【人教版新目标】七年级英语上册Unit2同步练习(含答案) 下载本文

精品资料Unit2 This is my sister


1. is a tall tree. It's near. But bird is in the sky. It's far. A. This; this B. This; that C. That; that 2. are my grandparents.

A. She

B. That

C. He

3. --- is that man over there? --- He is Dick's uncle.

A. Where B. What C. Who 4. --- is the girl behind you? --- She's my elder sister.

A. What B. How much C. Where 5. --- How much are these trousers? --- 65 yuan. A. It is B. They are C. This is 6. is his sister and are his parents.

A. This; that

B. That; this

C. This; those

7. --- Are your grandparents in the photo?

--- Yes, are.

A. they; these B. those; they C. they; those 8. --- ?

--- He is my favourite basketball player in our school.

A. Where is Jim B. Who is Jim C. How is Jim 9. --- is the girl next to Lily? --- She's my classmate.

A. Who B. What C. How 10. --- What are those? --- are cakes. A. That B. These C. It 11. is my friend, and is my brother.

A. This; that

B. This; he

C. This; those

12. --- Are your keys?

--- Yes, they are. They're .

A. this; my B. that; mine C. these; my 13. --- is he?

--- He is PSY. He sang the song Gangnam Style.

A. Who B. How C. What D. That; this D. Those

D. Which

D. Who

D. These are D. Those; this

D. those; these

D. What is Jim

D. Where

D. They D. It; these

D. those; mine

D. Where

14. --- is the woman over there?

--- She is my mother.

A. What

--- classrooms. B. Who C. How D. Where

15. --- What are these?

A. These are B. This is C. They are D. That is

16. --- Hello, Tina. is my friend, Helen. --- Nice to meet you, Helen.

A. This A. This

B. That B. He

C. It C. Those

D. They D. That

17. are his brothers, Peter and Dave. 18. --- is Andy? --- He is our teacher.

A. Where B. What C. Who D. Whose

19. --- is she? --- She is my sister.

A. How A. Shorts

B. Where B. It

C. Who C. These

D. What D. They

20. I have two pairs of shorts. are nice. 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共20小题;共20分)

21. My grandfather has two sons. One is my father, and the other one (另一个) is my u . 22. My father and mother are my p . I'm their d . 23. She's my s , Mary. 24. My a is my father's sister. 25. Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown have two children, a son and a d . 26. These are some photos of Lucy's f . This is her mother. 27. What is the g name? 28. This is a p of my family. 29. Alice is my sister. I am her b . 30. How many c do you have? 31. --- Who's the man in front of you?

--- He is my u —my father's brother.

32. This is a photo of my family. Look! They are my p , my sister and I. 33. The woman is my mother's s . She's my aunt. 34. My mother's sister is my a . 35. The old man and his d are good to us. 36. Hello, I'm Bob. My f name is White. 37. Good morning, boys and g . Let's begin our class. 38. Look! This is a p of my family. 39. Do you have any b or sisters? 40. Bob and Bruce are my c , they are my aunt's sons. 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共20小题;共20分)

41. Do you know whose (照片) these are? 42. Is Tom's (弟弟) happy today?

43. These (女孩) are Mr. Smith's daughters. 44. The black backpack on the sofa is my (妹妹的). 45. Who's in the (下一个) photo? 46. Gina and Jenny are (堂姐妹). 47. I am a boy; I'm my parents' (儿子). 48. I go to see my (父母亲) once a month. 49. Is Miss. Smith your (姑姑)? 50. Alice is Mr. Green's (女儿). 51. Look at these (照片). They are Lily's. 52. That is her (哥哥).

53. Cindy is a (女孩). She is 14 years old. 54. I'm Lucy and my (姐妹) is Lily.

55. Slow down, please. The (下一个) exit is only 200 meters away. 56. The boy is my (堂弟).

57. Mr. Wang wants to have a (儿子). 58. These are Gina's (父母). 59. My (阿姨) is a beautiful woman. 60. Do you have any (女儿)?


This is my friend, Chen Hong. She 61 a nurse(护士). She 62 long, brown hair. It's different. What color are 63 eyes? 64 are black. And they 65 big. She likes pants. Her favorite color is 66 . 67 , she's wearing a red sweater and 68 of white pants. Her legs are very 69 . So(所以) her pants are very long. Where 70 she from? Let me tell you. She is from China. 61. A. be 62. A. have 63. A. her 64. A. It 65. A. be 66. A. red 67. A. See 68. A. a 69. A. short 70. A. be

B. am B. has B. she B. He B. am B. green B. Know B. pair B. long B. is

C. is C. is have C. he C. She C. is C. brown C. Look C. a pair C. big C. does

D. are D. do have D. his D. They D. are D. gray D. Call D. pairs D. heavy D. are



Look! This is a photo of my family. My name is Brooklyn. I am 5 years old now. You know my father? Yes, he is David Beckham. He is a good football player(运动员). He is thirty-two years old now. This is my mother. Her name is Victoria. She is thirty years old now. I have a brother. But he is not in this photo. He is only 1 year old. His name is Romeo. We are very happy. 71. My name is .

A. Beckham Brooklyn B. David Beckham C. Romeo Beckham A. 32 A. Victoria

A. Yes, he is.

D. Brooklyn Beckham

C. 28

B. David Beckham

B. No, he isn't.

C. Romeo

D. 23

72. My father is years old. B. 30

73. is my mother. 74. ---Is my brother in the photo? --- . C. He is only 1 year old. D. He's Romeo. A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. I don't know

75. My family has people(人).


Dear Amy,

Susan is my pen pal. She's from London, England. She speaks good English. She's now in Shanghai with her parents, because they work in Shanghai. Susan can speak a little Chinese.

There are five people in her family, her parents, her two brothers and she. Her brothers aren't in China. They are in England.

She likes singing and dancing very much. Her favorite subject is music. She likes going to the movies on weekends. She thinks it's fun. I think she's a nice girl. Do you want Amy to be your pen pal?

Yours, Sophia

76. Susan is Sophia's .

A. sister A. In Shanghai.

B. aunt B. In New York.

C. cousin C. In Beijing.

D. pen pal D. In London.

77. Where does Susan live now?

78. How many brothers and sisters does Susan have?

A. She has two sisters and one brother. B. She has two brothers but no sister. C. She has two sisters but no brother. D. She has two brothers and one sister.

79. What's Susan's favorite subject in school?