英语期末考试单选和翻译复习(1) 下载本文

1. Realizing that death is a certainty and as much a part of life as being born, if the time comes when I can no longer take part in decisions for my own future, I wish this statement to stand as an expression of my wishes while still of sound mind….


2. I request that I be allowed to die with dignity and not be kept alive by artificial means or \measures.\


3. The sun had just set, and the sky was a melody of color. Just for him, I thought, to celebrate his freedom. 太阳刚落山,天空色彩斑斓。我想,这一切专门是献给他的,以庆祝他的解脱。

4. But most of all he instilled in me a sense of honor that keeps me true to my convictions and faithful to my obligations.


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大学英语A1 复习参考 题型:

词汇与语法 阅读理解 完型填空 翻译



词汇与语法:每单元课后词汇练习(以第一单元为例:教材第9——10页,Task 3 Vocabulary Study A部分和B部分)


完形填空:练习册(以第一单元为例:练习册第12——13页,Passage IV) 翻译:每单元课后英译汉练习(以第一单元为例:教材11页,Task 5 Translation B部分)

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