2018年6月大学英语六级CET6真题试卷及详细答案精品版(三套全) 下载本文

v.积累 adj. 随便的,临时adj. 情感的 的 v.使能够 adv. 最终 F) exaggerated adj. 夸大的 G)extravagant H) generously I) misleading J) precious adj. 奢侈的,浪费adv. 慷慨地 的 v.误导(动词ingadj. 宝贵的 形式) adj. 误导人的 K)reward n. 奖赏,报酬 L)smart adj. 聪明的 M) sphere n. 球体,范围 N) terrified adj. 感到恐怖的 O) venture n. 冒险,风险 26.【答案】D) enablingv.使能够

【解析】The founder of two tech companies, Tesla Motors andSpaceX, is bringing electric vehicles

to mass market and(26)_______ humans to live on other planets. 通读上下文不难发现空前是and

连接的两个并列成分,此处缺少一个动词,由前面的 is bringing electric vehicles to mass

market,可知本空应填写一个动词ing形式,结合选项D) enablingv.使能够,I) misleading v.误导(动词ing形式)adj. 误导人的只有D) enablingv.使能够最合适,可翻译为使人类能够

在其他星球上生活。故正确答案为D选项。 27.【答案】A)amassedv.积累

【解析】but the near $13 billion fortune this entrepreneur has(27)_______ comes from practical

achievements rather than hypothetical ones. 分析整个句子,主语为 $13 billion fortune ,谓

语为 comes from,宾语为practical achievements,因此句子成分完整, this entrepreneur has(27)_______ 作定语,修饰$13 billion fortune 再根据定语的成分看,缺少一个动词过去式,结合给出的选项只有A)amassedv.积累一个过去式,再看句子是否通顺,可以翻译为这位企业家积累的财富,语义通顺,故正确答案为A)amassedv.积累选项。 28.【答案】N) terrified adj. 感到恐怖的

【解析】A lot of clever people are(28)_______ about artificial intelligence, fearing that robots will one

day become so(29)_______ that they’ll murder all of us. 可知:空前be动词are,空后是介词


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about,因此本空应填一个形容词,做表语,根据句意,很多聪明的人(28)_______ 人工智能,害怕机器人有一天变得太(29)_______,以至于她们杀害我们人类。此处填写

N) terrified adj. 感到恐怖的,最合适,翻译地更加通顺,故正确答案为N) terrified adj. 感到恐怖的选项。

29.【答案】L)smartadj. 聪明的

【解析】A lot of clever people are(28)_______ about artificial intelligence, fearing that robots will

one day become so(29)_______ that they’ll murder all of us. 由29题可知,此处应填写一个形容

词,结合给出的选项,只有L)smartadj. 聪明的,最合适,译为害怕机器人有一天变得太智能,以至于她们杀害我们人类。故正确答案为L选项。 30.【答案】F) exaggeratedadj. 夸大的

【解析】These fears are mostly(30)_______ : as with hysteria aboutgenetic modification, we

humans are generally wise enough to manage these problems with speed and care.空前be动词are,

空后是:,因此本空应填写一个形容词,整个句子可以翻译为:这些恐惧是(30)_______ :随着基因修改技术的提高,我们人类会变得足够聪明,来快速高效地解决这些问题。结合给出的选项,只有F) exaggeratedadj. 夸大的,最合适,故正确答案为F) exaggeratedadj. 夸大的选项。 31.【答案】E) eventuallyadv. 最终

【解析】 It could,(31)_______, be like having a babysitter and a nurse rolled into one.通读句子,句子成分完整。因此,本空应应填写一个副词,作插入语,结合给出的选项E)

eventuallyadv. 最终,H) generouslyadv. 慷慨地,根据句意,填写E) eventuallyadv. 最终最通


eventuallyadv. 最终选项。

32.【答案】I) photographed v.拍照、拍摄


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【解析】 if that required (32)_______ intelligence beyond the power of Mr. Musk’ s imagined

machine, at least someone to chop the carrots, wash the car and mow the lawn.;.空前动词required,

空后是名词intelligence,本空应填写一个形容词,结合选项只有C) emotionaladj. 情感的,符合句意,可以翻译为:如果它需要的情感智商超过了马克斯设想的机器人的能力范围,至少能有人给你切萝卜,洗车和整理草坪。故正确答案为I选项。 33.【答案】B) casualadj. 随便的,临时的

【解析】 Once purchased and trained, this would allow the(33)_______user to save money and

time, freeing up (34)_______space in our busy lives to read a good book.本空前是定冠词the,空

后为名词user,因此本空应为形容词,结合给出的选项只有B) casualadj. 随便的,临时

的,G)extravagantadj. 奢侈的,浪费的,只有B) casualadj. 随便的,临时的符合句意,可翻

译为:一旦经过购买和培训,这就能使临时用户节约金钱和时间,在我们繁忙的生活中释放(34)_______时光,让我们可以读一本好书。故正确答案为B选项。 34.【答案】J) preciousadj. 宝贵的最合适

【解析】空前是介词up,空后为名词space,因此应填写形容词,结合给出的选项只有J) preciousadj. 宝贵的最合适,故正确答案为J) preciousadj. 宝贵的选项。 35.【答案】O) venture n. 冒险,风险

【解析】That is why we welcome Mr. Musk' s latest(35)_______ , and wish him well.空前为latest

形容词,缺少名词,因此本空应填写一个名词,结合给出的选项:K)reward,n. 奖赏,报酬, M) sphere,n. 球体,范围,O) venture n. 冒险,风险只有O) venture n. 冒险,风险相

对合适,可翻译为:这就是我们为什么欢迎马克斯最新的尝试(冒险),希望他一切顺利!,故正确答案为O) venture n. 冒险,风险选项。

Section B

Directions:In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each


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statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

In the Real World, Nobody Cares that You Went to an Ivy League School

[A]【43】As a high school junior, everything in my life revolved around getting into the right college. I diligently attended my SAT, ACT, and Advanced Placement test preparation courses. I juggled (尽力应付)cross-country and track schedules, newspaper staff, and my church's youth group and drama team. I didn't drink, party, or even do much dating. The right college, I thought, was one with prestige, one with a name. It didn't have to be the Ivy League, but it needed to be a \school\[B]【40】Looking back now, nine years later, I can't remember exactly what it was about these universities that made them seem so much better.Wasitacurriculumthatappearedmorerigorous,perhaps?OranalumninetworkthatIhopedwouldopendoorsdowntheline?Maybe.\n,aprofessorofhighereducationattheUniversityofPennsylvania.\ne.\

[C]Inreflection,myfirmbeliefinthepowerofthebrandwasnaive,nottomentionabitsnobby.Iquicklypassedoverstateschoolsandsouthernschools,believingtheircurriculumstobeautomaticallyinferiortonortheasternorwesterncounterparts.Instead,IdreamedoflivinginNewYorkCityandmyparentsobligedmewithavisittoNewYorkUniversity's(NYU)campus.Duringthetour,tuitionfeeswerediscussed.(NYUisconsistentlyrankedoneofthecountry,smostexpensiveschools,withroomandboardcoststotalingupwardsof$64,000ayear.)【38】 Up until then, I hadn't truly realized just how expensive an education can be. Overthenextfewmonths,IrealizednotonlycouldInotaffordmydreamschool,Icouldn'tevenaffordtheoneswhereI'dbeenaccepted.CityUniversityofNewYork(CUNY)




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