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44.C。 Mr. Clay对大多数事情都有自己的见解。opinions见解。 45.A。 那是James零工的开始,beginning 开始。

46.D。 为了凑够买自行车的钱,他做了各种各样的零工。variety种类,符合题意。 47.B。 为了购买自行车,他为别人刷了很多车,他自己都已经记不清刷过的车的数量 48.C。 随着自己做零工的增加,钱也越来越多,C项符合题意。 49.B。 他知道自己不久就会有足够多的钱去买自己梦想中的自行车了。 50.A。 能够买起自行车的那一天终于到来了,finally终于符合句意。

51.D。 当他数过自己的钱后,他立刻去买自行车了,没有浪费一分钟的时间。 52.B 经过自己的努力,他终于实现了自己的愿望,所以当然是自豪地proudly。 53.D。 为挣钱而工作当然是辛苦的。

55.C。 他通过自己的努力实现了自己的梦想。achieve实现,符合句意。

54.A。 该句话的意思是:James知道他的自行车意义重大,因为他是用自己的钱购买的。



Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

It’s been so warm in the United States this year, especially in March, that national records weren't just broken, they were deep-fried.

Temperatures in the lower 48 states were 8.6 degrees above normal for March and 6 degrees higher than average for the first three months of the year, according to 50 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. That goes far 51 the old records.

The extent of how 52 the year has been in the US has 53 some meteorologists(气象学者) who have warned about global warming. 小学+初中+高中+努力=大学


“Everybody has this uneasy feeling. This is not good,” said Jerry Meehl, a climate scientist who

54 in extreme weather at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. “It’s a

55 pleasure. You’re out enjoying this 56 March weather, but you know it’s not a good thing.”

It’s not just March. “It’s been going on for several months,” said Jake Crouch, a climate scientist at NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center in Ashville, N.C.

Meteorologists say an unusual combination of several weather 57 , including La Nina, was the direct cause of the warm start to 2012. While individual events can’t be 58 on global warming, Crouch said this is like the extremes that are supposed to get more frequent because of 59 climate change from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil.

Normally, March 60 42.5 degrees across the country. This year, the average was 51.1, which is closer to the average for April. Only one other time — in January 2006 — was the country as a whole that much 61 than normal for an entire month.

In March, 62 7,775 weather stations across the nation broke daily high temperature records and another 7,517 broke records for night-time 63 . Combined, that’s more high temperature records broken in one month than ever before, Crouch said.

“When you look at what’s happened in March this year, it’s beyond 64 ,” said University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver.

50. A. estimates introductions 51. A. beyond 52. A. unusual fascinating 53. A. excited 54. A. majors

B. attracted B. involves

C. affected

D. alarmed D. fills

B. behind B. cold

C. below


D. beside

B. calculations

C. predictions


C. typical

C. specializes


小学+初中+高中+努力=大学 55. A. magnificent 56. A. freezing 57. A. styles B. doubtful B. nice

C. responsible C. hot

D. guilty

D. terrible D. changes B. conditions C. patterns

58. A. focused

B. blamed

C. based

59. A. manmade B. natural

C. sudden 60. A. defines B. averages C. includes 61. A. greater B. quicker C. hotter 62. A. at last

B. at most

C. at least

63. A. heat

B. wind

C. rain

64. A. unavailable B. unchangeable C. unavoidable 【参考答案】

50. B 51. A 52. A 53. D 54. C

55. D 56. B 57. C 58. B 59. A 60. B 61. C 62. C 63. A 64. D


D. depended

D. important D. means D. richer

D. at present

D. moonlight

D. unbelievable