上海市松江区2019届中考二模英语试卷附答案解析 下载本文

55. This is my E-mail address, and may I have _________ ? (you) 56. Jack wants to be a newspaper _________ when he grows up. (report)

57. China is very different from __________ countries in culture and customs, (west)

58. The People's Republic of China will celebrate her __________ birthday this year, (seventy) 59. The old buildings in the city __________ quite a few foreigners every year, (attractive) 60. It is ________ to understand every single word when reading an article, (necessary) 61. Although similar in appearance, the twins are _________ different in character, (complete)

【答案】lies: yours: reporter: western; seventieth; attract; unnecessary; completely


54. 考察名词的复数,tell a lie为说谎,此处是复数。

55. 考察代词.此处句意是这个是我的邮箱地址,我可以得到你的邮箱地址吗?用名词性物 主代词yours。 56. 此处表达的是Jack想成为_名职业,所以需要填写职称reporter。 57. 此处分析语法,缺乏形容词western,表示西方国家.此处注意拼写,

58. 分析句子可知.表达她的70岁的生曰,用序数词修饰生曰,注意拼写seventieth。 59. 分析语法得知.缺乏谓语动词,且句子为一般现在时,主语是复数,所以填写动词原形。

60. 根据it is要填形容词.分析句意,在阅读文章时,理解每一个单词是不必要的,所以答 案为 unnecessary 61?根据are differen丨中间可以填写副词,表示程度,注意拼写completely。

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required <根据所给要求,改写句子,每空格限填一词> (共

W分) 62. Both my sister and I like the songs by the Beatles.(改为否定句)

_________ my sister ____________ I like the songs by the Beatles. 63. Mary read the English text twice last night?(改为反义疑问句)

Mary read the English text twice last night, ______________________ ? 64. She paid 30 yuan for the ticket for the film 呢



____________________ did she pay for the ticket for the film Wandering Earth?

65. People plant more trees to help protect the environment.(对划线部分提问)

____________________ people plant more trees?

66. Could you tell me where I can exchange money for travelling abroad?(改为简单句)

Coud you tell me ____________________ exchange money for travelling abroad?

67. We will build another superstore in our town next year.(改为被动语态)

Another superstore will ____________________ in our town next year.


a good idea, before bedtime, it is, light music, to listen to(连词成句)

【答案】Neither, nor; didn’t she: How much: Why do: where to; be built; It is a good idea to listen to light music before bedtime. 【解析】

62. 考察否定句,both...and的否定句为neither…nor。拓展,要注意neither...nor的就近原 则。


63. 考察反义疑问句,且read此处是动词过去式,为易错点。 64. 考察特殊疑问句,此处对金钱提问,用how much。

65. 考点特殊疑问句,此处对to do提问,表示目的,用why提问,同时注意此处是一般现 在时。 66. 考察宾语从句的简单句,直接疑问词写下来,再加todo即可。

67. 考察一般将来时的被动语态,结构为will be done,注意build的过去分词为built。 68?考察it is +名词+to do的句型。

Part3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)

V.Reading comprehension (阅读理解)(共 50 分)

A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)

Most people cannot choose their jobs. They only have their jobs forced upon (Mi§.)thcm.

This may be because they haven't enough training for any other job, or because of economic situation, or because they live in a place where there is a limited choice of jobs, or because their fathers and grandfathers have always followed a certain occupation. The Indian bom of farmer parents in a village has, for example, few opportunities of becoming anything but a farmer.

But if one is lucky enough to be able to choose the job one is going to do, how should one make one's choice? One's choice clearly depends on what one wants to get out of one's job.

Some people believe that nobody can do a job well if they do not enjoy it. But this is probably true only of certain types of work. And there are those who have an ability for turning their job into something that is an enjoyable way of earning their


but who do not really do

their work well. Some doctors, for example, who become rich and famous men are in fact not owning humanity (A14)which is necessary in their job, and may even not be especially skilled at their job. So are some lawyers. Perhaps many of the best doctors, lawyers, and teachers spend their lives working so hard for others that do not have time to become rich and famous. One must decide, when choosing a job, whether one wants to do a job for its own sake (为工作本身)or for the rewards (报酬)it offers.

69. They only have their jobs forced upon them \A)

C)they must follow what their fathers used to do

they make themselves do the jobs B)they have to do the jobs available D)their jobs are chosen by others


70. The underlined word “opportunities” in the first paragraph probably means“ A) hobbies

B) forms

C) efforts

D) chances

71. According to the passage, a person's choice of job should be decided by ____________ . A) his economic situation C) his purpose in taking a job

B) his family background D) his ability to do a job

72. The writer seems to have a good impression on those doctors who are ___________ . A) rich

B) famous

C) skillful

D) hardworking

73. How many occupations are mentioned in the last paragraph? A) One

B) Two

C) Three


D) Four

74. We may infer (推断)from the passage that ___________ . A) lawyers are those people who work very hard for others B) humanity is necessary in the making of a good doctor

C) a successful person is one who can make his living in an enjoyable way D) teachers must be rich and famous if they work hard. 【答案】69.B70.D71.C72.D73.C74.B 【分析】

69.由文章第一段,“This may be because they haven’t enough training for any other job,or because of economic situation, or because they live in a place where there is a limited choice of jobs, or because their fathers and grandfathers have always followed a certain occupation.”可知it匕题选


occupation. The Indian bom of farmer parents in a village has, for example, few opportunities of becoming anything but a farmer.”可知此题为 D :结合一e,s—

72.由文章第三段,“Some people believe that nobody can do a job well if they do not enjoy it. But this is probably true only of certain types of work.”可知此题选 D

73 ?由文章第三段,“So are some lawyers. Perhaps many of the best doctors,lawyers, and teachers spend”可知,此题为C

74.由文章最后一段“for example, who become rich and famous men are in fact not

owning humanity (A14)which is necessary in their job, and may even not be especially skilled at their job.”可知选 B

B. Choose the best words or phrases and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词组完 成短文)(ii分)

The World Stage (舞台)

Today people everywhere enjoy watching movies and television. Before movies and television, people didn't have lots of amusements. 75 they did things at home, or they went to theaters to see plays and performances. Watching performances on stage didnft stop being popular.

There were theaters in Greece more than 2,000 years ago. Most Greek cities had a theater. Greek plays were funny or sad, but all of them taught important lessons about life. In those times, all the actors were men or boys, and there was a chorus with people singing. Greek plays are still popular today. Every summer people enjoy watching them in 76 theaters, so they don't feel hot.

William Shakespeare made the theater popular in England about 400 years ago. Shakespeare Wrote many plays. People laughed and cried when they watched them in the 1600s, and they still


do today. Nowadays you can see his plays in theaters all over the world in many different 77 including Chinese, Japanese , German and so on. One of his most famous plays is Romeo and Juliet.

Music and dance are also popular stage performances. In Spain, people love watching performances of flamenco(吉卜赛Flamenco comes from Southern Spain. It 78 hundreds of years ago when people moved to Spain from the East. Usually there's a guitar, and men and women dance. “Palnieros” clap(击掌 > in a special way with the dancers. Flamenco music and dance are very attractive. Together, the music and dance tell a story.

In Vietnam, people enjoy watching an interesting kind of theater called Ma Roi Nuoc. There aren't any actors ---only puppets (木f禹>? The puppets are on a stage filled with water . People from the Red River Delta began this kind of 79 in the 1 Ithcentury, but people still watch them today. They're magic.

Stage performances made us happy 80 history and they continue to make us smile or cry although the TV and movies are a lot of fun.

75. A. Also 76. A. free 77. A. copies 78. A. started 79. A. shows 80. A. within B. Instead B. unusual B. countries B. changed B. records B. during C. Still C. open C. details C. delivered C. customs C. through D. Yet D. real D. languages D. happened D. hobbies D. among 【答案】BCDAAC 【解析】

75. 考察前后关系,根据意思之前没娱乐,相反他们只能待在家里或去剧院看表演。 76. 考察因果关系.文意是指:所以他们不热。可知应该是在_个相对开放的空间。


?考察细节,根据丨ncluding Chinese, Japanese,German and so on可知是用不同的语言 表达。

78. 考察细节,吉卜赛表演开始于数百年前。

79. 考察细节,根据but people still watch them today可知应是_种表演。 80. 考察固定搭配,during history是指在历史上。

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给>(14分>