山西省山西大学附属中学2020届高三英语上学期9月模块诊断试题 下载本文

So far, China is the world’s largest importer of solid waste. According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection, China imported 7.3 million metric tons of plastic waste worth $3.7 billion in 2020, accounting for 56 percent of global imports of solid waste.

Correct recycling of solid waste materials is an important part of the global economy, and moderate imports of scrap plastic, scrap paper and scrap rubber products, such as vehicle tires, can to some extent, make up for China's shortage of various raw materials.

However, the lack of supervision has resulted in the country’s severe soil and environmental worsening.

Given that China’s continuing efforts to push for industrial transformation and upgrading have resulted in a noticeable decline in the demand for the materials recycled from solid waste imports. It is right for the country to restrict such imports for the sake of the environment and public health, and to better adapt to the changed industrial structure. 8. Why will China ban the import of some waste materials? A. The amount of imported solid waste is increasing. B. The demand for imported solid waste is in decline.

C. Some solid waste has damaged the environment and public health. D. People are more concerned about the environment and health now. 9. Which phrase has the same meaning as the underlined word? A. Carrying out. B. Putting off. Fighting against.

10. What is the problem when China deals with the imported waste? A. Some imported waste is difficult to control. B. The environment can’t afford the imported waste. C. Some departments haven’t shouldered their duties.

C. Calling off.


D. Some useful materials are also among the solid waste. 11. What can we learn from the passage?

A. China will not rely on importing solid waste any more. B. Solid waste plays an important part in the global economy.

C. People are against importing solid waste from developed countries. D. Some imported waste can relieve the urgent need for raw materials. D

I'll admit I've never quite understood the obsession (难以破除的成见) surrounding genetically modified (GM) (改变) crops.To environmentalist opponents,GM foods are simply evil,an understudied,possibly harmful tool used by big agricultural businesses to control global seed markets and beat local farmers.They argue that GM foods have never delivered on their supposed promise,that money spent on GM crops would be better channeled to organic farming and that consumers should be protected with warning labels on any products that contain genetically modified ingredients.To supporters,GM crops are a key part of the effort to sustainably provide food to meet a growing global population.But more than that,supporters see the GM opposition of many environmentalists as fundamentally anti-science,no different than those who question the basics of man-made climate change.

For both sides,GM foods seem to act as a symbol: you're pro-agricultural business or anti-science.But science is exactly what we need more of when it comes to GM foods,which is why I was happy to see Nature devote a special series of articles to the GM food controversy.The conclusion: while GM crops haven’t yet realized their initial promise and have been dominated by agricultural businesses,there is reason to continue to use and develop them to help meet the enormous challenge of sustainably feeding a growing planet.

That doesn't mean GM crops are perfect,or a one-size-fits-all solution to global agriculture problems.But anything that can increase farming efficiency—the amount of crops we can produce per acre of land—will be extremely useful.GM crops can and almost certainly will be part of that suite of tools, but so will traditional plant breeding,improved soil and crop management—and perhaps most important of all,better storage and transport infrastructure (基础设施) especially in the developing world.(It doesn't do much good for farmers in places like sub-Saharan Africa to produce more food if they can't get it to hungry consumers.) I'd like to see more non-industry research done on GM crops—not just because we'd worry less about prejudice,but also because seed companies like Monsanto and Pioneer shouldn't be the only entities (实体) working to harness genetic modification.I'd like to see GM research on less commercial crops,like corn.I don't think it's vital to label GM ingredients in food,but I also wouldn't be against it—and industry would be smart to go along with labeling,just as a way of removing fears about the technology.

Most of all,though,I wish a tenth of the energy that's spent endlessly debating GM crops was focused on those more pressing challenges for global agriculture.There are much bigger battles to fight.

12.How do environmentalist opponents view GM foods according to the passage? A.They will eventually ruin agriculture and the environment. B.They are used by big businesses to dominate agriculture. C.They have proved potentially harmful to consumers' health. D.They pose a big threat to current farming practice.

13.What does the author say is vital to solving the controversy between the two sides of the debate?

A.Breaking the GM food monopoly (垄断).

B.More friendly exchange of


C.Regulating GM food production. crops.

14.What is the author's view on the solution to agricultural problems? A.It has to depend more and more on GM technology.

B.It is vital to the sustainable development of human society. C.GM crops should be allowed until better alternatives are found. D.Whatever is useful to improve farming efficiency should be encouraged. 15.What does the author think of the ongoing debate around GM crops? A. It arises out of ignorance of and prejudice against new science. B.It distracts the public attention from other key issues of the world. C.Efforts spent on it should be turned to more urgent issues of agriculture. D.Neither side is likely to give in until more convincing evidence is found.



Most of us lead unhealthy lives; we spend far too much sitting down. If in addition we are careless about our diets, our bodies soon become loose and fatty and our systems slow moving.

___16___I am thinking of such features of modern city life as pollution, noise, rushed meals and stress. But keeping fit is a way to reduce the effects of these evils. The usual suggestion to a person who is looking for a way to keep fit is to take up some sport or other. While it is true that every weekend you will find people playing football and hockey in the local park, they are outnumbered a hundred to one by the people who are simply watching them.

D.More scientific research on GM