小学英语新课程学习质量专题调研问卷 下载本文




二、听句子,为图片标上序号 10%

三、 听小对话,选择正确的答案 10%

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( ) 1. When does Amy do her homework on Sundays? A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening

( ) 2. When does Ann eat

breakfast? 6:30 ( climbing. ( hiking. ( Beijing?

and cold

A. At 6:00 B. At C. At 6:40

A. They are running. B. They're C. They are fighting.

) 4. Why does Tim like summer?

A. He can eat ice-cream. B. He can go C. He can play football.

) 5. What's the weather like in fall in A. It's windy and cool B. It's rainy C. It's sunny and cool.


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) 3. What are they doing? 一、根据图片及发音规则,在空格处填入合适的选项5%

A. sheep B. grape C. school D. fly E. tree


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1. What do you do on the

weekend? A. It's flying

2. Thank you for telling

me. B. No, they aren't

3. What's the bird

doing? C. Yes, it is.

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