上海市松江区2019届中考二模英语试卷附答案解析 下载本文

Unusual Festivals

Every country has his own festivals to celebrate different things. Some festivals are more interesting than others because they're unusual — and a lot more fun! Here are just a few unusual festivals around the world.

Holi, the festival of colours, takes place every year in India, Nepal, and other parts of the world. Holi celebrates the c ___ 81 ___ of winter and the arrival of spring. Ifs also a celebration of good over evil. During the festival, people throw coloured powder (粉末)and water at each other. Stores and offices close, and the streets fill with e_______ 82 ___ crowds. Ifs one of the most colourful festivals in the world.

The only colour during another famous festival is red. 4tLa Tomatina,' takes place in Bunol, Spain, in August. People come from all over the world for a big food f 83

. La Tomatina,

you see, is the festival of throwing tomatoes! All over the country, people run through the streets throwing red tomatoes at each other. The streets get very messy, but everyone has a good time.

A ____ 84 ___ strange and cold festival takes place every May or June in Peru. People celebrate with music and dance on top of a glacier! The festival 1 __ 85 ____ for three days,and people walk out carrying torches (火把)to finish the festival.

Finally, how about a festival with animals? On the last weekend in November, people in Lopburi, Thailand, i 86 some unusual guests to dinner at the Monkey Buffet Festival. Hundreds of monkeys come to the buffet, where they feast (享受)on fruit, nuts and vegetables. It’s a great tourist attraction, and people from all over the world to watch it.

Unusual or not, festivals have one thing in common all over the world. They bring people t ___ 87 ___ , and they give them a reason to celebrate and have fun.

【答案】end,excited,fight,Another,lasts,invite,together 【解析】

81空结合文意,Holi庆祝冬天的结束并迎接春天的到来。 82因为是庆祝节曰,大街上都是兴奋的人群.

83有难度,来自全世界的人们来食物大战,容易误填festival,前文已经出现过,所以不能再填, 而且后文说到人们互相扔番茄,所以要填fight,

84前文介绍了好几个节曰,接下来再介绍另外一个. 85结合意思,节曰持续3天



D. Answer the questions!根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)

Frank and his friends used to go camping every summer, and once something happened which he wasn’t able to explain. They were camping in a place above a river. After arriving, they all rushed down to the river and had a swim. Standing by the river,they noticed that it was surrounded(包围> by cliffs. If someone wanted to reach the river, he had to walk past their camp. Several days later, their camping leader had to be away for a day. That afternoon, they had supper early. They were sitting round the fire, eating and talking, when an old man walked past and went down towards the river. They all felt that this man looked very frightening. Each of them kept silent and said nothing.

They ate very slowly, taking as long as possible. After finishing, they collected their plates together so that they could take them to the river where they always washed them. But no one moved towards the river. Then all shouting at once, they began talking about the man who had walked past them. They agreed that how strange he looked and they wondered what he was doing by the river. They knew that he could only return by passing through their camp.

An hour passed. Then one of the boys suggested they should creep down by the river so that they could see what the man was doing. Moving very slowly and keeping in the shadow, they crept down(躁手躁脚)towards the bank. One boy climbed a tree and he could see everything clearly. He called to them that there was no one there, so they ran down to the bank, looking everywhere carefully. They could not understand where the man had gone.

When it got dark, they went back to their camp feeling unbelievable. They told the leader what had happened in the evening. Smiling, he suggested they go and look again. They did, but there was no one there. 88. What were Frank and his friends always doing above a river?

89. What did the boys see when eating and talking round the fire one afternoon? 90. Why did no one go to the river to wash their plates after finishing eating? 91. How did they go towards the river to see what the man was doing? 92. Did they tell the leader what had happened in the evening? 93. Why did the boys think the camping experience unbelievable? 【答案l


88. Camping

89. They saw an old man walking past and going down towards the river 90. Because they were afraid of the strange man.

91. By moving very slowly, keeping in the shadow, and creeping down towards the bank. 92. Yes, they did.

93. Because they couldn't And the strange man who >ven( towards the river. Because they could not understand where the man had gone. 【解析】

88?细节信息题,根据题干定位到原文 Frank and his friends used to go camping every summer 以及 They、vere camping in a place above a river,可知答案为 Camping。

89?推断题,根据题干定位到原文 They were sitting round the fire,eating and talking,、vhen an old man walked past and went down towards the river?此题答题注意题干要求是 What did the hoys see.\所以答案为 They saw an old man walking past and going down towards the river。

90?推断题,根据题干定位原文 They aH felt that this man looked very frightening. Each of them kept silent and said nothing?可以得知男孩们其实比较害怕这个男人,所以他们不敢区河边洗碗, 答案为 Because they were afraid of the strange man.

91.推断题,根据题干定位原文 Then one of the boys suggested they should creep down by the river so that they could see >vhat the man was doing. Moving ver\\' slowly and keeping in the shadow, they crept down(g|手躁脚> towards the bank?此题注意how提问的答题规范性,答案为By moving very slowly, keeping in the shadow, and creeping down towards the bank.

92?细节信息题,根据题干定位原文 They told the leader what had happened in the evening?可知 答案为 Yes, they did. 93?推断题,注意答题规范,不要有语法错误。根据题干定位原文They could not understsuul where the man had gone. When it got dark, they went back to their camp feeling unbelievable. 〇J 知男孩们觉得不可思议是因为这个去河边的男人不知所踪了。

VII. Writing (作文)(共 20 分)

94. ______________________________________ Write at least 60 words on the topic44 A/An (以“我想分享 ________________________________ ” 为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)

在学习和生活中,你有什么值得与他人分享的?比如可以谈谈你看过的书、电影或? 次难忘的经历等等,同时能让别人从中获益什么或者受到何种启发。 (注意:1.在答题纸上将题目补充完整。



I’d like to share”

A book I'd like to share

In the past few years, I have read so many books, but my favorite book is Harn Potter. Now Fd like to share it for everyone. I think it is a nice and a funny book. It is good for us teenagers.


I like read it because it is full of science fiction. It is easy to understand and it is the funniest book I have read. I have learned a lot from it! I know that 纛s a teenager, we should be confident and brave like Harry Potter. And we should love and protect our friends. We all need friends. We all need get along well with our friends. If I have the chance to learn some magic skills, Td love to be a teenager like Harr\\' Potter. Flying and doing some magic tricks, that*s my interest and that's the most Important reason why I love reading Harry Potter so much. 【解析】

本次作文厲于半命题作文,“我想分享......”,还是比较容易的.对比去年2018年二横,观点 及措施类难度是差不多的,重点考察学生平时素材的积累和语言表达的练习是否足够。