2019-2020ÄêÆßÄ꼶ӢÓïÉϲá Module2 Unit1 I can speak English½ÌѧÉè¼Æ ÍâÑаæ ÏÂÔر¾ÎÄ

in class.

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Éè¼ÆÒâͼ£ºÓýéÉܼÒÈ˵ÄÐÎʽչ¿ª±¾¿ÎµÄѧϰ£¬Ç¿µ÷Á˽éÉܼÒÈË°üº¬µÄÐÅÏ¢£¬¿¼²ìÁËѧÉú¶ÔÒÑѧ֪ʶµÄÕÆÎÕºÍÓ¦ÓᣠIV.Out put

Teachers¡¯ Activity:

1. Ask students to read through activity4 and do it.

2. Play the tape,ask Ss to listen to carefully. Do Activity5. 3. Ask students to read the test by themselves aloud.

4. Ask students to write a position according to Activity5.Pay attention to full

stops and capital letters. Students¡¯ Activity:

1. Read through activity4 and do it. 2. listen to carefully. Do Activity5. 3. Read the test by themselves aloud

4. Write a position according to Activity5.Pay attention to full stops and

capital letters.

Éè¼ÆÒâͼ£ºÑµÁ·Ñ§Éú»ñȡϸ½ÚÐÅÏ¢µÄÄÜÁ¦¡£È»ºóͨ¹ýд×÷ѵÁ·Ñ§ÉúÕýÈ·ÔËÓñ¾¿ÎËùѧ¾ä×Ó²¢Ñ§»áÕýȷʹÓþäºÅºÍ´óСд¡£ V.Feedback

This unit is mainly about work place,job,and sentences such as This is,These are ,My mother/father is.Ss should try to use them. ´ï±êÌâ¼ûºó VI.Summing up

Slove their questions that they maybe meet.Ss say what they learn with the help of their teacher. VII.Evaluation

Have you finished each of the parts in the class? How about it ? A.very good B.Good C.Just so so D.Bad Using new words A Practising dialouge Reading Total VIII.Homework

1. Do Activity 7 in Unit2

B C D 2. Do Exercises 5 and 8

3. Write a position about your family using the sentences in Unit1 ang Unit2.For

example:My name is/I am form/I am a student./I can/I can¡¯t/My mother is¡­. Teaching Reflection

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I.¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâºÍÊ××ÖĸÌáʾÍê³É¾äÖеĵ¥´Ê 1.These are my P ,I¡¯m their daughter.

2.Wang Lingling¡¯s mother is a worker .She is in a f . 3.Li Daming¡¯s father is a doctor at the h . 4.Tony¡¯s mother is an English teacher in a u . 5. Tony¡¯s father is a hotel m .

6.Betty¡¯s aunt is in an office ,she is a s . 7.Wele to Changle H .

8.Our teachers are all in the o .

9.On Sundays,the w are in the factory,too. 10.They are good d in SARS II.µ¥ÏîÑ¡Ôñ

1.My father is______ engineer .He works very hard. A. a B.an C.the D.²»Ìî 2._______ my patents.

A.This is B.That is C.These are D.Those is

3.My mother is a________ .She teaches in a school. A.doctor B.teacher C.manager D.worker 4.-______does your father work? -He works in a factory. A.How B.What C.Where D.Who 5.This book is______.

A.Mary brother Jack¡¯s B.Mary¡¯s brother Jacks¡¯s C.Mary brother¡¯sJack D.Mary brother Jack III.Á¬´Ê×é¾ä

1. my,is ,a manager,factory,father.

2. an,my,in mother,is,teacher,English,a,Beijing,university,in. 3. my these are parents.

4. my name and is Tony Smith I English am. Áí¸½´ð°¸

I.parents /factory /hospital /university /manager /secretary /Hotel /office /workers /dovtors


III.1.My father is a factory manager.

2.My mother is an English teacher in a university in Beijing. 3.These are my parents.

4.My name is Tony Smith and I am English.