2018届九年级英语全册Unit13Weretryingtosavetheearth(第2课时)SectionA(3a - 3c)学案人教新目标版 下载本文

We're trying to save the earth!

第二课时 Section A(3a-3b)


1.学习并掌握新词汇:shark,fin,method,cruel,cut off,harmful,chain,ecosystem,low,industry,law,environment,environmental,scientific


hear of,cut off,throw?into,no longer,not only?but also,be harmful to,at the top of the food chain,the sale of?


通过学习3a部分的文章,了解珍稀动物的生存现状,树立保护濒危动植物的意识。 【学习难点】


This period we will learn a small passage about saving sharks,first ask a few students to answer my questions about the passage.

Task 1

Learn the passage by themselves on P99: students read the passage silently and rapidly,know the general idea and mark the new words,phrases and sentences.


◆percent 做名词,“百分之??” 单复数相同。the percent of +名词(un/cn),当其做主语时,谓语动词要和of后的名词保持一致。

◆south—southern north—northernwest—western east—eastern

◆hear of 听说hear from 收到某人来信be popular in 在??范围内受欢迎be popular with?受某人欢迎

情景导入 生成问题

The teacher may want to ask ss to do some additional research to find out more about sharks before this lesson.This will enable the ss to have a better understanding and greater knowledge about sharks.And then ask students:Do you like animals? How do you help protect the endangered animals?

自学互研 生成能力

Task 1 Let's read the new words and phrases. 1.I can read.(我会读)


shark,fin,method,cruel,cut off,harmful,chain,ecosystem,low,industry,law,environment,environmental,scientific

2.I can write.(我会写) 翻译下列词语:

(1)鱼翅汤shark__fin__soup (2)割掉鱼鳍cut__off__the__fins


(3)对环境有害be__harmful__to__the__environment (4)处于食物链的顶端at__the__top__of__the__food__chain (5)在最近的20到30年间in__the__last__20__to__30__years (6)下降了90%多fall__by__over__90__percent (7)健全法律develop__laws

(8)鱼鳍买卖the__sale__of__shark__fins__ 3.I can summarize.(我会总结) not only?but also?


如:Not only you but also he has to leave.不只是你,他也得离开。 not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构。

如:Not only had the poor man been fined,but also he had been sent to prison. 这个可怜的人不仅被罚款,而且还被送进了监狱。

Task 2 Let's read 3a and get the main idea of the passage. 1.Fast reading.(快速阅读) (1)请写下3a 表格中的答案

Where shark fin soup is popular Number of sharks caught and traded every year How much the number of some kinds of sharks have fallen in the last 20 to 30 years Two environmental groups against “finning” (2)请尝试翻译一下课文中的句子。

①Environment protection groups around the world,such as WildAid and the WWF,are teaching the public about “finning”.

世界各地的环境保护组织,如野生救援协会和世界自然基金会,都在教育公众有关“猎翅”的行为。 ②This method is not only cruel,but also harmful to the environment. 这不仅仅很残酷而且对环境有害。 2.Intensive reading.(精读)


Task 2

1.Fast reading.

(1)Students read the passage silently and rapidly,familiar to the general idea,finish the tasks in 3a.

(2)Students try translating the more difficult sentences in the passage. 2.Intensive reading.

Students read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks with the words in the box in 3b. 3.I can retell.


In southern China Around 70 million sharks Over 90 percent They are Wild Aid and the WWF Students sort out the text and try retelling the passage according to the table in English. 【备注】

3.I can retell.(我会复述)


Save the sharks Shark fin soup is popular in southern China Number of sharks caught and traded every year Two environmental groups against “finning” Preshow:Show in groups.(Time:six minutes)

Task 1:1.First,the students read the words and phrases in groups.Then,read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups.

2.Ask students to turn to P99 and read 3a quickly.And then spend ten minutes translating the phrases in “I can write” in Task 1 in groups.

3.Read the passage carefully again and then try to summarize the usage of“not only?but also?” with the other group members.

Task 2:First,the students discuss the main idea of the article,find out the key sentence of each paragraph.And mark them in the passage.Mark the sentences they don't understand in it.Next,finish the tasks in 3b.

Improve by showing:Class show.(Time:sixteen minutes)

Task 1: I can read.(1)Read together,pay attention to the pronunciation of “ecosystem”and “environmental”;(2)Ask several group members to sum up and explain the usage of “not only?but


Many have heard of shark fin soup.But do you?.each time you enjoy? When people catch?;Without a fin,a shark?have fallen by over 90%? Environmental protection groups around the world such as?,so why eat? 交流展示 生成新知

also?”and discuss in class.Finally the teacher correct it.

2.I can write.(1)Students translate the phrases into English by answering quickly; (2)Read together;(3)Spot test:Consolidate the usage of phrases by making sentences.

3.I can summarize. Sum up the usage of“not only?but also?”.

Task 2: 1.Fast reading.(1) Students read the article with the questions in 3a; (2)Students answer the four questions by answering quickly and know where the answers are in the text.

2.Intensive reading.Students check the answers in Task 2 and 3b,then check the answers. 3.I can retell.Students write the key points on the blackboard and try to retell the text in English.

当堂演练 达成目标


1.Hainan is in the south(south) part of China. 2.We all support his scientific(science) research.

3.This is an endangered(danger)animal.We should try to save it. 4.Smoking is harmful(harm) to your health.You must give it up. 5.Tom is the__most__strongest(strong) in our school. 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1.保护海洋生态系统食物链的平衡很重要。

It's very important to keep the balance of the food chain in the ocean ecosystem. 2.目前很多动物的数量在下降。

At present the number of many animals is dropping. 3.他的中指在工作时不小心被机器切掉了。

His middle finger was accidentally cut off while working. 4.让我们拒绝鱼翅汤吧。因为保护鲨鱼就是保护我们自己。

Let's stop drinking the shark fin soup because “to protect sharks is to protect ourselves”. 5.听!贾森在练歌房里引吭高歌。

Listen! Jason is singing in a loud of his voice in the singing hall.

课后反思 查漏补缺

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