2018届山西省实验中学高三上学期学业质量监测英语试题(附答案) 下载本文









Traveling to Europe to see famous monuments like the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Colosseum(古罗马竞技场)in Rome, is not exactly the ideal vacation for kids. Fortunately, Europe has more to offer than lots of old churches and ancient history. You can enjoy some fun with your kids in the sun at some of the famous beaches of the continent.

Mykonos, Greece

The closer you get to the equator, the longer the beach season is, and Greece is wonderful for that. You can enjoy beautiful green water, public chairs and lovely umbrellas at the beaches in Mykonos.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

There’s nothing more attractive than the beautiful beaches bordering Dubrovnik, Croatia’s most beautiful city. It’s surrounded by stone walls like a castle. It almost makes you feel like you’re suntanning(晒黑皮肤)at Hogwarts, where the hero Harry Porter of the story is trained!

Sicily, Italy

Rabbit Beach on the island of Sicily offers shallow and crystal clear waters, making it a perfect beach for families with young children. And if you want to add interest to your experience, try snorkeling(徒手潜水).

Nice, France

Lined with palm trees and first-class hotels, the city of Nice, located on the French Riviera, offers a whole coastline of Mediterranean beaches. Because they’re in the heart of the city, these beaches attract a large crowd. So if you’re looking for something more private, you’ll have to travel a few miles outside of the city center.

Ribadeo, Spain

At low tide, Playa de las Catedrales in Ribadeo, Spain is the perfect beach to take in the natural wonders without urban amusements like restaurants, bars or huge crowds. It boasts beautiful wild flowers and unique rock formations making it truly picture worthy. 21. What makes Dubrovnik so special?



A. It is surrounded by stone walls. C. It has the longest beach season.

B. It has the most attractive coastline. D. It is the training center of Harry Porter.

22. If you plan to go to a beach in the city, where should you go? A. Mykonos.

B. Sicily.

C. Nice.

D. Ribadeo.

23. Which of the following is true about Ribadeo? A. Visitors can try snorkeling there. B. It offers visitors first-class hotels. C .It has restaurants, bars and huge crowds. D. Visitors can enjoy unique rock formations there. 24. What do all the beaches have in common? A. They have beautiful wild flowers. B. They are famous European beaches. C. They are well known for their green water. D. They provide visitors with urban amusements.


Years ago, my wife and I volunteered at a homeless shelter in downtown Los Angeles, US, preparing meals for thousands of people. I got to talk with one of the guys in line, Albert. He said he liked my socks. “Want to see mine?” he asked, lifting his leg. He was barefoot. He said he had been meaning to buy a pair but he hadn’t got around to it. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.

The next day, after work, I stopped at Ross and filled up a cart with socks. I stuffed my trunk with them. That next morning, I set my alarm for 5 a.m. and drove over to Santa Monica’s Palisades Park, which is a common destination for homeless people.

I took one of the bags from my trunk. It was still dark out. I headed for a group of three men, standing around a tree, probably using it as a windbreaker. Two were asleep under heavy blankets, and the third was digging through his collection. As I walked toward him, he watched me, perhaps questioning my motives. “I thought you guys might need some fresh new socks,” I said, handing him a pair. He looked confused at first but took them and said, “Thank you.” I gave him two more pairs for his friends.

I moved on. An hour later, I had given out all the socks. Most people were sleeping, and I felt like Santa. I knew that when they woke up they would find a very meaningful present.

That was nine years ago, Every week I’ll hand out as many socks as I can. If I’m on vacation or on a business tip for more than a week, I bring a bag of socks with me and hand ten out to the homeless on the streets in other



states and countries.

It’s extremely satisfying to operate “under the radar” to help make some people’s lives a little bit easier. Part of me hopes to see Albert there one of these days, but even if I don’t, I like to think one of the pairs will find him. 25. What caused the author to hand out socks to the homeless? A. Albert’s desire to get free socks. B. The approach of Christmas Day. C. His hard work at a homeless shelter. D. The conversation between him and Albert.

26. Which is true about the author according to the passage? A. He believed it felt good to help the homeless. B. He went to Ross to buy a pair of socks for Albert. C. He handed out socks to the homeless as Christmas gifts. D. He was often questioned about why he was giving out socks. 27. What could be the best title for the passage? A. Santa Claus brings Christmas gifts B. Kindness is rewarded with kindness C. Every sock helps make somebody’s day D. Socks are passed on from hand to hand


Famous people have a lot of influence on cultural trends, like it or not. However, one trend that seems harmless but is actually damaging, is the pressure on stars to have their photos taken with exotic(奇异的)animals. Famous people who are asked to have photos taken with wild animals for a magazine spread or who do so while on vacation always have good intentions and even love animals. This makes them easy targets for the often greedy amusement parks and illegal animal centers. Kind people are naturally drawn to places that claim(声称)to offer exotic animals safety and are eager to see elephants paint, to hug baby bears or to swim with dolphins. However, it turns out that many of these business persons are breeders(饲养动物者),dealers or exhibitors that are using famous people's goodwill for their own purposes.

Many business persons continually keep the animals just so they’ll have a constant supply of young animals in order to charge money for photos. Of course, the babies are lovely but they grow fast, and within a few weeks they are too big to handle. They’ll spend the rest of their lives, sometimes decades, in small and empty cages or even be killed.



In some Asian countries, elephants are kept in camps. A few camps are working to help elephants in trouble, but the vast majority are not, and raining methods are barbaric(野蛮的)and cruel. As soon as the cameras are gone after someone like Prince William has a photo taken with an elephant, the chains go back on.

Fans, tell the stars: stay away from exotic animal photos, and the animals will be grateful. 28. What does the author intend to do with this passage? A. To show how stars influence cultural trends.

B. To urge governments to look into illegal animal centers. C. To persuade stars not to have photos taken with exotic animals. D. To remind people to think about how to treat wild animas kindly. 29. According to the passage we can learn that many business persons _____. A. make a great effort to provide safety for animals B. take advantage of stars' good intentions to make profits C. aim to offer good chances for people to get close to animals D. expect there to be little competition as exotic animals are rare 30. Why do many business persons continually keep young animals? A. They expect to exchange them for money at the market. B. They intend to increase the number of endangered animals. C. They can rescue more animals and get them out of trouble. D. They want to make sure of having enough of them for photos. 31. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Stars can have photos taken with exotic animals free of charge. B. Many people follow stars and have photos taken with exotic animals. C. Media exposure has failed to have any effect on famous people. D. Stars feel sympathetic and concerned about mistreated animals.


It seems that technology could be changing the places where we live. A project conducted by Johann Siau, a senior lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire’s School of Engineering and Technology, has built on the university’s InterHome project aimed to create a home that supervises people living at home who are weak or elderly.

“We’ve developed a wristband type of device(装置),” said Johann Siau, “which allows us to monitor the condition of an elderly person, or whoever is wearing the device. It allows us to collect data of a person to see if
