2014年公司法中英文逐条对照版 下载本文


Company Law of the People's Republic of China (2014年3月1日起实施)

(1993年12月29日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议通过 根据1999年12月25日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十三次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国公司法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2004年8月28日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国公司法〉的决定》第二次修正 2005年10月27日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议修订根据2013年12月28日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议通过《关于修改<中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法>等七部法律的决定》第三次修正于2014年3月1日起实施)

(Adopted at the 5th Session of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People's Congress on December 29, 1993. Revised for the first time on December 25, 1999 in accordance with the Decision of the 13th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth People's Congress on Amending the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Revised for the second time on August 28, 2004 in accordance with the Decision of the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on Amending the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Revised at the 18th Session of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 27, 2005. Revised for the third time on December 28, 2012 in accordance with the Decision on Amending Seven Laws Including the Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China at the 6th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress. It is now promulgated and shall come into effect as of March 1, 2014.) Standing Committee of the National People's Congress December 28, 2013 目录


第一章 总则

Chapter I: General Provisions

第二章 有限责任公司的设立和组织机构

Chapter II: Establishment and Organizational Structure of Limited Liability Companies

第一节 设立

Section 1: Establishment

第二节 组织机构

Section 2: Organizational Structure

第三节 一人有限责任公司的特别规定

Section 3: Special Provisions on One-person Limited Liability Companies

第四节 国有独资公司的特别规定

Section 4: Special Provisions on Wholly State-owned Companies

第三章 有限责任公司的股权转让

Chapter III: Transfer of Equity Interests in Limited Liability Companies

第四章 股份有限公司的设立和组织机构

Chapter IV: Establishment and Organizational Structure of Companies Limited By Shares

第一节 设立

Section 1: Establishment

第二节 股东大会

Section 2: General Meeting

第三节 董事会、经理

Section 3: Board of Directors and Manager

第四节 监事会

Section 4: Board of Supervisors

第五节 上市公司组织机构的特别规定

Section 5: Special Provisions on the Organizational Structure of Listed Companies

第五章 股份有限公司的股份发行和转让

Chapter V: Issuance and Transfer of Shares in Companies Limited by Shares

第一节 股份发行

Section 1: Issuance of Shares

第二节 股份转让

Section 2: Transfer of Shares

第六章 公司董事、监事、高级管理人员的资格和义务

Chapter VI: Qualifications and Obligations of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Officers of Companies

第七章 公司债券

Chapter VII: Corporate Bonds

第八章 公司财务、会计

Chapter VIII: Financial Affairs and Accounting of Companies

第九章 公司合并、分立、增资、减资

Chapter Ix: Merger and Division, Increase and Reduction of Capital of Companies

第十章 公司解散和清算

Chapter X: Dissolution and Liquidation of Companies

第十一章 外国公司的分支机构

Chapter XI: Branches of Foreign Companies

第十二章 法律责任

Chapter XII: Legal Liability

第十三章 附则

Chapter XIII: Supplementary Provisions

第一章 总则

Chapter I: General Provisions

第一条 为了规范公司的组织和行为,保护公司、股东和债权人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,制定本法。

Article 1: The Company Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the \has been enacted in order to standardize the organization and activities of companies, protect the lawful rights and interests of companies, shareholders and creditors, safeguard the social and economic order and promote the development of the socialist market economy.

第二条 本法所称公司是指依照本法在中国境内设立的有限责任公司和股份有限公司。

Article 2: For the purposes of the Law, the term \companies and companies limited by shares established within the territory of China pursuant to the Law.

第三条 公司是企业法人,有独立的法人财产,享有法人财产权。公司以其全部财产对公司的债务承担责任。

Article 3: A company is an enterprise legal person, which has independent corporate property and enjoys corporate property rights. A company shall be liable for its debts to the extent of all of its property.


A shareholder of a limited liability company shall be liable for the company to the extent of the capital contribution it subscribes. A shareholder of a company limited by shares shall be liable for the company to the extent of the shares it subscribes.

第四条 公司股东依法享有资产收益、参与重大决策和选择管理者等权利。

Article 4: The shareholders of a company shall enjoy such rights as return on assets, participation in major decision-making and selection of managers according to the law.

第五条 公司从事经营活动,必须遵守法律、行政法规,遵守社会公德、商业道德,诚实守信,接受政府和社会公众的监督,承担社会责任。

Article 5: When engaging in business activities, a company shall abide by laws and administrative regulations, observe social morality and business ethics, act in good