A.Please describe the traffic incident which had happened last Sunday. B.Please described the traffic accident that had happened the Sunday before. C.Please described the traffic incident that happened the Sunday before. D.Please describe the traffic accident which happened last Sunday. 77.空谈费时有什么好处?

A.What is the good to talk idly and waste time? B.Is wasting time and gossiping any use? C.What good is it to waste time in idle talk? D.What is any good it gossip and waste time? 78.由于一倒树阻挡道路,他们不能继续向前驶。

A.A falling tree blocked the road. As a result, they couldn’t drive on. B.They couldn’t drive forward because of a fallen tree blocked the road. C.They couldn’t drive on as a result of a fallen tree blocking the road. D.A fallen tree blocked the road, they couldn’t drive forward. 79.不论什么级别,不论贫富,在法律面前人人平等。

A.Whatever his rank, however rich or poor, everybody is equal before the law. B.Whatever his rank is, however rich or poor, everyone is fair before the law. C.No matter what his rank is, how rich or poor, everybody is equal in front of the law. D.No matter what his rank, how rich or poor, everyone is fair in front of the law.


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A.The victim was seriously wounded, so he couldn’t be in court in person. B.The witness was badly wounded himself, so he couldn’t appear in court in person. C.The victim wounded himself badly, thus he couldn’t appear in court personally. D.The witness wounded seriously, thus he couldn’t be at court personally.


1.D 11.A 21.D 31.B 41.B 51.B 61.A 71.B

2.D 12.D 22.B 32.C 42.B 52.C 62.D 72.A

3.A 13.C 23.A 33.B 43.C 53.D 63.C 73.C

4.B 14.C 24.A 34.C 44.B 54.B 64.C 74.B

5.A 15.C 25.D 35.C 45.C 55.C 65.C 75.D

6.B 16.D 26.B 36.D 46.A 56.B 66.B 76.D

7.A 17.C 27.D 37.D 47.D 57.C 67.D 77.C

8.A 18.D 28.A 38.D 48.D 58.A 68.C 78.C

9.D 19.A 29.C 39.B 49.A 59.B 69.D 79.A

10.C 20.C 30.B 40.C 50.A 60.C 70.B 80.B


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