浙江省名校新高考研究联盟2018届高三第二次联考英语试题 下载本文


that moment. If you don?t need to be on your phone, then don?t use it.” Another way to do this is to replace smart phone features with real objects. 33 Break up with Facebook If asked where we spend most of our time online, many of us would say Facebook. 34 For those who want to try kicking the Facebook habit but need some extra support, the team behind the Dutch project, 99 Days of Freedom are here to help. Limit nighttime use Being on your phone late into the night can make it harder for you to fall asleep and wake up the next day, with many studies also suggesting that it reduces the quality of your sleep. Restricting your phone use at night can help you accomplish a healthy sleep hygiene (卫生) behavior, says Dr. Han. Many experts advise no phones for two hours before bed. 35 A. Quitting the site would mean less screen time. B. There has been an evolution in technology. C. Smart device use is the same problem. D. If this is difficult for you, aim for at least 30 minutes. E. Checking smart phone less has been one?s New Year?s resolutions. F. You can write your appointments on a desk calendar instead of in your phone. G. Turning off push notifications(通知)helps reduce the time checking your smart phone

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节:完形填空(共20个小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A.、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 It was a Friday morning, 7:30 a.m. I felt too late to drive my car, so my son 36 an Uber(优步). In five minutes, the Uber reached at the entrance gate, waiting for my arrival. I just saw the cab 37 and entered inside the car. I was so busy that I didn?t pay any attention towards the driver. I was 38 an important paper from my leather bag, so 39 said, “please, go quick! I?m in a hurry!” The 40 came, “ Yes, Ma?am!” I was literally surprised when I heard a 41 voice! I stopped my work for a second and looked at the driver. The driver was a young lady. for the first time, I saw a lady, driving an Uber! The car was running on the nation high-way towards the 42 . It was quite a distance from my home. She was driving 43 well. I didn?t know, why I became so 44 to know why she had chosen this 45 . I started the conversation, “If you don?t mind, can I ask you some questions?” “Yes, ma?am! No problem.” “I guess, you are well 46 .” “Yes, ma?am! I have completed my 47 . I have done my MBA course.” “Oh, wow!!! Why did you then choose this profession, instead of going for an 48 career? I could see her face in the rear-view mirror. She 49 and the way she expressed her views, I was really amazed! Very politely, she said, “Driving was my 50 from my childhood, ma?am! Of course I do 51 each and every job. In this case, 52 I fulfilled my desire! I love driving! I don?t mind for big or small job. I wanted a job where I can get satisfaction. I got 53 from international companies but this one I preferred because I like it! I know, I can?t get enough money out of it, 54 as I told you ? I love driving?! That?s it!” “Is it worth it?” “ 55 you like it, yes!”

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36. A. found B. booked C. downloaded D. rented 37.A. driver B. brand C. number D. color 38. A. searching for B. looking into C. setting down D. picking up 39. A. necessarily B. instantly C. publicly D. rudely 40. A. answer B. order C. sound D. voice 41. A. female B. young C. sharp D. calm 42. A. airport B. company C. destination D. meeting 43. A. terribly B. perfectly C. naturally D. lively 44. A. devoted B. confident C. puzzled D. enthusiastic 45. A. profession B. car C. road D. course 46. A. identified B. proved C. rewarded D. educated 47. A. life B. paper C. education D. work 48. A. available B. accessible C. adventurous D. academic 49. A. smile B. wept C. laughed D. sighed 50. A. plan B. love C. choice D. imagination 51. A. honor B. accept C. respect D. love 52. A. above all B. at least C. in fact D. of course 53. A. supports B. advertisements C. offers D. payments 54. A. yet B. and C. so D. while 55. A. Otherwise B. Until C. Unless D. If


第三部分: 语言运用(共两节,满分45 分)

第二节: (共10小题; 每小题1. 5 分,满分15 分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 I can still recall the day. 561sat on the stairs of a temple in Nepal. The square before the temple became very muddy as 57 result of the rain. We had to walk on a path 58 (make) by a line of bricks on the muddy ground A friend of 59 (I) complained all the way while she stepped on the bricks walking towards me. Looking around she said very 60 (patient), “Disgusting indeed! What if I fall into the dirty water?”61(nod) cautiously, hoping to comfort her by my silent Since I knew her very well, I 61 (nod) cautiously, hoping to comfort her by my silent sympathy. A few minutes later, 62 friend came to the same scene. She stepped on the brick path dancing briskly and singing, “Jump, jump, jump!”until she reached the dry ground. She couldn?t help 63 (shout); “What fun it is!”Eyes beaming with joy, she made the remarks, “The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is that one can entirely be free 64 dust.” In the eyes of the two there were two different worlds. As the world has a population of 6 billion, it follows that there should be 6 billion 65 (world).

第四部分: 写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节: 应用文写作(满分15分)

假如你是李华,从网上看到了美国的一家“孔子学院”在中国招聘教学助理的广告,欢迎中国学生参加。请用英语给该校负责人Miss. Lee发一封电子邮件申请参加。 内容主要包括:

1. 自我介绍(兴趣、特长); 2. 参加意图; 3. 希望获准。

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1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 第二节: 读后续写(满分25分) My mother was a supporter of physical punishment, but for all her talking she has never spanked (打屁股) my siblings and me only once. Instead she found ways of punishment that left a more lasting memory than giving us a spanking. One of the most memorable of these occasions occurred when I was for. In the early 70?s my mother attended college during the day and I was in daycare. One day at daycare watched an extremely tired mother attempt to pick up her daughter. The little girl asked, “Momma, are we going to McDonald?s for dinner?”The mother replied, “Honey, not tonight. Momma has to run a few errands (差事) and then we have to go home and cook dinner for Daddy.” “But I wanna go.” “Susie, I said not tonight. Maybe, if you are a good girl, we can go tomorrow.” Susie immediately dropped to the floor, kicking and screaming, “I want to go to McDonald?s.” No amount of pleading (恳求)or scolding her mother tried stopped Susie?s tantrum (发脾气) Finally her mother gave in, “Okay, Susie, let?s go to McDonald?s. ”Susie stopped yelling and smiling she grabbed her mother?s hand and they left. To say I was amazed would be inaccurate;I was delighted that anything I wanted could be had by throwing a tantrum. That day my mother picked me up early from daycare because we were going to a store to purchase some Christmas items. I was excited by the lights and decorations, and as we walked through the toy section on the way to the counter, I saw a toy I had to have. It was a white and red telephone whose bells rang as it was pulled along on a string. Looking lovingly up at my mother I asked, “Mama, can I have that telephone?” She replied, “Baby, not now, but if you are a good girl, maybe Santa will bring it to you.” “But Mama, I want that telephone right now. ”Her eyes narrowed and her hand tightened on mine. “Becky, you can?t have that telephone today, but if you misbehave, you can have a spanking.” 注意:

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: By now we were standing in the long Holiday line to pay the bill, and I figured it was a good chance

Paragraph 2: “Mama, stop. Mama, get up,” I tearfully pleaded.

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1-5 CBABA 6-10 BABCA 11-15 ABCAC 16-20 BABCB 阅读:

21-23CBD 24-26 CBC 27-30 CDDA 31-35 CBFAD 完型:

36-40 BCABD 41-45 ACBDA 46-50 DCDAB 51-55 CBCAD 语法填空:

56.when 57.a 58.made 59.mine 60.impatiently 61.nodded 62.another 63.shouting 64.from 65.worlds 应用文:

Dear Miss Lee, I?m writing to apply fora position working as a teaching assistants in your school as is advertised on the Internet. I am longing to get this job to better qualify myself and help others as well. For me,Chinese is my mother tongue and I?m excellent in it.Besides, having learned English for 9 years, I?m rather proficient in both spoken and written English. And I?m willing to help foreigners learn the Chinese language and culture. I?d appreciate your consideration of my application.Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua

读后续写: (参考范文) Paragraph 1: By now we were standing in the long Holiday line to pay the bill,and I figure it was a good chance.I lay down on the ground and began screaming,“I want that telephone,” over and over again.Weary Christmas shoppers looked as my mother calmly said, “Becky,you better get up by the count of three or else. One...Two...Three.” Nothing.I was still in full tantrum.So then she lay down beside me on the floor, and began kicking and screaming, “I want a new car, I want a new house. I want some jewelry, I want...” Shocked,I stood up. Paragraph 2: “Mama, stop. Mama, get up,” I tearfully pleaded. She stood, and brushed herself off. At first stunned, the others waiting in line began to sporadically clap,and before I knew it they were cheering and laughing and patting my mother on her back. She blushed and took a little bow and the next thirty minutes in line was pure misery for me as various parents leaving the store, shake their heads at me and say with a smile, “Your mom got you good.I bet you?ll never try that again.” And I didn?t,because it left a lasting mental picture more effective than any physical mark.

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