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Chapter 1 Introduction to Management and Organizations

1) Today's managers are just as likely to be women as they are men. Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 4 Topic: Who Are Managers?

2) In order to be considered a manager, an individual must coordinate the work of others. Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 5 Topic: Who Are Managers?

3) Supervisors and foremen may both be considered first-line managers. Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 6 Topic: Who Are Managers?

4) Effectiveness is concerned with the means of getting things done, while efficiency is concerned with the attainment of organizational goals. Answer: FALSE

Page Ref: 7 Topic: What Is Management?

5) A goal of efficiency is to minimize resource costs. Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 7 Topic: What Is Management?

6) Managers who are effective at meeting organizational goals always act efficiently. Answer: FALSE

Page Ref: 7 Topic: What Is Management?

7) The four contemporary functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 8 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

8) Directing and motivating are part of the controlling function of management. Answer: FALSE

Page Ref: 8 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

9) Fayol's management functions are basically equivalent to Mintzberg's management roles. Answer: FALSE

Page Ref: 8-9 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

10) Mintzberg's informational management role involves receiving, collecting, and disseminating information.

Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 9 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

11) Resource allocation and disturbance handling are both considered decisional roles. Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 9 Topic: What Do Managers Do?


12) A finance manager who reads the Wall Street Journal on a regular basis would be performing the figurehead role. Answer: FALSE

Page Ref: 9 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

13) Katz concluded that managers need three essential skills: technical, human, and conceptual. Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 10-11 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

14) Conceptual skills become less important as a manager moves into top management. Answer: FALSE

Page Ref: 11 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

15) In today's world, organizational managers at all levels and in all areas need to encourage their employees to be on the look-out for new ideas and new approaches. Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 13 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

16) Only first-line managers and employees need to be concerned with being customer-responsive. Answer: FALSE

Page Ref: 13 Topic: What Do Managers Do?

17) Which of the following statements regarding managers in today's world is accurate? A) Their age range is limited to between 30 and 65. B) They are found only in large corporations.

C) They can be found exclusively in for-profit organizations.

D) The single most important variable in employee productivity and loyalty is the quality of the relationship between employees and their direct supervisors. Answer: D

Page Ref: 5 Topic: Who Are Managers?

18) Someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals is ________. A) an assembly line worker B) a laborer C) a manager D) a salesperson Answer: C

Page Ref: 5 Topic: Who Are Managers?

19) In the past, nonmanagerial employees were viewed as employees who ________. A) reported to top executives B) reported to middle managers C) supervised others

D) had no others reporting to them Answer: D

Page Ref: 5 Topic: Who Are Managers?

20) Which of the following types of managers is responsible for making organization-wide


decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization? A) first-line managers B) top managers

C) production managers D) research managers Answer: B

Page Ref: 6 Topic: Who Are Managers?

21) All levels of management between the supervisory level and the top level of the organization are termed ________. A) middle managers B) first-line managers C) supervisors D) foremen Answer: A

Page Ref: 6 Topic: Who Are Managers?

22) Which of the following levels of management is associated with positions such as executive vice president, chief operating officer, chief executive officer, and chairman of the board? A) team leaders B) middle managers C) first-line managers D) top managers Answer: D

Page Ref: 7 Topic: Who Are Managers?

23) Agency head or plant manager is most likely associated with which of the following? A) team leaders B) middle managers C) first-line managers D) top managers Answer: B

Page Ref: 6 Topic: Who Are Managers?

24) The lowest level of management is ________. A) a nonmanagerial employee

B) a department of research manager C) a vice president D) a first-line manager Answer: D

Page Ref: 5 Topic: Who Are Managers?

25) Which of the following best reflects the management structure of a traditional organization? A) pyramid B) circle

C) hub with spokes D) infinite line Answer: A

Page Ref: 6 Topic: Who Are Managers?


26) ________ is the process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people. A) Leading B) Management C) Supervision D) Controlling Answer: B

Page Ref: 6 Topic: What Is Management?

27) The distinction between a managerial position and a nonmanagerial position is ________. A) planning the work of others B) coordinating the work of others C) controlling the work of others D) organizing the work of others Answer: B

Page Ref: 6 Topic: What Is Management?

28) Which of the following is an example of an efficient manufacturing technique? A) cutting inventory levels

B) increasing the amount of time to manufacture products C) increasing product reject rates D) decreasing product output Answer: A

Page Ref: 7 Topic: What Is Management?

29) Wasting resources is considered to be an example of ________. A) efficiency B) effectiveness C) inefficiency D) ineffectiveness Answer: C

Page Ref: 7 Topic: What Is Management?

30) Effectiveness is synonymous with ________. A) cost minimization B) resource control C) goal attainment D) efficiency Answer: C

Page Ref: 7 Topic: What Is Management?

31) Efficiency refers to ________.

A) the relationship between inputs and outputs

B) the additive relationship between costs and benefits C) the exponential nature of costs and outputs D) increasing outputs regardless of cost Answer: A

Page Ref: 7 Topic: What Is Management?

32) In successful organizations, ________.