人教版高二英语选修7重要知识点 下载本文

best of all尤其,特别 [典例]

1) My father loves golf best of all. He goes for it every weekend. 我父亲特别喜欢打高尔夫球,每个周末他都会去打一次.

2) I wish you all the best during the journey.我祝愿你旅途一切顺利

6. as well as 也, 又; 和……一样好(可连接并列的名词,代词,形容词,动词,介词短语等;注意:连接两谓语时,两动词的时态要保持一致) [短语归纳]

as good as和...一样好

as well也, 又(常做状语), 相当于too; also [典例]

1) She can sing as well as her sister.她唱得和她姐姐一样好。

2) He directed as well as act in the film.他导演了这部影片并且在里边扮演了角色。

3) I am going to study abroad and my brother is going as well.我要到国外留学,我弟弟也要去。 4) His story is as good as a play.他的故事很有趣。

VI 重点句子 (旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)

1. She is proud to have taken part in competitions and to have broken a record by running two laps(800

metres) this year.她很骄傲她参加了比赛而且在今年的800米长跑中打破了记录。

[解释]to have taken part in…为不定式的完成时,表示的动作在谓语动作前发生,意为“已经做了”。 [典例]

I am sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time.对不起,让你等了那么久。

AIDS is said to have been the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past

few years.据说,在过去的几年里,爱滋病已经成为那个地区男性以及女性的最大的健康隐患。

2. The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me annoyed, and I just ignore


[解释] see the real person inside one?s body “了解某人内心深处”是一种比较形象的说法。 [典例]

In the film the Black Book, the captain cannot find a friend who is able to see the real person inside his body. 在电影《黑皮书》中,那个上尉无法找到一个可以理解他的朋友。

3. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. 生活太忙了,我可没时间闲坐着顾影自怜。

[解释] “sit around”无所事事;feeling sorry for myself现在分词短语做伴随状语。 [典例]

She is not the type to sit around doing nothing.她不是那种闲坐着无所事事的人。 A beggar sits around staring at the last leaf on the tree. 有个乞丐闲坐着,眼睛盯着树上的最后的一片叶子。

4. Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.接受他们的现状,并给他们予鼓励,让他们和你们一样过着丰富多彩而充实的生活。 [解释]… to live as rich and full a life as you do.具有以下结构 “as+adj.+a/an+n.+as”表示像……一样的……” [典例]

Mary is as friendly a girl as Julie. Mary和Julie一样友好

I have never met with as clever a boy as he is before, who has really impressed me a great deal. 我从来没见过像他一样聪明的男孩,他的确给我留下了非常深刻的印象.

2. 信息匹配

阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。 首先,请先阅读下列应用文: A. Gesichter of Orients

Documents of the life of the various cultures lived in the region of present-day Jordan, from the early Neolithic (8th century 13. C. ) to the early Islamic period. Besides, there are documents about other religious group. B. Covering the Real

Works by Warhol, Richter, Polke, Baldessari and another 20 artists show the relationship between art of different ages in different ways--photography, painting, video, installation and the press picture.

C. At Home with ter Botch

While Gerard ter Borch the younger is well known as a Dutch master, few people know that the other members of the family were also highly skilled in art. The exhibition shows about 80 drawings by ter Broch, his father and his half-brothers and sister. D. Robert Couturier: 100P, ns of Sculptor

Celebrate the l00th birthday of the French sculptor, the exhibition brings together more than 100 sculptures and drawings. Couturier, who developed a close relationship with Maillol, found his inspiration in the human body, and use stone, plaster and bronze to express it. E. Follow me! Chinese Art at the Treshuld of the New Millennium

Looks at the work of 19 artists born after 1960 who escaped the ideological influence of the Cultural Revolution. Everyday life and separation in the new age and in the big cities, as well as marks of the Revolution.

F. China Crossroads of Culture

Explores the development of Chinese art from the Han through the Tang dynasties, a period when waves of conquest, trade and immigration along the Silk Road set off a new Chinese creativity. The 200 items include objects in jade, gold, silver, textiles, works on paper and wall painting.


Bessy: Having been interested in painting for 3 years, she now falls in love with sculpture. She

feels the form can express fully what she sees, feels, and thinks. Recently, she has joined in the local sculpture club.

Collins: He is an exchange scholar on art. Since childhood, he has been fascinated in Chinese

ancient art. The land with a long history, the \inventions\the hard-working nation with full wisdom, has played a world leading role in human history for thousands of years. He always wonders how they achieved this?

Mr. Chang:An overseas Chinese. He left China soon after the founding of New China. All things

are proving the success of China's opening-up policy, and he feels inspired and proud. He'd like to know more about its recent development.

Paul: He is a graduate of Leeds University. Working on a report about religion, especially

Christianity, Muslim and Islam, he has made many visits to famous religious places and spent much time in libraries searching for related information and proof.

Denny: He is a college student who majors in art. As an excellent student in the department, he

has done some research on the art expressing ways of different times. He' d like to find out that with the development of science and technology, what new ways can be adopted to show art?

申请者: 选择意向:

46. Bessy A. Gesichter of Orients 47. Collins B. Covering the Real

48. Mr. Chang C. At Home with ter Borch

49. Paul D. Robert Couturier.. 100Ans of Sculptor 50. Denny E. Chinese Art at the Treshold of New Millennium F. China Crossroads of Culture 答案:

46.D [解析]Bessy的信息里出现了sculpture一词,D栏也有有关 Sculpture的内容。本题容易。

47.F [解析]Collins的信息里出现了Chinese ancient art,F栏有“Chinese art f'rom the Han through the Tang dynasties\。本题稍难。

48.E [解析]Mr.Chang的信息里出现了“He?d like to know more about its recent development.”与E栏有关。本题容易。

49.A [解析]Paul的信息里出现了religion一词,A栏也有有关religion的内容,本题容易。 50.B [解析] Denny的信息里出现了“the art expressing ways of different times.”B栏也有有关“art of different ages in different ways”的内容。本题容易。 4. 基础写作



(2)若有人大出血,你必须马上给他止血。用手帕压在出血点上并按住不动。 (3)如有人被动物咬伤,让他把伤口放在冷水管下冲洗,尽快去看医生。

(4)对于简单的刀伤,只要将伤口冲洗一下,弄干净,然后盖上一块清洁的干布就行了。 [写作要求]

1.请你就以上内容提示用5个句子写一封英文信。 2.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计人句数。






________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案: Dear Lily,

Pleased to receive your letter. I think we have to learn something about first aid, for unexpected accidents often happen in the daily life. Here is some advice on how to do first aid. 1. If the person is not breathing, you must try to start his breath at once, using the mouth-to-mouth way.

2. If the person is bleeding badly, you must try to stop the bleeding by pressing a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there.

3. If someone is bitten by an animal, you had better wash his wound under cold running water and go to see a doctor as soon as possible.

4. For the slight knife wound, you only need to wash and clean it, and then you can cover it with a piece of clean cloth.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours, Mary

Unit 2 Robots


I单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点) 词语 1.desire/wish/hope/expect/want/long for 辨析 2.assess/access 3.victory/success/conquest/triumph 1. satisfaction n.满意 satisfy v.使满意 satisfying adj.令人满足的 satisfied adj.感到满意的 词形 变化 2. alarmed adj.感到惊吓的 alarm v.&n. n.警报vt. 恐吓, 警告 词汇 3.declare v.断言,宣称 declaration n.宣布,宣言,声明 部分 1. desire n.渴望 vt.想要 2. satisfaction n.满意 重点 3. alarm n.警报 vt.使```惊恐 单词 4. sympathy n.同情 5. accompany vt.陪伴

6. declare vt.宣布 7. envy vt.嫉妒 8. junior adj.较年幼的 9. divorce n.离婚 vt.与```离婚 重点 test out 考验 ring up 打电话给 turn around 转向 词组 leave…alone 不打扰 set aside 将```放在一边 be bound to 一定做……

1. Claire didn?t want the robot in her house, especially as her husband would be absent for three weeks, but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn?t harm her or allow her 重点句型 to be harmed. 2. As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. 3. Asimov began having stories published in science fiction magazines in 1939. 复习被动语态(包括动词不定式)(I)(见语法专题) 重点语法 II 词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1). desire/wish/hope/expect/want/long for 【解释】 desire属正式用语, 可代替wish 和want, 强调“主观愿望的热切性”, 含有“强烈希望做某事”的意思, wish语气比desire弱, 一般用于“难以实现或不可能实现的愿望”,指“希望”、“愿”、“想” hope表示实现的可能性较大的希望 expect侧重“期待,预期,指望” want多用于口语式普通场合, 指“想”、“要”或“需要”, 表示“偏爱、选择”或“需要、热爱” long for表“希望,渴望” 【练习】选择desire/wish/hope/expect/want或long for并用其适当的形式填空 1) I _______ I could have a new car. 2) I _____ a dictionary at the present time. 3) He managed to get the book he ______ finally. 4) I ______ an immediate answer of yours. 5) personally, our city team has better players and I ______them to win 6) He has been working abroad for years, and is _______ to come back and see his family very much. Keys: 1)wish 2) want 3) desired 4) desire/expect/want 5) expect 6)longing 2). assess/access 【解释】 assess vt. 估定, 评定。 access n. 通路, 访问, 入门 【练习】选择assess或access,并用其适当的形式填空 1) Damages in the great earthquake were ______ at several hundred billion. 2) Only persons with a permit has ______to the restricted area; Keys: 1) assessed 2) access 3) victory/success/conquest/triumph 【解释】 victory指“在战争、竞赛、斗争中获胜”, 并有“击败对方或敌人”的含义 success对预期的、计划的、尝试的事物的目标达到 conquest指“征服某国或某民族, 从而使之处于被支配地位的胜利或战胜” triumph指“辉煌或彻底的胜利或成功” 【练习】选择victory/success/conquest或triumph并用其适当的形式填空 1) They won a ______ in battle. 2) The general with his soldiers returned home in _______ 3) After the serious bomb, they succeeded in the ______ of that city. 4) The conference was a _______. Keys: 1) victory 2) triumph 3) conquest 4) success III 词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料) 1. satisfaction n.满意 satisfy v.使满意 satisfying adj.令人满足的 satisfied adj.感到满意的 2. alarmed adj.感到惊吓的 alarm n.警报 vt. 恐吓, 警告 3.declare v.断言,宣称 declaration n.宣布,宣言,声明 IV 重点词汇 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)