译林版英语五下Unit4 下载本文


rabbit/elephant/monkey/giraffe描述。 The rabbit’s ear hurts. The elephant’s nose hurts. The monkey’s arm hurts. The giraffe’s neck hurts.

教师播放录音,要求学生跟读模仿,并要求学生注意兔子,猴子,长颈鹿和大象的语气。教师可以设计如下的阅读任务,以检查学生的理解情况。 例如:

How does the rabbit feel now?

Can Bobby help the giraffe at last? Why? 复述故事

Ticking time的教学

Step3 Consolidate the new knowledge P44 完成练习 随堂小练习 一 英译汉

hear well 2.have a rest 二 辨音

( )1.hear near ( )2.today no Step 4 Summary

本节课我们通过练习复习巩固了本单元的重点句型:What's wrong with you? I have…句型,通过Cartoon time的学习,不仅复习巩固了本单元的重点句型而且还学会了请求用语:Can you help me?懂得给予别人力所能及的帮助是一件很快乐的事,希望同学们利用课后时间巩固操练。 Step5Homework 复述story time


板书设计: Unit4 Seeing the doctor Phrase

Rabbit ear hear What’s wrong with you? Elephant nose eat or drink What’s wrong with you?


Monkey arm can’t write I can’t … Giraffe neck Can you help me? 教学后记