四川省成都石室中学2019-2020学年高一英语10月月考试题 下载本文

都哦哦哦来了看看80. On December 31, 2002, Premier Zhu Rongji and the German chancellor attended the

opening c__★__ of the train service. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 小学、初中9年,义务、免费教育阶段; 2. 高中3年,有文理之分,学科多,压力大; 3. 社团、活动丰富,培养能力; 4. 对学生学习、言行要求高,奖惩分明。 注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 信的开头已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 可适当增加内容,以使行文流畅 Dear Rob,

How is it going? Now, it’s my turn to tell you about the Chinese school system. _______________________________________________________________________________

Yours, Li Kang



一、听力: 1-5 CBCBA 6-10 ABBCA 11-15 CABAC 16-20 BCAAB 二、阅读: BAD DABC BCDC DABC; 三、7选5: ECFAD

四、完形: BCBDA CBDAC DABBC DCADB 五、语法填空: (1.5分/个)

61. a 62. whose 63. enthusiastically 64. but 65. fixed 66. that 67. highest 68. amazement 69. is /has been considered 70. at

六、单词填空: (1分/个) 71.embarrassed approaching 75. Unfortunately relaxed 79. scenery

七、写作: (25分)

80. ceremony

76. attractions 77. surveyed


72. appreciate

73. frightening


A Possible Version Dear Rob,

How is it going? Now, it’s my turn to tell you about the Chinese school system. High school in China is divided into two periods, the first of which is called “junior high” and the second (of which is called) “senior high”. Chinese students only enjoy free education of nine years. As a result, we have much more difficulty in going to senior high school.

In China, we have to learn both academic subjects and other subjects such as information technology. To be admitted into a good university, we must work hard and make progress all the time. After class, there are different kinds of activities to take part in, where we have developed our abilities. At school, we should behave

都哦哦哦来了看看ourselves. If not, it’s impossible for us to avoid being punished.

That’s all I could think of about the Chinese school system. Don’t hesitate to ask me if you still have any questions. I’m looking forward to your reply!

Yours, Rob Marshall

听力原文 Text 1

W: You look tired. Did you sleep well?

M: No. My Friend and I had a party the whole night. M: You should go home and take a rest.

M: I know, but my boss wants to see me right now. Text 2

W: May I have a word with you?

M: You’ve cut me at a bad time. I’m writing a report and have to finish within an hour.

W: You really like leaving things to the last minute. M: I know this is a terrible habit. Text 3

W: Steven, I finally deicided to go on a diet.

M: Good for you, but don’t push yourself too hard, Lucy.

W: You are right, but summer is coming, and I do wish to look smart sooner. M: You are smart already. You see, you are clever and quickly mind. Text 4

W: My goodness! It’s freezing here in the room.

M: I’m sorry, man, it’ll be OK as soon as I turn the heating on. Text 5

W: Darling, what do you think of these new shoes?

M: Hmm, I’m wondering where you are going to put them when you are not wearing them. Text 6

都哦哦哦来了看看M: How are we going there? Have you deicided yet? W: Should we fly? It’s fast.

M: But if we fly, we’ll miss the beautiful scenery. W: You are right. Then forget about airplanes. M: Let’s drive then. We can rent a car. W: Drive? That sounds dangerous.

M: Then the only other choices are train or the bus. I’d like to see what American buses like.

W: They are not as nice as trains. Text 7

W: How are you, John. M: I’m OK. And you, Carol?

W: Oh, busy. I’ve been working on those book reports for ages. M: Me too. Have you finished reading the books? W: I haven’t, and I’m so worried. What about you?

M: I already have, but writing is going so slowly. I feel like I’ll have to read all the books again. I’m so forgetful.

W: Really? Well, what are you going to do after you are finished? M: I don’t know. I hope I can go to Europe and relax. W: So do I. Text 8

M: Can you give me some tips on my coming interview? W: The first thing is try to make a good impression. M: How do I do that?

W: First, firmly shake the interviewer’s hand while greeting him or her with a smile. Be sure to keep eye contact.

M: Ah, body language is really important, isn’t it?

W: Yes. The second thing is to have confidence. You get confidence from being prepared. M: What should I do for that?