(3份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年江苏省徐州市英语八年级(上)期末预测试题 下载本文



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




1.Mr. Liu is very kind and patient, so everyone in our class __________ him. A.likes




2.(题文)--- What do you think of receiving and giving gifts?

--- I think the art of receiving a gift is _____ than the art of giving. A.much more difficult B.very more difficult C.much difficult D.as difficult as

3.I like this restaurant. Everything here tastes really ________. A.well B.good

C.expensive D.deliciously

4.A smart phone makes a big ________ to our life.(2016,西宁) A.difference B.decision C.progress D.prediction 5.—I don't want to learn English at all.It's difficult for me. —________ is difficult if you put your heart into it. A.Nothing




6.Turn on the TV now, your favorite program ______ soon. A.start B.starts C.started D.will start 7.—How do you learn English? —______ reading a lot of books. A.By




8.—Whose book is this?

—It __________ Carter’s. It has his name on it. A.might not ─_________.

A.I'd love to, but I have a lot of things to do B.Oh, that'll be too boring C.I'll stay at home

D.Yes, I can't

10.Mary hopes ______ a TV reporter in the future. A.to B.to be C.to is D.to do

11.All the students in the classroom do their homework ________. A.enough careful B.careful enough C.carefully enough D.enough carefully

B.can’t be

C.must be

9.─Can you come to my house for dinner this Sunday, Mary?

12.There are ________people in the street. A.hundred C.hundreds of

—_____________________. A.You’re welcome C.I don’t mind it

B.I can see it D.That’s all right B.hundred of D.hundreds

13.—What do you think of English Today?

14.The children hope ______everything is fine. A.see B.seeing C.to see D.seen

15.His parents often make him _______his homework till 11 o’clock in the evening . A.do B.does C.to do D.doing

16.Take an umbrella with you, Simon. It __________rain any time in London. A.should B.must C.need D.may

17.— Can you tell me this CD player?

— No problem. First you have to turn it on. Just press the first button. A.how to use A.buy;for C.buy;from

A.relaxing B.relaxed C.exciting D.terrible

20.The government encourages people __________ more trees to protect the environment. A.to plant 二、单词填空


1)Jack was very s___________ because his best friend didn’t believe him. 2)Thanks for your i___________ to visit the Great Wall next week. 3)Can you ________________(打印) this passage for me?

4)Please ______________(答复) to my e-mail as soon as possible.

5)She enjoys music very much. She’s going to the _______________ (音乐会)on Saturday. 三、句型转换


1)If I have two more hours, I'll finish the work. (改为同义句) If I have ________ ________ ________, I'll finish the work. 2)The food tasted nice. (改为感叹句) ________ ________ food it tasted!

3)Because it rained hard, they didn't go to play soccer. (改为同义句) They didn't go to play soccer ________ ________ the hard rain. 4)For lunch, we ate nothing special. (改为同义句) For lunch, we ________ eat ________ special.



B.when to use

C.how to repair B.ask;for D.borrow;for

D.when to repair

18.Many people_____flowers_____their mothers on Mother's Day.

19.I felt_____when I finished the museum.

5)The boy is too young to go to school. (改为同义句) The boy isn't ________ ________ to go to school. 四、完成句子

23.根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 1)他花了不到两天的时间就完成了这项工作。

He spent ___________ __________ two days __________ the work. 2)琳达感觉她好像住在森林里。

Linda ___________ __________she lived in the forest. 3)我喜欢吃水果,比如说苹果、橘子和葡萄。

I like eating fruit __________ __________ apples,oranges and grapes. 4)我的好朋友总是能取得比我好的成绩。

My best friend always __________ __________ __________ than I do. 5)我认为朋友应该彼此不同。

I think friends should __________ __________ __________ each other. 五、完形填空

24. What is the UK famous for? lts weather, soccer or royal family(王室)? Not all. 1 , the UK is famous for forming queues(排队). From the supermarket to the subway, queues are 2 in this country.

Here in China, you can also see queues 3 . It's necessary for everyone to 4 in line because there are more people in our country. We need to queue most of the time to buy 5 in the cinema or wait for a seat in a restaurant.

Sometimes you'll find 6 in the middle of a long queue, and something unhappy may happen, 7 , getting onto the subway. One day I remember waiting in line at the subway station. A man in front of me left because of something. Within seconds,a girl walked by and 8 in that small space.

I was 9 angry with her at first, but later I found she was the friend of the man. These small, everyday differences help me learn about a different 10 . 1)A.Of course 2)A.common 3)A.everywhere 4)A.touch 5)A.hills 6)A.yourself 7)A.for example out ? 9)A.loudly 10)A.mirror

B.clearly B.culture

C.truly C.service

D.quietly D.talent

B.In fact B.fresh B.nowhere B.wait B.screens B.myself B.so far

C.Such as C.educational C.someone C.lose C.tickets C.ourselves C.first of all B.found a way

D.For example D.wonderful D.something D.break D.magazines D.himself D.such as C.took his place


8)A.reached her hand



1)His parents are both _________(drive).

2)More and more Chinese parents care about their children's _________(educate)very much. 3)Jane keeps on _________(do)some reading before going to bed.

4)Tom's father is a _________(piano),and his mother is a _________(violin).

5)My brother is taking _________(act)lessons because he wants to be an _________(act).


26. Sandy is 160 cm tall, but she is 65 kg. So she has decided to lose weight from now on. She made a plan of losing weight and stuck it on the wall.

Run for about 30 minutes every morning.


Swim in the club twice a week.

Go to work on foot instead of by bus every day. Only have a bottle of milk and an egg for breakfast every morning.


Eat more vegetables and less meat for lunch. Just have fruit for supper three times a week. Never eat junk food.

Drink at least eight cups of water every day.

1)How long does Sandy plan to run every morning?

A.About 3 hours. B.About 6 hours. C.About 20 minutes. D.About 30 minutes. 2)How often does Sandy plan to swim in the club? A.Once a week. A.On foot.

B.Twice a week. B.By bike.

C.Once a day. C.By car. B.Some fruit. D.Junk food. C.About 7 cups.

D.About 8 cups. D.Twice a day. D.By bus.

3)How did Sandy usually go to work? 4)What does Sandy plan to have for lunch? A.A bottle of milk and an egg. C.Vegetables and meat. A.About 5 cups.

27.Fish and apple soup'?Yes, and you won't believe how delicious it is. This first came out of a restaurant in Singapore, but it is now very popular as the soup du jour in Chinese restaurants. Ingredients (serves 4): 1. Whole fish 2 apples,quartered,

B.About 6 cups.

5)How much water does Sandy plan to drink every day?

4-6 ginger slices (姜片)

1 bunch of spring onions, cut into pierces

1 red tomato, cut into 8 pierces ,oil. salt and pepper Methods:

l. Remove the bones from the fish.

2 Pour oil into a pan. Fly the ginger slices, and the spring onions Add the fish hones and oil.