C. D.
let visitors enjoy the Queen's country residence raise money for repairing it and let visitors enjoy it
33. From the passage, we know that . A. B. C. D.
the British Museum is opened for free only in summer the British Museum has more than 70 million objects
some of the treasures were brought to England by foreign visitors you may need 7 days to enjoy everything in the British Museum
That may seem a strange thing to say. But touching things can help you to see them better. Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is. You can feel how heavy the glass is.
The roundness, brightness, smoothness(光滑的), coolness and heaviness are all parts of the glass ball. When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it.
With your skin, you can feel better. For example, your fingers can feel the difference between two coins in your pocket. You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too.
You can even feel sounds against your skin. Have you ever wanted to know why some people like very loud music? They must like to feel the sounds of music.
All children soon learn what \touching things as we grow up. In shops, we touch things we might buy: food, clothes. To see something well, we have to touch it.
The bottoms(底部) of our feet can feel things, too. You know this when you walk without shoes on. Warm sand, cool grass or a hard floor all feel different under your feet.
There are ways of learning to see well by feeling. One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin. Try to feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, the air on your skin. At first, it is not easy to feel these things. You are too used to them!
Most museums are just for looking. But today some museums have some things to touch. Their signs say, \
If you want to see better, reach out and touch. Then you will really see! 34. By touching things you can . A. B. C. D.
have a strange feeling
learn how to reach out your hand see things better tell what colours they are
35. Why do some people like very loud music? A. B. C. D.
They cannot only hear it but also feel its sounds There is something wrong with their ears It makes them sit quietly Only loud music is good music
36. Why does it say \ A. B. C. D.
Because the things are used by people, too Because people feel the things too often Because people know how to use the things Because the things are easy to feel
37. Which of the following can be the best title of the story? A. C.
Touching by Feeling To See Better Than to Feel
B. D.
To See or to Feel? Ways of Feeling
The most unusual museum in London is the Science Museum. In most museums, there's no shouting and no running, and you aren't allowed to touch the exhibits. But the Science Museum is
different—because it's noisy! People talk about what they can see and do there, and some of the machines are noisy as well. Visiting the Science Museum is fun and it's a great way to learn about science because you can work things out and try out ideas.
When I go to the Science Museum, I go to the Launch Pad. This is my favorite room because you can do physics experiments. For example, if you want to fill a bag with falling sand, you have to move a kind of truck on wheels into the correct position.
Then I go upstairs to the Human and Nature room. You can compare your speed with animals there. You hear a noise and push a button. If you aren't fast enough, the lion catches you! I'm faster than all my friends, but the lion still catches me.
There are also rooms on transport, the environment and space, technology, as well as maths, physics and chemistry.
You can do a lot of things in this museum, but you have to obey some rules as well. For example, you mustn't take photos of the exhibits in the museum. But you can buy postcards of them in the museum shops.
Above all, the Science Museum is free. That means you can drop in for a few minutes or you can stay as long as you like. It's open every day, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. So if you go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum. It's my favorite museum in the whole world. 38. What's the name of the Museum? A. C.
The Science Museum. The Physics Museum.
B. D.
The Transport Museum. The Space Technology Museum.
39. The room the author likes best is . A. C.
the Environment room the Human and Nature room
B. D.
the Chemistry room the Launch Pad
40. Which of the following things isn't allowed in the museum? A. B. C. D.
Buying postcards.
Taking photos of the exhibits. Doing physics experiments.
Comparing your speed with animals there.
41. When we go to the Science Museum, how much should we pay? A.
Five pounds.
Six pounds.
No money.
Ten pounds.
42. How long is the Science Museum open? A.
Six hours.
Nine hours.
Eight hours.
Ten hours.
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