新视野大学英语第二册全册教案第二版 下载本文

1. Background Information.(5min.) 1)Humanities 2) Social Security 3) Richard Wagner 4) Oscar Wild 2. Watch the video and discuss the following topics. (10min.) 1) From the interview we know students have different hopes for their future. What is your hope? What do you want to do after graduation? 2) One girl says her dream is to earn a lot of money and make her life comfortable. Is it materialistic or idealistic? What is your criterion on materialism and idealism? Step2 Text Analysis of Passage A (35min.) Teaching method: group discussion, students’ reporting or presentation Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia 1. Main Idea: There’s a lot more to life than a job 2. Text Structure and Main Information The passage can be divided into 5 parts. I Outcome of the survey and its further explanation (Para. 1-4) difficult sentences “The survey revealed what I had already suspected…” (Para. 3, Line 1) ---What does the underlined part refer to? --- SS’ view of what to learn: they only want to learn what is tangible or what is of immediate and practical use. Important Words and Expressions 1. if only (Para. 2) 1) used to express a wish that past events had been different If only he’d remembered to bring her here.要是他没忘记把她带来就好了。 2) Used to express a wish or desire, esp. one that cannot be fulfilled If only she would marry me!她要是愿意嫁给我就好了! If only I could speak French fluently!我要是能讲一口流利的法语该多好啊! 2. Suspect (Para. 3) vs. doubt Suspect v. 1) believe (esp. sth bad) to be true or likely怀疑,觉得(尤指坏事)可能是事实 We ~ed that he was the murderer even before we were told. 2) (of) believe someone to be guilty They ~ed him of murder/of giving false evidence 3) (that) infml to suppose or guess I ~ you may be right. 4) to doubt the truth or value of; distrust I ~ his motives. doubt v. [not in progressive forms] 1) to be uncertain about not trust or have confidence in不确定、不信任、怀疑 I ~ his honesty. She did exactly what she promised---I’m sorry I ever ~ed her. 2) consider unlikely I ~ if/whether we will make a profit out of it. (=I don’t think we will) I don’t ~ (=I am certain) that he’s telling the truth. ? In negative statements, doubt is followed by that; In other statements, doubt is often followed by if or that, though some people feel whether is the only correct form here. 3. if it won’t compute…(Para. 3) : if it can’t be counted in terms of money Here the verb “compute” is used in notional passive, that is it is active in form but passive in meaning. More examples: The book translates well.这本书很好翻译。 This material washes easily.这种衣料容易洗。 The clock winds at the back.钟在背面上弦。 II. Para. 5-Para.8 Argument (Main idea) (Para. 5) Developing a meaningful philosophy of life is less important than ever. Fact 1 (Para. 5): Fact 2 (Para. 6): Fact 3 (Paras. 7-8): Interest in humanities is at Example: A friend of The most popular course is not literature a low while enrollment in mine is making twice as or history but business programs…is much money as college Difficult Sentences: accounting way up. instructors 1. ction of the first sentence of Para. 5---“the SS’ major objective is to be financially well off” It is a transitional sentence. It sums up the main idea of the first 4 paragraphs and introduces the next one. 1. (Para. 7) The author quoted her friend as an example to explain why enrollment in business programs, engineering….is way up. 2. (Para. 8) What is implied in the sentence “I’ll tell them what they can do with their music, history, literature, etc.”? a) It was her achievement in humanities that helped her make a lot of money. b) She was a student of humanities. c) Learning humanities could not bring big economic reward to SS 3. (Para. 8) “I tremble to think what she is earning now.” ---She must be making a lot of money now. And I am shocked to think of that. Important Words and Expressions 1. well off (Para. 5) adj. (better off, best off) rich The government claims that most people are better off than they were 5 years ago. 2. at a low (Para. 6) at a low level or figure Share prices have been at an all-time low.股票价格跌到了历史最低点。 3. way up (Para. 6): increasing, on the rise. School cheating is way up/on the rise. 4. associate degree 准学士学位 bachelor’s degree 学士学位 BA: bachelor of arts 文学士 BS: bachelor of science 理学士 master’s degree 硕士学位 MA: master of arts 文学硕士 MS: master of science 理学硕士 M Phil.: master of philosophy准博士、副博士 Ph.D: doctor of philosophy 博士 doctorial/doctor’s/doctorate degree 博士学位 III. Possible causes for the current situation and people’s realization of the meaning to life (Para. 9-Para.13) Structure and Main Information Argument (main idea): We should educate people for (Para. 9) life as well as for a career Fact 1 (Para. 10): Fact 2 (Para. 11): Fact 3 (Para. 12): We need to know what is Most people between 30 and 50 realize Most of us have the insight that quality truly important in life. they were meant to do more than serve a of life is not entirely determined by Conclusion (Para. 13): It’s the duty of educational institutions to prepare the way for that revelation. The meaning of life does not dawn until middle age. (Para. 13) Difficult Sentences 1. (Para. 11) This is where age and maturity enter. ---Age and maturity help people realize what is truly important. 2. (Para. 13) “Most people, in their youth, resent the Social Security deductions from their pay, yet a seemingly few short years later finding themselves standing anxiously by the mailbox.” ---When young, most people do not like to have their money deducted by Social Security as they do not see the point of the government’s doing that. But a few years later, they find they have to depend on the Social Security. ---This shows people’s shortsightedness Important Words and Expressions 1. arrive at a conclusion: draw/reach/come to a conclusion得出结论 jump to a conclusion匆忙/草率地下结论 2. be meant to: be supposed to You are meant to take your shoes off before you enter a temple in India.进入印度的庙宇之前应该先脱鞋。 3. have the insight that: realize that 意识到、醒悟到 Most of us finally have the insight that quality of life is not entirely determined by a balance sheet.我们大多数人最终会大彻大悟,生活质量并不完全是由资产负债表(即金钱)决定的。 4. have a perspective on: have your way of looking at and judging对?有透彻的理解 5. render service to:serve; provide service为?服务;为?效劳 6. dawn on/upon: grow clear in one’s mind; become known by开始明白,醒悟 A. It suddenly dawned on me that I’d caught the wrong train. 我突然发觉/意识到我乘错了火车。 B. 在百无聊赖中,随手抓过一本书来,科学也好,文学也好,横竖什么都一样;看下去,看下去,忽而自己觉得已经翻了十多页了,但是毫不记得书上所说的事。(鲁迅《伤逝》)Out of sheer boredom I would pick up a book---science or literature, it was all the same to me---and read on and on till it suddenly dawned on me that I had turned a dozen pages without taking in a word. (translated by 杨宪、戴乃迭益) C.四千年来时时吃人的地方,今天才明白,我也在其中混了多年。 (《狂人日记》) It has only just dawned on me that all these years I have been living in a place where for 4,000 years human flesh has been eaten. (translated by 杨宪、戴乃迭益) IV. The function of education in helping people gain the right understanding of life and its supporting details (Paras.14-16) Structure and Main Information Argument (Main idea) (Para. 14): Education helps us to see what is beyond our immediate needs. Education helps us to see what is beyond our immediate needs. Fact 1 (Para. 15): Fact 2 (Para. 16) : education helps improve Broad our moral sense. A cartoon revealed the importance of a broad education.