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II. 用括号中词的正确形式填空:

1. He hit me so hard that it made me ___________ (see) stars.

2. The professor urged me _____________ (look) through the survey more carefully. 3. I couldn’t help _____________ (laugh) at this funny joke.

4. I will apologize to you if you insist on it, but really don’t remember ______ (do) such a


5. I don’t feel like ___________ (eat) anything now.

6. ______ (see) from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a

‘blue planet’.

7. Television keeps us _________ (inform) about current events and the latest developments in

science and technology.

8. I could not make myself __________ (understand) in English though I had studied English

for three years.

9. ______ (practice) for so long, the football team is likely to win the World Series this year. 10. They went along the road ___________ (lead) to the city.

III. 翻译:

1. 他很高兴给予他参观这个漂亮城市的机会。

2. 真对不起,让你站在门外等了那么久。

3. 他把这件事说了又说,为的是使大家都听得清楚。

4. 爱莉斯没得到那本书而感到遗憾。

5. 你认为他很容易相处吗?

IV. 用非谓语动词形式翻译填空:

Helping Others Get an Education

When we think of philanthropists, we usually think of the very rich and famous, like Andrew

Carnegie. However, Matel Dawson, a forklift driver in Michigan, is an ordinary man who has done extraordinary things.

Dawson started (开始工作) at Ford Motor Company in 1940 for $1.15 an hour.

By working hard, saving carefully, and investing his money wisely,(通过努力工作、小心存钱和明智的投资)he has become rich. But he doesn’t care about (在乎拥有)expensive cars or taking fancy vacations. Instead of his money on himself(没有把钱花在自己身上), he enjoys giving it away. Since 1955, he has donated more than $1 million for college scholarships to help poor students who want to get an education.

Why does Dawson insist on (坚持给) his money away to college students? One

reason is that he did not have the opportunity (完成学业的机会). He had to drop out of school after the seventh grade to help support his poor family(以帮助养家). He has always regretted not (后悔没有获得教育). “I (建议孩子获得) a good education,” he says. Also, he learned about giving from his parents. He watched them work hard, save, and help others(努力工作、存钱、帮助他人)less fortunate. His mother made Dawson (迫使Dawson承诺) to always give something back. He is grateful to his parents for teaching him the importance of helping others.

Dawson doesn’t plan on (计划改变) his lifestyle. He is used to (习惯于驾驶) his old car and (居住) in a one-bedroom apartment. And he doesn’t plan to stop (计划停止工作) as long as he is able. “It keeps me going, (当我知道) I’m helping somebody.”