高教版中职英语(基础模块 第3册)Unit 1《He decided to have a big Christmas party》word教案 下载本文

五、板书设计 Hi, lily. Are you free this weekend? Have fun, invite, get ready for, We are planning to have a Mid-autumn Festival go on, dress up, enjoy, party? Would you like to join us? prepare…for…., share…. With, Don’t mention it. I will invite you next time. be covered with, in public. See you. Would you like to go to…. With me ? Useful expressions: Would you like to join us? It sounds interesting but I prefer to……, “I think I will.” (设计意图,用不同颜色的粉笔让学生对本节课所学的新词、要求掌握的重点一目了然。同时,教师的板书也是学生很好的笔记样板。学生在记笔记的过程中也学会了该如何突出重点。)

第二课时:reading and writing


本段文章是介绍Mr Hall 的冰上圣诞节的小故事。通过阅读小故事,训练学生从故事中提取与节日及节日活动相关的信息的能力。 教学重点、难点:


难点:按照固定的模式或要求将所收集的有效信息进行重组并表述,在表述的同事尽量能用文字表达出来,通过这种方式变相训练学生写作能力。。 教学目标:

1. 帮助学生掌握下列词汇:thick, freeze, be covered with, prepare for, armchair, carpet, scenery,

guest, carry out. e.g. 2. 帮助叙述掌握下列句型:

He decided to have a big Christmas party on the ice. I prepared Easter eggs with a foreign family. What did they look for? Sounds interesting! 能力目标:

1. 能用:first,after that,then, next, at last,等时间顺序词写作。 2. 能从图片中找到有效信息如:时间,地点,人物,活动等。 教学步骤: Step one:reading Activity 9 discuss and list.

Ask some ss to list activities at their Christmas party. Activity 10 read and choose.

After first reading, T will give 3 mins to choose T or F in this activity. Activity 11 read and complete.

After second reading.(T will play the audio or tape of this text to the ss.) T’ll give 3 mins ss to complete the party information card.

Party Information Card Time : Place: Guests: Activities:1): 2):


Step two :reading and analysis Activity 12

Read and answer. At last, T will ask some ss to answer questions of this activity. Keys of activity 12:

The sight of the ice on the river made Mr Hall want to hold a party on the ice. Because they were able to enjoy beautiful scenery and all the delicious food on the ice. Because the ice had broken up. Step three: writing.

T will show some pics to ss before this activity. Activity 13 look and describe.

(T: now please look at the screen, there are 4 pics on the screen. I will give you 5 mins : first find out subject verb object. E.g.) Keys of activity 13:

I prepared Easter eggs with a foreign family. We looked for the Easter eggs and had a lot of fun.

My friend invited me to spend the Easter Day with his family. I shared my chocolates with my friend.

(教学提示:活动中,教师要预测学生的读图能力。如果有学生读图能力较弱,教师应该帮助学生从图片中获取信息再进行练习。活动最后是写作基础的训练,教师应要求学生在写作时注意句子的时态和例句一致。) Step Four Summary and Production

Make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.

3. (1) Useful expressions: thick, freeze, be covered with, prepare for, armchair, carpet, scenery,

guest, carry out. e.g. (2)useful sentences:

He decided to have a big Christmas party on the ice. I prepared Easter eggs with a foreign family. What did they look for? Sounds interesting! 能力目标:

(设计意图:对本课时所学集体做个小结,让学生明确单元教学目标,方便学生补充笔记。) Step Five Homework

1. Practice the dialogue with your classmate after class.

2. Make a similar dialogue, talking about Chinese traditional festivals.

板书设计 Useful expressions: He decided to have a big Christmas party on the thick, freeze, be covered with, prepare for, ice. armchair, carpet, scenery, guest, carry out. e.g. I prepared Easter eggs with a foreign family. What did they look for? Sounds interesting!