大学英语B统考试卷-统考英语B练习试卷-网考英语b练习试卷九 下载本文

E:knew 答案: E (5)、 A:top B:slow C:class D:answer E:knew 答案: A

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(1)、I came here at least once a month. (2)、I hurried to my office.

(3)、When were the Olympic Games founded? (4)、If you decided to learn a new language, you would have to devote all your efforts to it. 六、写作

Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 Happy Things in My Childhood 1.介绍主要童年趣事; 2.描述一件主要趣事。