高考英语一轮复习 分餐化素养积累 第十六周讲义 下载本文


12.pour vt.

13.praise vt.


14.pianist n. piano n. 15.play v.


player n. 16.please v. pleased adj. pleasure n. 17.poem n. poet n. poetry n. 18.pollute vt. pollution n. 19.possess vt. possession n. 20.possible adj. possibly adv. possibility n.

二、记阅读词汇——读文不再生涩 1.policy n. 2.polish vt. 3.political adj. politician n. politics n. 4.pond n. 5.pool n. 6.popcorn n. 7.pork n. 8.porridge n.


倒,注,灌,不断涌向, 倾盆而下 赞扬,表扬 赞扬,称赞 钢琴家 钢琴

玩;打(球);游戏;播放 玩耍,戏剧 比赛者,选手

请;使人高兴,使人满意 高兴的 高兴,愉快 诗 诗人 诗歌 污染 污染

拥有;具有;支配 所有;财产,所有物 可能的 可能地,也许 可能,可能性

政策,方针 磨光,润色;修改 政治的 政治家 政治 池塘 水塘,水池 爆米花 猪肉 面糊,粥


9.port n. 10.portable adj. 11.postage n.[U] 12.postcard n.[C] 13.postcode n.

14.postman n. (pl.postmen) 15.postpone vt. 16.potential adj.

港口,码头 便携式的 邮费;邮资 明信片 邮政编码;邮码 邮递员

延迟;使延期;延缓 可能的,潜在的 可能性;潜在性;潜能 英镑 祈祷

宝贵的,珍贵的 精确的


17.pound n. 18.pray vt.& vi. 19.precious adj. 20.precise adj.


1.It’s a great pleasure to do sth. 非常高兴做某事 2.for pleasure with pleasure 3.on the point of to the point 4.point out 5.be popular with 6.in possession of in the possession of take possession of 7.plenty of

8.as soon as possible 9.pour into

作为消遣 高兴地 正要……的时候 中肯的;切题的 指出;指明 为……所喜欢 占有;拥有 为……所有 占有;拥有;占领 充足的,大量的 尽可能地 涌进


10.play the piano/the guitar/the violin 四、背写作佳句——考场顺手就写

There be句式

1.There is no doubt that ...“毫无疑问……”

There is no doubt that a good campus environment is of great importance to our growth.



2.There is no denying that ...“不可否认……”

There is no denying that it was my teacher’s encouragement and help that resulted in my steady progress.

不可否认,是老师的鼓励和帮助让我稳步前进。 3.There is no need to do sth.“没有必要做某事”

There is no need to worry about him since we are taking good care of him every day.

既然每天我们照顾得他很好,你就没有必要担心他。 五、练语基小题——巩固今日所学 Ⅰ.根据提示填空

1.Doing the same sports on the playground (操场) gives us the opportunity to promote our friendship.

2.It is not polite (有礼貌的) to make a remark on those in an embarrassing situation.

3.He was such an honest boy that he was praised (表扬) by the teacher. 4.The pianist is playing the piano on the stage.(piano)

5.Loud music is_more_popular_with (更受欢迎) young people than with old. 6.He was always very keen to point_out_my_mistakes (指出我的错误). Ⅱ.补全句子

1.在我看来, 我们学习压力大,因此我们应该合理饮食并且尽可能多休息。 In my opinion, we are under the heavy pressure of study, so we should try to eat properly and get_as_much_rest_as_possible.


It’s_my_pleasure_to_invite you to a Chinese restaurant for dinner in your city. 3.众所周知,是工业发展和严重的交通阻塞引起了空气污染。

As we all know, it’s the development of industry and heavy traffic jams that_have_caused_air_pollution.




海报;招贴;(布告、标 语、海报等的)张贴者 出现的,出席的

一、背表达词汇——写作有米下锅 1.position n. 2.poster n.[C]

3.present adj.


n. vt.

4.president n. 5.pretend vi. 6.pretty adj. 7.prevent vt. 8.private adj. 9.prize n. 10.problem n. 11.professor n. 12.progress n. 13.project n. 14.power n. powerful adj. powerless adj. 15.practical adj. practice n. practise v. practically adv. 16.prefer v. preference n. preferred adj. 17.preparation n. prepare v. prepared adj. 18.press v.


pressure n. 19.price n. priceless adj. 20.pride n. proud adj. proudly adv.


礼物;现在 授予,颁发,出现 总统;主席 假装,假扮 漂亮的,俊俏的 防止,预防 私人的 奖赏,奖品 问题,难题 教授 进步,上进 工程

力量;权力;政权 有力的;强大的 无影响力的;无权的实用的 练习;实践 实践;练习 事实上 宁愿;更喜欢 偏爱;优先权 首选的;有优先权的准备;准备工作 准备 准备好的 挤,压,按,推 按;压;印刷 压力 价格,价钱 无价的;极珍贵的 自豪;骄傲 自豪的;骄傲的 自豪地;骄傲地