M3 U2 Word 下载本文

1.be made up of =consist of

be made of/from/out of make 1)制造

make sb sth

make sth of/from/out of sth be made of/from/out of make sth into sth be made into

be made in a place


make a noise /mess /mistake /decision /choice /guess /comment /preparation /contribution /good impression make contributions / comments / preparations make progress

3)使…产生,造成(使动词) make sth clear/public/a rule/known(v-ed)

make oneself understood / heard

make sb happy

make sb monitor(任命,选举make sb do sth(迫使) be made to do sth 4)铺床make the bed 5)赚钱make money 6)等于 One and/plus are/equal/make two.

) one

7)成为make/become a teacher turn teacher 短语: make it

make (good/better/full)use of make the most/best of

make/think much / little / nothing of make/head for

=make one’s way to

make off (with sth) 逃跑,顺手