外研版七年级英语下册Module10 Unit1教案-新版 下载本文

Module10 Unit1教案

【学习目标】 知识目标


Pacific, so, guess, excited, enjoy, on holiday, drive sb. to …, how long, 2. 掌握句型:

How long did it take to get there? Who was with you?

What did you do?

How long did you stay there?

Did you…? 能力目标

能在实际情境中用一般过去时介绍过去发生的事情。 情感目标


【学习重点】 一般过去时态的用法。

【学习难点】一般过去时的句型转换。(重点一般过去式的特殊疑问句) 【教学过程】 课前导入

(一)学习目标展示 掌握重点词汇和句型。


能够简单描述自己的一次旅行经历,并能与他人进行简单交流。 (二)重点词汇学习 Pacific adj. 太平洋的 so adv. 那么;这么

guess v. 猜,猜测

excited adj. 激动的,兴奋的

wow int. 哇


(三)不规则动词复习巩固 go — get —

have — leave — meet — see —

spend — swim — take — 操作方式及意图:

学生先自主完成,然后进行核对和巩固强化。 以竞赛的方式促使学生对不规则动词的落实。

为听力的练习攻克动词关 (四)重点句型展示与学习

Where did you go last summer holiday? I went …last summer holiday.

How did you go there?

I went there by …(bus/train/plane) How long did you spend there?

I spent … there. Did you have a good time? 操作方式及意图:

以 “free talk” 的方式,调动大家学习的积极性和参与性。 教师先进行自我展示,提供范例,减轻对话的难度。 为听力的练习做必要的句型储备。 (五)听前活动热身 1. Do you like travelling ?

2. Do you want to have a journey to the USA ? 操作方式及意图:



学生在欣赏外国文化的同时,熟悉了听力材料中的地名,从而克服了听力中的地点名词关。 听力练习


Find the places on the map.


进一步熟悉地点名词,为接下来的听力练习做准备。 (二)listen and number the places as you hear them. 操作方式及意图:



(一)Listen and choose the best answers. 1. Where is Tony going on holiday?

A. Go to England. B. Go to Los Angeles. C. Go to the Paris.

2. Betty went Los Angeles _______.

A. two years ago B. four years ago C. three years ago

3. How long did it take to get to Los Angeles?

A. Nine hours. B. Five hours. C. Ten hours. 4. Who was with Betty?________

A. Her mom. B. Her dad. C. Her mom and dad. 操作方式及意图:

学生自主完成,训练学生有效获取信息的能力。 (二)Listen again and fill in the form:

First Then Finally 操作方式及意图:

多层听,循序渐进地提高学生的听力水平。 听后读

Where did Betty go in Los Angeles? (一)学生首先看一段视频,纠正自己的发音和语调,同时进一步熟悉对话内容。 (二)学生读对话并完成以下练习。 1. How did Betty get to Los Angeles? 2. How did Betty get to her friends' home? 3. Why was Betty excited at Disneyland? 4. How long did she stay in Disneyland? 5. Where did she go swimming? 四、读后说

Talk about a special holiday. 1. Where did you go? 2. When did you go?

3. How did you get there? 4. How long did you spend there? 5. What did you do or see?

6. What was it like?/How was it? 7. Who was with you? 操作方式及意图:

引导学生在学习对话的基础上,以结对的方式展开对话,并展示。 教师提供范例,减轻学生操作难度,促进学生的参与性。 精讲点播


Read and find your difficulties. Discuss in your group. Ask your teacher for help. 操作方式及意图:

先自主学习后小组内合作解决语言学习的疑难点。 小组间合作解决不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。

(二)教师点播(Language points) 1.Where are you going on holiday ?

你假期打算去哪儿? on holiday: 在度假,去度假。 2. I went there two years ago.


如:I ________ (visit) my grangdfather three days ago. 3.How long did it take to get there? 去那儿用了多长时间?

take\花费\,常用的句型: It takes (sb.宾格) some time to do sth. “做某事花费某人多长时间”

注意: take时态的变化,主语是形式主语it 。


It _______ _______ half an hour to finish my homework yesterday. (对划线部分提问)

_______ ________ _______ it ________ you to finish your homework yesterday? “花费,度过时间”除了用 “take”还可以用“spend”,但主语不同.