人教版高一英语必修二总复习单项选择题含答案 下载本文

( )2.With a lot of problems _____, the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.

A. solved B. solving C. to solve D. being solved ( )3. Does the amount of rain _____ the growth of the crops?

A. effect B. have few effects on C. affect D. produce

( )4. I don’t know the result _____, but _____, I don’t think our team won an advantage

over theirs in yesterday competition.

A. for sure, honestly speaking B. of sure, to be honest with you C. for certain, honestly spoken D. certainly, to be honest to you ( )5. He is always serious and doesn’t like _____.

A. play jokes B. being played jokes on C. being played jokes D. to play joke on others

( )6. I do every single bit of housework _____ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and


A. since B. while C. when D. as ( )7. Is this the school ________ you studied ten years ago?

A. in which B. that C. in that D. the one that ( )8. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ________ was reasonable.

A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose

( )9. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months,________ the sailing time

was 226 days

A. of which B. during which C. from which D. for which

( )10. You ‘d better take something to read when you go to see the doctor ________ you

have to wait.

A. even if B. in case C. as if D. in order that

( )11. People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her.________, she is a

great musician.

A. After all B. As a result C. In other words D. As usual ( )12. Driving is very simple if you ________ the rules. A. are stick to B. insist in C. stick to D. will stick to ( )13. Henry knows little of physics _____ of chemistry.

A. as well as B. and still less C. and still more D. no less than

( )14. English is as a matter of fact very easy because a sentence can be _____ into clauses. A. broken out B. broken up C. broken away D. broken from ( )15. You’d better solve this difficult problem _____ it is too late. A. before B. after C. when D. unless

( )16. The man _____ this house belongs is a friend of Wang Lin’s. A. whom B. to whom C. for whom D. with whom ( )17. She had three daughters altogether, two _____ are nurses. A. of these B. of whom C. of whose D. of them ( )18. -----Are they about to have dinner? ----Yes, it _____ in the dining room.

A. is being served B. is served C. is serving D. serves ( )19. She won’t mind your being late. , it’s hardly your fault.

A. Thus B. Otherwise C. However D. Besides ( )20. She pretended me when I passed.

A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen 必修2:

Unit1: 1-5 BBDCB 6-10 CBDDC 11-15 CBAAC 16-20 DBDAD Unit2: 1-5 ACABA 6-10 CABDB 11-15 DDCCD 16-20 DDCBB Unit3: 1-5 ADBBA 6-10 ABBDC 11-15 ACABD 16-20 DCBCB Unit4: 1-5 ACCBD 6-10 ABDBD 11-15 ABACC 16-19 BBCAA

Unit5: 1-5 DCCAB 6-10 BABAB 11-15 ACBBA 16-20 BBADA