2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修三教学案:Unit 5 Section 1(含答案) 下载本文

Canada is the second largest country in the world after Russia. It is larger than the USA and reaches nearly a quarter of the way round the earth. The distance from east to west is over 5,500 kilometres and the country covers six of the world's 24 time zones. However, its population, about 33.8 million, is only about one-fifth of Russia's. Nearly 90% of Canadians live within 200 km of the border with the United States, which means that Canada contains vast expanses (宽阔的区域) of wilderness to the north. Canada's native peoples make up less than two percent of the population.

The weather is different from area to area. In the north, the winters are long and hard, with snow for six months of the year. The temperature can fall to -60 ℃. The west coast of Canada is the warmest place in winter. The average January temperature is 3 ℃, and in July it is 18 ℃. Here it rains a lot every month of the year. Plants grow well all the year round and the parks and gardens are famous for their flowers.

Canada has one third of the world's supply of fresh water. There are five great lakes in the south, and there are many others, especially in the north. Most of the electricity is produced by water. The country hasa great deal ofcoal, oil and natural gas, and these are all exploited (开发) for energy.

2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修三教学案:Unit 5 Section 1(含答案)




Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to


①THE TRUE NORTH有两个含义:一是它的本义“真正的北方”,即加拿大是地球上最北端的国家之一;二是指横贯加拿大东西部的一列火车的名字。

visit their cousins in Montreal on the ②be on a trip to去某地旅行(表状态)

Atlantic coast. Rather than take go on a trip to去某地旅行(表动作) the aeroplane all the way, they ③on the Atlantic coast在大西洋海岸上

decided to fly to Vancouver and then ④rather than与其;不愿 连接两个并列成分;take the train from west to east across

rather than位于句首时,其后跟不带to的不定式。

Canada. The thought that they

⑤that引导同位语从句,说明thought的具体内容。 ⑥

could cross the whole continent


was exciting.

⑦baggage/'b?ɡId?/n.行李 luggage n.行李

Their friend, Danny Lin, was

“一件行李”用a piece of baggage/luggage表示。

waiting at the airport. He was going

to take them and their baggage to ⑧chat/t??t/vi.&n.聊天;闲聊

catch “The True North”, the chat with sb.(=have a chat with sb.)与某人聊天 cross-Canada train. On the way to the ⑨scenery/'si?n?rI/n.景色;风景

station, he chatted about their trip. 指一个地区总的自然风光,可能包括多个scene。


“You're going to see some great ⑩现在分词短语going eastward作时间状语。 scenery.

Going eastward?, ?eastward/'i?stw?d/adv.向东 adj.向东的;朝东的

you'll pass mountains and thousands eastward也作eastwards,注意不能说go to eastward。 of lakes and forests, as well as wide ?surround/s?'ra?nd/vt.包围;围绕

rivers and large cities. Some people be surrounded by被……包围/围绕 have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast. Here in Vancouver, you're in

?过去分词短语surrounded by ...作定语,修饰city,相当于一个非限制性定语从句。

?harbour/'hɑ?b?/n.(=harbor)海港 in the harbour在海港

Canada's warmest part. People say it ?one of Canada's most popular cities to live in加拿is




大最受欢迎的居住城市之一,作宾语补足语。此处to live in作定语,修饰cities。

city,surrounded? by mountains and

the Pacific Ocean?. Skiing in the ?measure/'me??/v.测量;衡量;判定n.计量制;Rocky Mountains and sailing in the


harbour? make Vancouver one of ?It is so ... that ..., some measuring ...是主从复合句,Canada's most popular cities to live in?. Its population is increasing rapidly. The coast north of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring? over 90

so ... that“如此……以至于”,引导结果状语从句;some measuring ...是独立主格结构,补充说明extremely tall。





她们的朋友林丹尼正在机场等候她们。他要带着她们和她们的行李去乘坐横越加拿大的“真北方”号列车。在去火车站的路上,他聊起了她们的旅程。“你们将会看到一些美丽壮阔的风景。一路向东行,你们会经过一座座山脉,上千个湖泊、森林,还有宽阔的河流和许多大城市。有人想在不到5天的时间里穿越加拿大,但是他们忘了加拿大从东海岸到西海岸共有5 500千米的事实。这儿,温哥华,是加拿大最温暖的地方。人们说它(温哥华)是加拿大最美丽的城市,被大山和太平洋环绕。在落基山脉可以滑雪,海港供你们扬帆,这些使得温哥华成为加拿大最受欢迎的居住城市之一。这个城市的人口增长很快。在温哥华北面的海岸上保存着一些世界上最古老、最美丽的森林。那儿湿度很大,所以树长得特别高,一些经测量高达90多米。”

That afternoon aboard the train?, the ?aboard the train(介词短语)登上火车

cousins settled down? in their seats. aboard/?'b??d/prep.&adv.在(船、飞机、火车或Earlier that day, when they crossed the


Rocky Mountains, they managed to?catch ?settle down定居;平静下来;专心于

21 some mountain goats and even a sight of○?manage to do设法做

22 and an eagle○23. Their next grizzly bear○manage vt.努力;设法;经营;管理;控制

stop was Calgary, which is famous for the try to do努力做(不一定成功)

24. Cowboys○25 from all Calgary Stampede○21catch sight of看见;瞥见 ○22grizzly bear灰○

over the world come to compete in the

26 Stampede. Many of them have a gift for○

23eagle/'i?ɡl/n.鹰 ○

riding wild horses and can win thousands of

24stampede/st?m'pi?d/n.大西部赛马会 ○

dollars in prizes.

25cowboy/'ka?b?I/n.牛仔;牧童 ○

After two days' travel, the girls began

26have a gift for有……天赋 to realize that Canada is quite empty. At ○

school, they had learned that most ○27within/wI'eIn/prep.在……之内 既可以指

27 a few hundred Canadians live within○


28, and that kilometres of the USA border○28border/'b??d?/n.边界;国界;边沿vt.&vi○29 Canada's population is only slightly○

与……接壤;接近 on the border of接近;临近

29slightly/'slaItlI/adv.稍稍;轻微地 ○

30be amazed to see惊讶地看到 ○

31go through在此处意为“穿过”○,还作“经历;

over thirty million, but now they were

30 such an empty country. amazed to see○

31 a wheat-They went through○growing

province and saw farms that covered

32. After dinner, they thousands of acres○

33 area, the busy were back in an urban○


32acre/'eIk?/n.英亩 ○

33urban/'??b?n/adj.城市的;市镇的 ○

port city of Thunder Bay○ at the top of


the Great Lakes. The girls were surprised at

35 the the fact that ocean ships can sail up○36. Because of the Great Lakes, Great Lakes○

反义词:rural adj.农村的;田园的

34Thunder/'θ?nd?/Bay桑德湾 ○


they learned, Canada has more fresh water ○sail up沿……向上游航行

36 37. In ○that引导同位语从句,说明fact的具体内容。than any other country in the world○

37Canada has more ... than any other ...中比较级fact, it has one-third of the world's total ○

fresh water, and much of it is in the Great Lakes.


38as they slept是as引导的时间状语从句。 ○

38, the train ○That night as they slept○39across表示在物体表面上穿过,强调横向跨39 the top of Lake Superior, rushed across○


through the great forests and southward towards Toronto.


