新视野大学英语第二册全册教案第二版 下载本文

Step 6. Assignment 1) Read more articles on the same topic, and try to grasp the reading skills discussed in unit 9. 2) Please visit my Blog at http://blog.sina.com.cn/andybaoji, and have more practice on all aspect of skills we discussed in this unit. 3) Prepare for the next lesson. After class Through the study of this unit, the students have a clear understanding about the brain notes drain—its reasons and real solutions, since many able people now choose to go abroad. Besides, the reading and writing skills very practical and helpful. 课后分析 教研室主任审阅: 年 月 日

大学英语教案 Unit 10

Lecturer 授课教师 Teaching Subjective 授课班级 Date 授课日期 计算机系08级1、2班 Location 授课地点 Textbook 教 材 New Horizon College English (Book 2) Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 《新视野大学英语读写教程》(第二册) 外语教学与研究出版社 Teaching content 授课内容 Unit 10—Passage A&B Teaching Allotment 学时 ·1st period: Pre-reading Activities & While-reading Activities ·2nd period: While-reading Activities ·3rd period: After-reading Activities ·4th period: Text Structure Analysis and Review Teaching objectives 教学目的 Blackboard Layout 板书设计 1. Help students have a profound understanding of World War II. 2. Understand the structure of the text and the devices for developing it. 3. Grasp some keys words, phrases and some useful sentence patterns. 本课课文条理清晰, 逻辑鲜明, 教学板书所反映的教材、课文大多有鲜明的中心句、段中主句或关键词句,并根据本课教学目标,因此可以采用“语句摘录”方法设计板书。 具体如下设计:黑板可以划分为三部分,中间部分用于书写重要的知识点,在本课中就是书写提纲语录,以及其他重要知识点,这部分内容不能随便清除,必须贯穿课堂始终,以便于学生学习理解课文。为了照顾班级左右边的同学,或者为了规避光线等不利因素我们经常在黑板的左右两个部分书写可以清除的信息,这些信息不是很重要,比如练习题,零星的单词短语。 Teaching emphasis: 1. organizing the composition according to time sequence, comparison and contrast. 2. key words, phrases and some useful sentence patterns; 3. Subjunctive mood expressed with the phrase “as though”. Teaching difficulties: Understanding the usage of figurative language Key issues and teaching difficulties 教学重点与难点 Teaching method: lecture with pair Methodology work and group 教学方法与discussion Teaching aids: 手段 Multi-media and blackboard References and online resources 教学参考书和网络资源 New horizon College English: Teachers’ Book New Horizon College English: Integrated Exercises On-line resources: English on line Teaching Procedures: 教 学 进 程 Passage A Reports on Britain Under The Bombs The first two periods: Step 1 Lead-in: 1. Background Information.(5min.) 1)World War II 2) Columbia Broadcasting System 3) Royal Air Force 2. Watch the video and discuss the following topics. (10min.) 1) Why was the Nazi air force repeatedly bombing London? 2) Discuss some ways the people of England coped with the suffereing of this time. 3) Do you think the English people considered giving up? Why didn’t they? Teaching method: listening, watching and pair work Teaching aids: multimedia Step2 Text Analysis of Passage A (35min.) Teaching method: group discussion, students’ reporting or presentation Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia 1. Main Idea: Edward R. Murrow’s projection of eventual victory for the English in spite of the heavy bombing of the Germans turned out to be accurate. 2. Text Structure: The passage can be divided into 3 parts. Part I (Para.1―2) On the air, Edward R. Murrow expressed a feeling of belief that London would survive the bombing of the Germans. (Devices to develop it: definition) Part II (Para. 3-13) The English fought against the Germans’ bombing bravely. (Devices to develop it: comparison and contrast, time and space sequence) Part III (Para. 14-15) Murrow’s projection of eventual victory for the English turned out to be accurate. (Para.19) Step 3 Summary of the Text.(10min.) Teaching method: pair work, students’ presentation Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia 1) ask the students to list the main ideas of each paragraph and using key facts in each paragraph to write a brief summary of the text, the teacher helps providing some clues when necessary. 2) Ask two or three students to present their work. Step 4 New Words and Phrases. (15min.) Teaching method: explanation through enlightening Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia Slight endure cast boast historic bump rage handful2 flock wreck decent .night after night in broad daylight bring…under control be under control, be in control of, be out of control on the air in the air off the air up in the air watch (out) for mark sth down: Step 5 Difficult Sentences and Patterns (20min.) 1. Difficult Sentences 2. Patterns: 1)no matter what/ who/ when/ where… 2)It seemed impossible for sth to do sth. 3)as though…(虚拟语气) 4)whatever/ whichever/whoever… 5)mark it down that …, that…, that…, and that 平行结构 Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia Step 6 Homework-- writing assignment.(5min.) The Second Two periods: Step 1 Check writing assignment and analyze the model writing.(15min.) Teaching method: pair work, explanation Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia Step 2 Word building and translation.(15min.) 1. Prefix— mis- 2. Translation exercises Teaching method: explanation, pair work Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia Step 3 Distinguishing the fact and opinion and the main content of Passage B.(20min.) Teaching method: explanation by way of enlightening Teaching aids: textbook, multimedia After Class Through the study of this unit, the students have a general idea about the Second World War Notes and its damages it caused. Besides, the reading and writing skills very practical and helpful. 课后分析 教研室主任审阅: 年 月 日