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Steve: Hi, Rick. It’s Steve. How’s it going?

Rick: Not bad, thanks. The weather’s great. What are you doing? Steve: I’m playing basketball with some friends at the park. Rick: Sounds like you’re having a good time. Steve: Yeah. Is your brother at home?

Rick: Oh, he’s not here. He’s studying at his friend’s home. Can I take a message for him?

Steve: Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back? Rick: Sure, no problem. Dear Jane,

How’s it going? I’m having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. She’s working here and I’m going to summer school. I’m studying English and I’m learning a lot. I’m also visiting some of my old friends. I’m so happy to see them again. It’s afternoon right now, and I’m sitting by the pool, and drinking orange juice. It’s warm and sunny, and it’s very relaxing here. See you soon. Su Lin Dear Jane,

How’s your summer vacation going? Are you studying hard, or are you having fun? I’m having a great time in Europe! My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. I want to call you but my phone isn’t working, so I’m writing to you. It’s hot in your country now, isn’t it? The weather here is cool and cloudy, just right for walking. See you next month. Dave

Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?

Tony: Hi, excuse me.

Linda: Yes. How can I help you?

Tony: Well, I’m new in town. Is there a bank around here? Linda: Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street. It’s across from the park. Tony: Oh… where’s Center Street?

Linda: It’s not too far from here. I can walk with you. Tony: Oh, that’s great! Thanks so much. Linda: No problem. Anna

There is a zoo in my neighborhood. I like to spend time there on weekends. I love to watch the monkeys climbing around. The

monkeys sometimes fight. They look like my friends and me when we fight!

To get there, I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road. Then I walk along Bridge Road. The zoo is on the right. John

I live near a supermarket. My parents usually shop there. There is a big park across from the supermarket. I often exercise at the park because I love the clean air and sunshine. The best things in life are free!

To get to the park, you just have to cross Center Street. Lisa

I live in a noisy neighborhood. There is a post office between my house and a clothes store. But my favorite place is the library. It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there. When I read books, time goes quickly!

You can get to the library easily. Just go down North Road and turn left. It is across from the park.

Unit 9 What does he look like?

Mike: Hi, Tony. Are you going to the movie tonight? Tony: Yes. We’re meeting at seven, right?

Mike: Yeah, but I may be a little late. My friend David is going, too. Just meet him in front of the cinema first.

Tony: Oh, but I don’t know him. What does he look like? Mike: Well, he has brown hair and wears glasses. Tony: OK. Is he tall or short?

Mike: He isn’t tall or short. He’s of medium height. Tony: OK, sure. See you late then. An interesting job

Joe Brown has a very interesting job. He is a police artist. Some people see crimes and then talk to Joe. They tell him what the criminal looks like. Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him. He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal, but this job is sometimes difficult. Many people don’t always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently. Also, they don’t always remember well. “The criminal is of medium height and young. He has long straight brown hair and big eyes,” says one woman. Another woman says, “He is tall and thin, and he has curly blond hair. He’s about thirty years old.” In the end, the real criminal is a short and heavy old man, and he has short black hair!

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles.