配套K12上海市2016高考英语二轮复习 完形填空练习(2) 下载本文




It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.I didn’t think there would be any__1__,sighing about having to work on Christmas.Just then five bodies__2__at my desk,a pale woman and four children. “Are you all__3__?”I asked.

“Yes,” she said weakly and lowered her head.

But when it came to__4__of their problems,things got a little uncertain. Two of the children had headaches,two children had earaches,__5__only one could tell me which ear was affected.The__6__complained of a cough but seemed to work to produce it. I didn’t say anything but__7__that it might he a little while__8__a doctor could see her. She responded,“__9__your time;it’s warm in here.”

Then,I checked their chart. No address—they were__10__.The waiting room was warm. I went back to the nurses station and mentioned we had a homeless__11__in the waiting room. The nurses,complaining of__12__on Christmas,turned to sympathy for a family just trying to get__13__on Christmas. The team went into action,much as we do when there’s a__14__emergency.But this was a Christmas emergency.

We were all__15__a free meal on Christmas Day,so we took back that meal and prepared a big dinner for our__16__.We needed presents.We__17__from different departments candies,fruits and other things__18__that could be presents. As seriously as we met the__19__needs of the patients,our team worked to meet the needs of a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas.

Later,as the family walked to the door to__20__,the four-year-old boy came running back,gave me a hug and whispered,“Thanks for being our angels today.” 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。圣诞夜,当我们这些护士为还要继续工作而抱怨时,一家五口来急诊。当我们了解情况后,纷纷伸出援助之手,让无家可归的一家人度过了一个温暖的圣诞节。 1.A.customers C.workers

B.patients D.tourists

解析 customer意为“顾客”;patient意为“病人”;worker意为“工人”;tourist意为“游客”。根据下文内容可知,此处是医院,“我”想着圣诞节应该不会再有病人了。 答案 B

2.A.s howed up

B.took in


小学+初中+高中+努力=大学 C.came out

D.looked on

解析 show up意为“出现”;take in意为“吸收;欺骗”;come out意为“出版;结果是”;look on意为“旁观”。根据上下文内容可知,是五个人出现在“我”的办公桌前。 答案 A 3.A. eager C.sick

B.hungry D.warm

解析 由语境可知,此处是在医院,因此我询问他们是不是都病了。 答案 C

4.A. descriptions C.instructions

B.comments D.results

解析 description意为“描述”;comment意为“评论”;instruction意为 “说明”;result意为“结果;成绩”。由语境可知,当他们开始描述他们的病情时,事情就有点让人摸不着头脑了。 答案 A 5.A. so C.thus

B.for D.but

解析 由语境可知,两个孩子说头疼,两个孩子说耳朵疼,但只有一个能告诉“我”是哪只耳朵疼。这里表示一种转折关系。 答案 D

6.A. mother C.nurses

B.children D.doctor

解析 根据上文内容可知,母子共五人来看病,其中四个孩子都说了自己的问题,只剩下母亲没有说了,因此是孩子的母亲说自己咳嗽了。 答案 A

7.A. answered C.explained

B.imagined D.analysed

解析 answer意为“回答”;imagine意为“想象”;explain意为“解释”;analyse意为“分析”。由语境可知,“我”也没说什么,只是解释说,过会儿医生才会来给她检查。 答案 C 8.A. after C.before

B.since D.when

解析 由语境可知,在医生来之前还得有一会儿。 小学+初中+高中+努力=大学

小学+初中+高中+努力=大学 答案 C 9.A. Make C.Care

B.Take D.Spend

解析 make意为“使得;形成”;take意为“拿;取”;care意为“在意”;spend意为“度过”。由语境可知,她回答说:“不着急,这里挺暖和的。”take one’s time意为“不着急”,符合语境。 答案 B

10.A. lonely C.clever

B.greedy D.homeless

解析 lonely意为“孤独的”;greedy意为“贪婪的”;clever意为“聪明的”;homeless意为“无家可归的”。由语境可知,“我”查了下他们的登记表,但登记表上没有写地址,因此他们是无家可归的。 答案 D

11.A. family C.woman

B.holiday D.Christmas

解析 由语境可知,回到护士室,“我”讲述了候诊室里这无家可归的一家子人的事。 答案 A

12.A. operating C.managing

B.interrupting D.working

解析 operate意为“手术;操作”;interrupt意为“中断”;manage意为“管理”;work意为“工作”。由语境可知,原本抱怨圣诞节还要上班的护士们,都转而同情起在圣诞节只祈求温暖的这家人了。 答案 D

13.A. present C.relief

B.warm D.comfort

解析 present,意为“礼物”;warm意为“温暖”;relief意为“救济;安慰”;comfort意为“安慰”。根据上文内容可知,这家人在圣诞节来到医院,是为了寻找温暖。 答案 B

14.A. beneficial C.medical

B.friendly D.different

解析 beneficial意为“有益的”;friendly意为“友好的”;medical意为“医学的”;different意为“不同的”。由语境可知,这个团队马上展开行动,就好像我们对待医疗紧急情况一样,只不过这次是“圣诞节急诊”。 答案 C


小学+初中+高中+努力=大学 15.A. rewarded C.allowed

B.offered D.ordered

解析 reward意为“奖励”;offer意为“提供”;allow意为“允许”;order意为“命令”。由语境可知,圣诞节这天,医院食堂免费给我们提供一顿饭。 答案 B

16.A. neighbors C.brothers

B.relations D.guests

解析 neighbor意为“邻居”;relation意为“关系”;brother意为“兄弟”;guest意为“客人”。由语境可知,我们把饭领回来,为我们的圣诞客人准备了一场大的宴会。 答案 D

17.A. borrowed C.collected

B.received D.bought

解析 由语境可知,我们从不同的科室收集了糖和水果。collect from意为“收集”,符合语境。 答案 C

18.A. expensive C.generous

B.fantastic D.available

解析 expensive意为“昂贵的”;fantastic意为“奇异的;极好的”;generous意为“慷慨的”;available意为“可得的;可利用的”。由语境可知,除了糖和水果,还有一些能当做礼物的可以利用的东西。 答案 D

19.A. healthy C.tragic

B.physical D.mental

解析 healthy意为“健康的”;physical意为“身体的;物理的”;tragic意为“悲剧的:不幸的”;mental意为“精神的;脑力的”。由语境可知,我们的团队工作严肃,就像满足患者的身体需要一样,我们尽力满足这家人只想过一个温暖圣诞节的愿望。 答案 B

20.A. leave C.rest

B.travel D.relax

解析 由语境可知,当这家人走到门前要离开的时候,那个四岁的孩子跑回来,给了“我”拥抱和感谢。 答案 A
