工程项目竣工决算滞后原因分析及对策 下载本文

工程项目竣工决算滞后 原因分析及对策

作 者:指 导 者:日 期:

杜志烽 周云副教授

2011 年 11 月 20 日

中 文 摘 要



关键词:竣工决算 滞后 原因 对策



Completion of the accounts is reflected in the overall construction cost, the project approved by all kinds of new corporate value of the assets, the basis for its delivery. By completion of final accounts, on the one hand to accurately reflect the actual cost of construction and investment results; the other hand, the completion of final accounts and budget estimates by the budget of the comparative analysis, assessment of the effectiveness of investment control, lessons learned, the basis for the accumulation of technical and economic aspects information, future construction projects to improve investment efficiency. Completion of infrastructure, financial accounts work is an important part of management to deal with properly, they will increase capital costs, lower capital investment efficiency, the impact of financial information disclosure, and not conducive to strengthening the business accounting, budget management and asset management, etc., affect the investment by sustainable development.

This article focuses on analysis of the current situation, delay final completion of the project for various reasons, and the corresponding preventive measures. Our objective is to reduce the state has reached its intended use when, not yet completed accounts of the amount of fixed assets should be depreciated on business profit and loss impact.

Key words:Final Account of Project Delaying Causes Countermeasures


目 录

中文摘要 .................................................................... I Abstract... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..II 1 引言 ...................................................................... 1 1.1 选题意义 .............................................................. 1 1.1.1 现实意义 .......................................................... 1 1.1.2理论意义 ........................................................... 1 1.2 文献资料综述 .......................................................... 1 2概述 ....................................................................... 2 2.1工程项目竣工决算的定义及所包含内容 ..................................... 2 2.2 工程项目竣工决算与竣工结算的联系与区别 ................................ 2 2.3 工程项目竣工决算的编制依据 ............................................ 3 3工程项目竣工结算滞后带来的影响 ............................................. 4 3.1、竣工决算滞后影响了办理固定资产财产帐的管理。 ......................... 4 3.2、竣工决算滞后导致资产管理与使用脱节。 ................................. 4 3.3、竣工决算滞后导致资产成本人为增加。 ................................... 4 4工程项目竣工结算滞后的原因分析 ............................................. 5 4.1 投资企业内部原因 ...................................................... 5 4.1.1 投资企业工程职能部门、责任人履行职责不到位 ........................ 5 4.1.2 投资企业制定的工程投资项目管理制度及考核办法不完善 ................ 5 4.1.3 投资企业项目资产使用单位为减轻生产成本考核指标压力等的特殊原因 .... 6 4.1.4 投资企业缺乏对外部单位的约束 ...................................... 6 4.1.5 投资企业对工程项目竣工结算的落实不力 .............................. 7 4.1.6 相关人员素质方面的原因 ............................................ 7 4.2 施工现场实际管理造成的原因 ............................................ 7 4.2.1 发包合同中用词不严谨 .............................................. 7 4.2.2 现场签证的原因 .................................................... 8 4.2.3 工程资料的原因 .................................................... 8 4.2.4 工程量计算的原因 .................................................. 8 4.2.5 材料价格选用的原因 ................................................ 8 4.2.6 定额套用方面的原因 ................................................ 9 4.2.7 取费基数、费用计算方面套用 ........................................ 9 4.2.8 承建商存在工程质量问题 ............................................ 9