译林版八年级下册英语课文翻译 下载本文


5 When you have collected all the information, discuss with your group members how you will present it. You may use charts, graphs, pictures or other ways to help you. Make a list of all the suggestions.


6 Draw pictures and use photos to make your report attractive. 给制图画并使用照片来让你们的报告有吸引力。

2B 部分翻译

Describing how you can help the charity 描述你怎么帮助这个慈善机构

Look at the ideas below. They are suggestions about what people can do for charity. You may include them in your report.


How people can help

人们怎么来帮助(慈善机构) ·work as volunteers 当志愿者

·donate money or things 捐钱或物品

·orgamze an actiwty to raise money 组织一次活动来筹款 Please donate! 请捐款!