test-Chapter 1 Introduction to Management and Organizations 下载本文

A) low efficiency and high effectiveness go hand in hand B) high efficiency and low effectiveness go hand in hand C) high efficiency and high effectiveness go hand in hand D) high efficiency and high equity go hand in hand Answer: C

Page Ref: 7 Topic: What Is Management?

33) ________ was a French industrialist who first identified the basic management functions. A) Weber B) Taylor C) Herzberg D) Fayol Answer: D

Page Ref: 8 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

34) Today, the basic management functions are considered to be ________. A) planning, coordinating, staffing, and directing B) planning, organizing, leading, and directing C) commanding, organizing, leading, and staffing D) planning, organizing, leading, and controlling Answer: D

Page Ref: 8 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

35) Writing an organizational strategic plan is an example of the ________ management function. A) leading

B) coordinating C) planning D) organizing Answer: C

Page Ref: 8 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

36) Organizing includes ________. A) defining organizational goals B) hiring organizational members C) motivating organizational members D) determining who does what tasks Answer: D

Page Ref: 8 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

37) A manager resolving conflict among organizational members is performing what function? A) controlling B) commanding C) directing D) leading Answer: D

Page Ref: 8 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

38) The process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting is called ________. A) controlling


B) coordinating C) leading D) organizing Answer: A

Page Ref: 8 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

39) ________ developed a categorization scheme for defining what managers do, consisting of 10 different but highly interrelated roles. A) Henri Fayol B) Henry Ford

C) Henry Mintzberg D) Henry Morris Answer: C

Page Ref: 9 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

40) According to Mintzberg's management roles, the ________ roles are those that involve people and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature. A) informational B) interpersonal C) technical D) decisional Answer: B

Page Ref: 9 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

41) The roles of disseminator, figurehead, negotiator, liaison, and spokesperson are more important at the ________ levels of the organization. A) lower B) middle C) higher

D) supervisory Answer: C

Page Ref: 9 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

42) A human resource manager attending a local Society for Human Resource Management meeting would be functioning in which role? A) informational B) leader C) liaison

D) disseminator Answer: C

Page Ref: 9 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

43) The ________ role is more important for lower-level managers than it is for either middle- or top-level managers. A) leader

B) entrepreneur C) spokesperson D) disseminator Answer: A

Page Ref: 10 Topic: What Do Managers Do?


44) According to Mintzberg's management roles, the ________ roles involve receiving, collecting, and disseminating information. A) interpersonal B) informational C) technical D) decisional Answer: B

Page Ref: 9 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

45) All of the following are examples of informational roles according to Mintzberg except ________. A) liaison B) monitor C) disseminator D) spokesperson Answer: A

Page Ref: 9 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

46) All of the following are managerial roles that are more important at the higher levels of the organization except ________. A) leader

B) disseminator C) figurehead D) negotiator Answer: A

Page Ref: 10 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

47) Which of the following represents the most useful way of describing the manager's job? A) roles B) functions C) skills

D) organizational level Answer: B

Page Ref: 10 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

48) All three of Mintzberg's interpersonal roles are part of the ________ function. A) organizing B) planning C) leading D) controlling Answer: C

Page Ref: 9 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

49) Which of the following individuals identified the three essential managerial skills? A) Katz

B) Lewisberg C) Raines D) Chambers Answer: A


Page Ref: 10 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

50) The three essential managerial skills include ________. A) technical, human, and empirical B) human, empirical, and conceptual

C) technical, interpersonal, and controlling D) technical, human, and conceptual Answer: D

Page Ref: 10 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

51) Which of the following is true concerning technical and managerial skills?

A) Human skills and technical skills remain equally important as managers move to higher levels.

B) Technical-skill needs remain necessary and human skills decrease as managers move to higher levels.

C) Human skills remain necessary and technical-skill needs decrease as managers move to higher levels.

D) Both human-skill and technical-skill needs decrease as managers move to higher levels. Answer: C

Page Ref: 10 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

52) Managers with good ________ are able to communicate, motivate and lead to get the best out of their people. A) human skills B) conceptual skills C) technical skills D) visual skills Answer: A

Page Ref: 11 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

53) Technical skills include ________.

A) leadership and efficiency in a certain specialized field B) knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized field C) familiarity with and interest in a general field of endeavor D) skill and interest in a general field of endeavor Answer: B

Page Ref: 10 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

54) The ability to work well with other people, both individually and in a group, describes which of the following skills ________. A) technical skills B) assessment skills C) planning skills D) human skills Answer: D

Page Ref: 11 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

55) Which of the following skills are more important at lower levels of management, as these managers are dealing directly with employees doing the organization's work? A) human