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9.1.2 Structural stability ( 重点)

1) the structure of an idiom is to a large exten unchangeable. first , the constituents of idioms cannot be replaced.

e.g. \




2) Secondly, the word order cannot be inverted or changed.

e.g. twos and threes; tit for tat; the lion’s share

3) Thirdly, the constituents of an idioms cannot be deleted or added to , not even an article.

e.g. out of the question means ’ impossible’

in question ( being considered)

4) Finally , many idioms are grammatical unanalysable,

e.g. diamond cut diamond ( two parties are equally matched )

like cures like

(as) sure as eggs ( quite certainly )

stepped up ( improve or enhance)

in the raw ( naked )

turnn over a new leaf ( begin a new life )

draw the curtain ( end or concel )

9.2 Classification of Idioms

The difficulty in using idioms lies first in the difficulty of grasping the elusive and figurative meaning, of determining the syntactic functions of idioms

e.g. heart and soul ( adverbial )

Idioms may be classified into five groups:

1) Idioms Nominal in Nature

2) Idioms Adjectival in Nature

3) Idioms Verbal in Nature(五类中最重要的)

注意:考试的一个要点在这, 动词性习语有哪两类划分?

(1) phrasal verbs : 短语动词

(2) verbal phrases : 动词短语

4) Idioms Adverbial in Nature

e.g. \over ’ or \

5) Sentence Idioms

9.3 Use of Idioms

The rhetoric characteristics of idioms such as : stylistic features, rhetoric features and their occasional variations.

9.3.1 Stylistic Feature;

Such expressions were all colloquial and informal and once confined to a limited group

of people engaged in the same trade or activity. But they proved terse, vivid, forcible and stimulating so that later they broke out of their bounds and gradualy gained wide acceptance.As a result, their early stylistic features faded in part and many became part of the common core of the language and are now used in different situations.

9.3.2 Rhetorical Features ( examples are very important )

1) phonetic manipulation

(1) Alliteration

(2) Rhyme