最新人教版七年级英语上册Unit7单元过关测试题及答案(精品试卷) 下载本文

Unit 7单元过关测试

I. 单项选择:(将正确答案的序号填在提前的括号里)(15分) ( )1.------ _______is the jacket

------Just 5 yuan.

A. How much B. How many C. How long

( )2. Those black _______are 50 yuan. A. sweater B. sock C. trousers

( )3. The shirt is too small for me. Do you have a _______ one?

A. long B. big C. short ( ) 4. Tom has ______ orange sweater.

A. a B. an C. the

( )5. This ______is small. Do you have a big one?

A. socks B. shirt C. shorts

( )6. ------Your sweater is very nice. ------__________.

A. Thank you. B. Excuse me. C. No, very


( )7. Tom sells old books _______ a good price.

A. at B. to C. an

( )8. My brother’s socks ______nice. I like _____.

A. are, they B. is, them C. are, them

( )9. ------What _____ do you want? ------Blue and white.

A. size B. color C. sweater

( )10. ------Can I help you/

------I’d like _______ for my twin daughters.

A. two pair of shoes B. two pairs of shoe C.

two pairs of shoes.

( )11.------- Is Jim in black today? -------Yes, ________.

A. it is B. they are C. he is

( )12.------How much are the socks? ------________ 2 yuan.

A. It’s B. This is C. They are

( )13.This isn’t ______bag. ______ is _______bag.

A. her, Its, her B. his, It, she C. his, It, her

( )14. ______ T-shirt is his. It is very nice.

A. This B. It C. These

( )15. ------Can I help you? ------____________.

A. Yes. I want a sweater.. B. OK. I’ll take it. C.

Yes, I’d like it.

II. 完形填空:(将正确答案的序号填在提前的括号里)(15分)

My name is Mary. I have __16_ clothes. I like __17 very much. This is my skirt. _18__ blue. I buy it __19_ Zig Zag’s Clothes store. It’s 18 __20__. Please look at my _21__. They are red. __22_ only 40 ___23__. 10. I buy __24_ from Huaxing clothes store. They __25_nice. I like them very much.

( ) 16. A. lot of B. lots of C. a lot ( ) 17. A. it B. they C. them ( ) 18. A. It’s B.It C. They ( )19. A. from B. on C. to ( )20. A. dollar B. dollars C. yuans ( )21. A. trouser B. a trouser C. trousers ( )22. A. They B. They’re C. It ( )23. A. $ B. dollar C. yuan ( )24. A. they B.it C. them ( )25. A. look B. looks C. watch

III. 阅读理解:(将正确答案的序号填在提前的括号里)(30分) A

Hello! My name is Zhang Hanyun, and my English name is Selina Zhang. Kristy Zhang’s Chinese name is also Zhang Hanyun. She is a singer(歌手). But I’m a clerk(职员)at Mr.

Cool’s Clothes Store.

We have shorts in black and white for 3 dollars. We have shirts in blue, black and white. The blue shirts are 7 dollars. The black shirts are also 7 dollars. The white shirts are on sale for 4 dollars. For boys, we have white socks. A pair of white socks is only 1 dollar. We also sell black shoes for only 18 dollars. Come and see for yourself at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store.

( )26. You can’t buy _______ at Mr. Cool’s Clothes store.

A. black shoes B. black shorts C. blue shirts D. black socks

( )27. Two white shirts and a pair of white socks are ______.

A. 6 dollars B. 8 dollars C. 9 dollars D. 14 dollars

( )28. You have 21 dollars, and you can buy ______ pairs of shorts.

A. 3 B. 7 C. 8 D. 6 ( )29. Selina Zhang is a ________.

A. clerk B. teacher C. student D. singer ( )30. -----Can you buy white shoes at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store?