Mary: What about the Blue Mountain It's quite cool there.
John: That's a good idea. Shall we invite Michael and his girlfriend to go with us?
Mary: Sure! It would 57 to have them with us. John: Good!58?
Mary: You could buy some drinks and sandwiches. And some fruit, too. John:OK. 59?
Mary: How about 8 o'clock in the morning? It takes about two hours to get there.
John: OK. I'll call Michael and tell him about our plan. We sure will 60.
I. Writing(25 points)
Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write an essay in English in 100-120 words based on the following information. Remember to write it clearly. 61.Äã( Li Yuan)µÄͬѧÍõ¾§´òËãÔÚУÄÚÕÒÒ»·ÝÁÙʱ¹¤×÷£¬¸øËýдһ·âµç×ÓÓʼþ£¬ÄÚÈÝ°üÀ¨:
¡¤Äã´ÓУ԰ÍøÉÏ»ñµÃͼÊé¹ÝÕ餵ÄÐÅÏ¢;ÕÐƸÈËÊýΪ5~10ÈË; ¡¤¶ÔӦƸÈËÔ±µÄÒªÇó(Èç±ØÐëÊDZ¾Ð£Ñ§Éú¡¢¿ÉÖÜÄ©ÉÏ°àµÈ); ¡¤ÃæÊÔʱ¼äºÍµØµã;
I.Phonetics(5 points, one point each) 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.C
II. Vocabulary and Structure( 15 points, one point each) 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.A
III. Cloze(30 points, two points each)
21.A 22.C 23.A 24.C 25.D 26.A 27.B 28.D 29.B 30.C 31.D 32.A 33.B 34.B 35.C
IV. Reading Comprehension(60 points, three points each) 36.D 37.C 38.A 39.A 40.C 41.B 42.B 43.D 44.D 45.C 46.C 47.A 48.B 49.B 50.D 51.B 52.D 53.C 54.A 55.B
V. Daily Conversation(15 5 points, three points each) 56.H 57.E 58.G 59.A 60.C ¢ö. Writing(25 points) д×÷ÆÀ·Ö±ê×¼ 1.ÆÀ·ÖÔÔò:
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