Procedure for Cleaning,Flushing,Gauging and Hydro Testing of Pipelines 下载本文

East-west Gas Pipeline Project Construction Procedure for Cleaning, Gauging And Hydro testing of Pipelines Rev.: A1 China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau(CPP) Document No.: EWPL00-COS-PR-0014 10.0 QUALITY CONTROL The Contractor shall operate a Quality System meeting the requirements of relevant part of ISO 9002.Contractor shall provide documents such as plans, procedures, instructions, etc. for the accomplishment of all works covered in this specification to provide the required quality. Specific adherence to the guidelines set down in ISO 902 series documentation shall be detailed out by the Contractor and shall be subject to review and approval by Company. Company reserves the right to undertake such audit as deemed necessary to assess the effectiveness of the Contractor?s quality system.

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East-west Gas Pipeline Project Construction Procedure for Cleaning, Gauging And Hydro testing of Pipelines Rev.: A1 China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau(CPP) Document No.: EWPL00-COS-PR-0014 Annexure:Clearance for Hydrostatic test of Main Line Section: Joint no from __________________ To ______________________ OD (mm)

Wall Thk ( mm) Min: Max: Min: ID (mm) Max: Material: Length (Kms) Volume (M3) API 5L Gr. X70 Wall (mm) 17.2 20.7 25.4 thickness Length (Mtrs) Number of welds: Length of not backfilled sections (mtrs) Number of welds: Length of not backfilled sections (mtrs)

This is to certify that all welds of the above test section have been accepted and the pipe line section has been laid and back filled according to specifications.


___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Name Date Contractor Page 42 of 56

REAL East-west Gas Pipeline Project Construction Procedure for Cleaning, Gauging And Hydro testing of Pipelines Rev.: A1 China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau(CPP) Document No.: EWPL00-COS-PR-0014 Annexure:Air Cleaning Of Section To Be Hydrotested Section: Joint no from __________________ To ______________________ OD (mm) Wall Thk ( mm) Min: Max: Min: ID (mm) Max: Material: X70 Length (Kms) Volume (M) 3API 5L Gr Pigging direction from _________________________

Run no. Pig type Start Date time Date Km__________________________ to Km

End time Avg. Velocity Pressure (Bar) (km/ Hr) Min Max Quantity of debris

Reamrks:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Name Date

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Contractor REAL Other East-west Gas Pipeline Project Construction Procedure for Cleaning, Gauging And Hydro testing of Pipelines Rev.: A1 China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau(CPP) Document No.: EWPL00-COS-PR-0014 Annexure:Pipeline Gauging Acceptance Certificate Section: Joint no from __________________ To ______________________ Joint no. from: _______________ To __________________ Min Internal Pipe Diameter (mm) Direction of pigging:

Gauge plate Material Thk Dia Start Dt Time End Dt Time Avg velocity Pressure (Km/ hr) Min Max


1. Enclosed photograph of gauge plate after run

2. Condition of gauge plate after gauge run _____________________________ 3. Acceptance of gauge run: (Yes/ no) ______________

Signature Name Date Contractor REAL Page 44 of 56
