译林版八年级下册英语课文翻译 下载本文

3B2 部分翻译

Kitty made some notes of Martina's blog on a piece of paper,but her mother tore it up by mistake. Help her match the two halves of the sentences. Write the correct letters in the blanks.


1 Switzerland is a beautiful country 瑞士是一个美丽的国家

2 In Switzerland,glass,plastic and paper 在瑞士,玻璃、塑料和纸张 3 An organization was set up 一个组织被建立了

4 The government has laws 政府有法律

5 We should protect nature 我们应当保护大自然

6 People are starting to use 人们开始使用

a are separated into different groups and recycled 被分成不同的组再循环利用。

b energy from the sun,wind and water. 来自太阳、风和水的能源。

c to protect the environment. 来保护环境。

d with high mountains and clean blue lakes. 有高山和干净的蓝色湖泊。

e because we depend on its rich resources to live. 因为我们依靠它丰富的资源生存。

f to collect old clothes from around the country. 从全国各地收集旧衣服。

4B3 部分翻译

After reading Martina's article, Kitty has written down the main points of the paragraphs. Write the correct numbers of the paragraphs in the boxes.


a Martina asks everyone to do something for the environment. 马丁娜要求每个人为环境做点事。

b People are starting to use new energy. 人们开始使用新能源。

c People in Switzerland recycle many things to reduce pollution. 在瑞士,人们循环利用许多东西来减少污染。

d The government has laws to protect the environment. 政府有法律来保护环境。

e Switzerland is a beautiful country.


5B4 部分翻译

Kitty is telling Sandy about Martina's article. Complete their conversation.


Kitty:My online friend Martina wrote last week about how they protect the(1) in Switzerland.

基蒂:我的网友马丁娜上周写了在瑞士他们如何保护(1)环境的情况。 Sandy:Really? What do they do to keep their country clean? 桑迪:真的吗?他们做了什么让他们的国家保持干净?

Kitty:ln Switzerland, glass, plastic and paper are (2) into different groups and then(3) .

基蒂:在瑞士,玻璃、塑料和纸张被(2)分成不同的类别后再(3)循环利用。 Sandy: Do they recycle anything else? What do they do with old clothes?


Kitty: An organization (4) old clothes from around the country. Then some are sold in (5) ,some are given to (6) , and others are sent to (7) for recycling.


Sandy:That sounds like a good idea. 桑迪:那听起来像个好主意。

Kitty:They have many (8) to protect the environment too. For

example,people will be (9) if they cut down trees because it's not (10).


Sandy:That's great! 桑迪:那太棒了!

Kitty:Yes. And they don't drop (11) in a public place. Otherwise, they'll be (12) by the police.

基蒂:是的。而且,他们不能在公头场合丢(11)垃圾,否则他们会被警察(12)罚款。 Passive voice in the simple future tense 一般将来时的被动语态

We use the passive voice in the simple future tense when the action has not taken place yet.

我们用一般将来时的被动语态表示还未发生的动作。 You will be purushed if you cut down a tree. 如果你砍伐了一棵树,你将会受到惩罚。

These bottles will be recycled to make new things. 这些瓶子将会被回收来制造新的东西。

We form the passive voice in the simple future tense like this: 一般将来时的被动语态构成如下表:


2A 部分翻译

Environment Week 环境周

The students are talking about Environment Week. Help them make sentences using the passive voice.


1 activities/in Environment Week/a lot of/organize/are going to 活动/在环境周/许多/组织/将要 2 design/posterslwill/by Sandy 设计/海报/将要/被桑迪

3 to all the people/send/leaflets/in the town/will 给所有的人/送出/传单/在镇上/将要

4 are going to/hold/some of the activities/in the town square 将要/举行/一些活动/在镇广场

3B 部分翻译

Environment Week 环境周

Lisa is telling her cousin Harry about a show that will be held in this Environment Week on the phone. Help Lisa answer Harry's questions using the passive voice.


Lisa: Hi,Harry. There's going to be an environment show here. 莉萨:嗨,哈里。这儿将举行一场环境展览。

Harry:Really? When is the show going to be held? 哈里:真的吗?展览什么时候举行? Lisa: (1) 莉萨:(1)

(this Friday evening) (本周五晚上)

Harry:Will the show be held at your school? 哈里:展览将在你们学校举行吗? Lisa:No.(2) 莉萨:不。(2) (at the town hall) (在镇大厅)

Harry:Who will be invited to the show? 哈里:谁将被邀请参加这次展览? Lisa:(3) 莉萨:(3)

(some famous people in our town) (我们镇上的一些名人)

Harry:What will be displayed at the show? 哈里:在这次展览中将要展示什么? Lisa: (4)


(videos about the past and present of Sunshine Town) (阴光镇过去和现在情况的录像)

Harry:What will be discussed at the show? 哈里:在这次展览中将要讨论什么? Lisa: (5) 莉萨:(5)

(ways about how to protect the environment) (如何保护环境的方法) Work out the rule! 得出规律!

We use \simple future tense.

我们使用“will be或____+动词的过去分词”来构成一般将来时的被动语态。

4C 部分翻译

Kitty is writing an article about pollution. Help her complete the article using the passive voice.

基蒂正在写一篇有关污染的文章,帮她用被动语态完成这篇文章。 Pollution 污染

Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world today. In many places,rubbish (1) (throw) into lakes and rivers, so many of them (2)(pollute).


In some cities, the air (3) (fill) with pollution. This makes people ill, and more people (4) (hurt) in the future if it is not cleaned up.


As well as people, animals (5) (harm) by pollution. o Land and water pollution kills many animals every year. If we do not act to improve the environment, more living things (6) (kill) by pollution.


However, there is some good news. A show (7) (hold) at the town hall this Friday evening. All of us will have a chance to think about the world around us.② On that day, we (8) (show) how to protect the environment.


If we work together,we can make the world a better place. 如果我们大家一起努力,我们可以让这个世界更加美好。

An information folder部分翻译

An information folder 一个信息文件夹

Unit9 Project1课文翻译