Unit 1 Greeting and Introduction(Part I)
Ⅰ. Aims & Requirements
1)To train the students’ speaking and listening abilities about the topic of introductions. 2)To give the students a chance to exchange views on this topic so as to enable them to get the ability in authentic English.
Ⅱ. Contents 1) Lead-in
2) Listen the Introduction of Li Yang. 3) The patterns of self- Introduction 4) Speaking out 5) Conclusion 6) Assignment
Ⅲ. Focuses & Difficulties 1)Self-introduction
2)Talking about one’s personality
Ⅳ. Before Teaching
1 Brief Introduction This Course
2 Brief Introduction of requirements:
Attendance: 10 % Homework: Writing 10 % Teamwork: Oral Practice ( Role Play) 20 % Final Exam: 60 %
Written examination
3 Brief Introduction how to use the equipments of room 407.
V. Teaching Steps Step1 Lead-in
Background: People often make self-introduction when they want to begin a
relationship with others, in a formal situation, you may say“May I introduce myself? My name is ? ”If the situation is informal, you may introduce yourself in this way;“Hello, my name is ?”or “Hello. I don’t think we have met before. My name is ?” 导入
背景知识:人们常把自我介绍作为人际交往的开始,在正式的场合下,人们常说,“我可以介绍一下自己吗? 我是?”,在非正式场合下,人们常说,“你好,我是?”或是“你好,我们好像没见过吧,我是?”
Step 2 Listen the Introduction of Li Yang.
Hi, this is Li Yang. I graduated from Lanzhou University and majored in Mechanical Engineering. I was once a poor student of English, and it was my biggest headache and trouble maker. I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words. But through hard work in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games, I found myself a totally different and exciting new world. Not only did I pass Band 4 and Band 6 College English Exams very easily with high marks, but more importantly, I began to use English.
Finally, I developed a new Language Cracking [砸开;冲破]System myself. I began to teach German not long after I started to learn this terribly difficult language in my own way. It was a miracle[奇迹] but I made it. To speak good English, I think one year of study should be enough for any diligent and intelligent person. I’d like to share my learning techniques with you, and I will be very glad to answer your letters and be your friend. For further information, please write to 510010 P.O. Box 511 Guangzhou. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to receiving your letters.
Step 3: the Patterns of self- Introduction as following:
1、 How to begin your self-introduction:
a) May I introduce myself?
b) I want to /would like to introduce myself. c) Let me introduce myself 2、 How to introduce your name?
a) My name is?.
b) I’m ?, just call me ?.
3、 How to introduce your weight and height?
a) I’m ?cm tall. b) I weigh ?kg.
4、 How to introduce your age?
a) I was born in ? . b) I am ? years old.
5、 How to introduce your interest?
a) I like ?/enjoy?. b) I am interested in ?
6、 How to make a special self –introduction?
a) I’m a leo , some good traits are : broad-minded, loving , faithful ;bad
traits are :bossy, patronizing .I am a typical leo, faithful but patronizing.
b) I’m a great salesman ,I could sell a knockoff windows 2000 to Bill Gates. 1.如何开始自我介绍:
a) 我可以介绍一下自己吗? b) 我想介绍一下自己。 c) 让我介绍一下自己。 2.如何介绍自己的姓名:
b)我是?,喊我?就行了。 3.如何介绍身高体重:
a)我高?厘米。 b)我体重是?公斤。
. 4.如何介绍自己的年龄 a)我出生于?年。 b)我 ? 岁了。 5.如何介绍自己的兴趣爱好
a)我喜欢?。. b)我对 ?很感兴趣
我是狮子座的,我的优点是:心胸宽广,有爱心,忠诚;缺点却是:我有点自大,又多了点傲气。这就是我,狮子座的典型代表,忠诚却又自负。 b)用夸张的手法,展现自己的性格特点,如:
我是一名很棒的销售员,我甚至能把盗版的Window 2000推销给比尔盖茨。
V. Speaking out
Ask the students to do self- introduction.
VI .Conclusion
Make the students review the patterns and the dialogue in the class.
Practice self-introduction.
Language and Culture Note:
An English name generally has two parts- the first name and the last name. The first name is also called the Christian name or given name; the last name is the surname or family name. For example, Amy Brown is a women’s name, of which Amy is the first name and Brown the last name. Many English names also contain a third part. There is a middle name between the first name and the last name, as another given name. For instance, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, is often written as John F. Kennedy.