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7. 时间状语从句和条件状语从句; 8. 本单元学过的词汇、短语和句型; 9. 本单元学过的日常交际用语。



1. ---Do you know if we will go to the cinema tomorrow? ---I think we’ll go if we ________ too much homework. A. will have B. had C. won’t have D. don’t have


2. You have been to Tibet, _________? I was told that the snow-covered mountains were very beautiful.

A. have you B. haven’t you C. don’t you 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是反意疑问句的构成。反意疑问句的前一部分是肯定句,后一部分就应该是否定的疑问部分,而且要和前一部分保持时态上的一致。 3. ---Jacky, look at that Japanese sumoist(相扑手).

---Wow, ______________!

A. How a fat man B. What a fat man C. How fat man D. What fat man

【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是感叹句的构成。这个感叹句省略了主谓部分,只保留了感叹部分。如果以What开头,就应该是What a fat man! 如果是How开头,就应该是How fat!

4. ---Thanks for your help. ---__________________

A. It doesn’t matter B. Don’t thank me C. You’re welcome D. That’s right

【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是日常交际用语。回答别人的道谢通常用“That’s all right.”或”You’re welcome.”


一. 选择填空

1. Don’t forget _________your book here tomorrow.

A. to take B. to bring C. taking D. bringing 2. Mrs Brown went to the cinema, ______she?

A. didn’t B. doesn’t C. wasn’t D. isn’t 3. It was half past four. Everything _______ready.

A. is B. was C. are D. were 4. ---Happy New Year! ---____________.

A. The same to you B. I’m glad to hear that

C. I’m very happy D. Thank you. It’s very kind of you. 5. I got up late yesterday. There _________no time to have breakfast.

A. has B. had C. was D. is

6. Thank you for ______me to your party.

A. invite B. inviting C. to invite D. invited 7. ---I’m sorry I took your pen by mistake yesterday. ---______________.

A. All right B. That’s right C. Right D. That’s all right 8. ---Thank you for showing me the way! ---________________.

A. The same to you B. It doesn’t matter C. It’s a pleasure D. That’s right 9. ---Could I use your computer for a moment?


A. Sure B. Really C. Right D. It doesn’t matter 10. ---I just lost my bike.


A. I wish you to buy a new one B. You’d better buy a new one C. I’m sorry to hear that

D. It’s always nice to ride a new one 二. 选择能代替句中划线部分的词语或短语

1.What’s the matter with your mother? A.problem B. question C. message D. wrong

2.---Thank you very much. ---It’s a pleasure. A. I’m very glad. B. That’s right. C. It doesn’t matter D. Not at all 3.What is he doing at the moment? A.now B. a moment ago C. late D later on 4.Did you have a good time at the party? A.stay long B. sing and dance C. enjoy yourself D. eat enough 5.---May I speak to John, please? ---Certainly.

A.Sure. B. I think so. C. I’d love to D. That’s all right. 6.---Could I speak to Jim, please? ---Sorry,he isn’t in. A.is at home B. is not at work C. is out D. is free 7.There is nothing but an old table in the room. A. many B. some C. any D. only 8.What’s the weather like? A. When B. Where C. why D. How 9.Please let me look at your photo. A.give me B. pass me C. bring me D. show me 10.Please ask him to ring me up when he comes back. A. see B. help C. call D. thank 三. 完形填空

When I __1__ in London last year, it had one of the thickest fogs(雾) in years. You could __2____ see your hand in __3___ of your face. When evening fell, it became even __4___ . All traffic __5___ to a stop. I decided to walk.

A few minutes __6___ , I couldn’t find my__7___ . Then I saw a young man and asked him to help me. He agreed. As I was following him __8__ the streets, he told me, “I know this part of London quite well. And the thick fog ___9__ to me. You see, I’m __10___ .” 1.A. is B. was C. am D. are 2. A. easily B. hard C. hardly D. even 3. A. front B. the front C. back D. the back 4. A. bad B. worse C. good D. better 5.A. began B. started C. went D came 6.A. late B. later C. early D. earlier 7.A. road B. way C. street D. home 8.A. along B. in C. through D. by 9.A. is not good B. does good C. is nothing D. has something

10.A. strong B. week C. blind D. clever 四. 阅读理解


John was a very famous pianist. When he was a small boy, he once played at a party at the home of a rich man. He was only eight years old. But he had played for several years. At the party he played a famous piece by Beethoven (贝多芬). He played wonderfully.

The famous piece has in it several very long rests. In each of these rests he took his hands from the piano and waited. To him this was very exciting. But it seemed that the mother of the rich man thought differently. Finally during one of these rests she came over to him. She touched him on the head with a smile and said, “My boy, why don’t you play us what you know well?”


1.John once played the piano at a party when he was only a little boy. 2.John began to play the piano at the age of eight.

3.In each of the rests John took his hands from the piano because he felt tired. 4.The rich man’s mother did not think John played the piece well. 5.I n fact the mother of the rich man knew the piece well. (B)

One day, we had an English class. The teacher saw a boy reading a picture book and said, “Tom, what do you usually do after lunch?” Tom nervously(紧张地)got up from his seat, but he did not know what to answer. He thought for some time and then said, “Wait for supper.”

The teacher was displeased and just at that moment, he saw another boy asleep. The teacher was getting a little angry now, but he was trying not to show it. Then he asked, “And you, Joke?”

As Joke was asleep, of course, he could not hear what the teacher had said. His deskmate(同桌) woke him up. Joke stood up quickly and answered in a loud voice, “So do I”. 1.This story happened____________.

A. in the teacher’s office B. after lunch C. in class D. a home 2.Tom’s answer made the teacher __________.

A. angry B. displeased C. surprising D. laughing

3.The teacher asked Joke ________. A.what he wanted to do after class B.what he did in class

C.the same question as he asked Tom D.to help Tom

4.Joke’s answer meant that_______.

A.he knew what to do and what not to do after lunch B.he did the same thing as Tom did C.he read a picture-book

D.he did many things after lunch

5.From the above story we can see that ________.

A. Joke did not know what question the teacher had asked B.Tom did well in his lessons C.Joke was good at his lessons

D.Tom and Joke worked hard at their lessons (C)

Mrs Black, the wife of a rich business man, invited some of her friends to have lunch. She wanted to try a new way of cooking a fish, and she was very pleased with herself when the dish was ready. As the dish was very hot, she put it near the open window to cool for a few minutes. But, five minutes later, when she came back for it, she was shocked(震惊)to find the neighbour’s cat at the dish. She was in time to stop the car. That afternoon was successful and everyone enjoyed the dish very much. They talked and laughed till four o’clock.

At the end of the afternoon, when she was alone again, Mrs Black felt tired and happy. She was in a chair just near the window. She looked out of the window and shocked to see the neighbour’s cat dead in her garden. Why, the fish dish must be bad! What would happen to her friends? She at once telephoned the family doctor for advice. The doctor told her to telephone each of the visitors to meet him at the

hospital as soon as he could. Finally the danger was over. Once again Mrs Black was alone in her chair in the sitting-room, still tired but no longer happy. Just then the telephone rang. It was her neighbour. “Oh, Mrs Black,” her neighbour cried, “My cat is dead. She was killed by someone in a car and put it in your garden.” 1.Mrs Black invited _______to lunch.

A. Mr Black’s friends B. her neighbour

C. her parents D. some of her friends 2.Why was Mrs Black not happy after she had a good party?

A.She was sad about the dead cat. B.She found her fish dish was bad.

C.She never thought that she would have so much trouble. D.She felt tired after she had a busy day. 3.Mrs Black________________________.

A.stopped the cat before it began to eat the fish B.was too late to stop the cat in time C.stopped the cat before it ate the fish up D.stopped the cat but it was too late

4.Why was Mrs Black so shocked to see the cat dead in her garden?

A.She liked the cat very much.