上海牛津版英语初三九年级上册九上9AUnit4U4 同步讲义教案 下载本文

年 级:九年级9A(牛津) 辅导科目:英语 课时数:3 课 题 教学目的 Unit4基础知识梳理 梳理课本同步词汇,句型和语法点,夯实基础。 教学内容 Step1: Greetings & Free talk Step2: Lead in— 轻松快乐驿站。 My father always loved fast cars. Taking advantage of the empty roads one morning, he accelerated down a wide-open stretch. Unfortunately, a young police officer was waiting at the other end, and Dad was flagged down. He greeted the officer with cheer, \“And a good morning to you, Wing Commander,”replied the officer. \我爸爸喜欢开快车。一天早晨,由于路上空无一人,他在一段宽阔的路面上飞驰。很不幸的是,一个警察正站在路的另一端,他挥旗示意爸爸停车。爸爸停车之后,向警察讪笑着致以问候:“早晨好!” “早晨好,飞人先生,”警官回答,“起飞有困难吗?” Step3: Words and expressions. Ⅰ. Words. 1.bar n. 条,块 e. g. a bar of chocolate/soap 一条巧克力/肥皂 The kids never eat candy bars. 孩子们从来不吃糖棒。 【友情提示】bar还可表示“柜台”的意思。 e. g. It was so crowded I couldn't get to the bar. 人太多了,我无法挤到柜台那儿。 2. tiny adj. 很小的,微小的 e. g. Ants are tiny insects. 蚂蚁是十分微小的昆虫。 Look! There is tiny worm moving towards me. 看!有只小虫向我爬来。 3. depend v. 依靠,依赖 e. g. Try to guess. Do not depend on your dictionary all the time. 猜猜看。不要总是依赖你的字典。 【知识拓展】That depends. [口]要看情况而定。 It all depends. [口]要看情况而定。 You may depend upon it. [口]肯定无疑;放心好了。 4. realize v. 意识到,认识到 e. g. I didn’t realize you were going to leave. 我不知道你准备走了。 Jackie realized that he had done wrong. 杰克意识到自己错了。 【指点迷津】realize, understand - 1 -

realize与understand是近义词,共同的含义是“意识到,弄明白”常常可以互换使用。 e. g. But they don't realize/understand one important thing. 但是有一件重要的事他们不明白。

The man laughed when he realized/understood what had happened. 那个人明白所发生的事情时便哈哈大笑了起来。 另外,realize可以表示“实现”。

e. g. The Chinese people are sure to realize the modernization of their country. 中国人民必将实现国家现代化。 而understand还可以表示“听懂,理解”。

e. g. The English understand each other, but I don't understand them.


5. super超级的,极好的

e. g. My father is a super cook. 我父亲是个很好的厨师。

Thank you for inviting me here. We really had a super time.谢谢你邀请我到这里来。我们真的度过了一段美好的时光。

You have done a super job, my dear son. 我亲爱的儿子,你做得真好。 【近义】great adj. 伟大的,非常的 excellent adj. 卓越的,极好的

6. rarely adv. 很少的,罕有的

e. g. People rarely eat snake in England. 英国人很少吃蛇。

They can calculate very fast and rarely give wrong answers. 他们能计算得很快并且很少犯错误。 【友情提示】rarely的频繁程度要比seldom低,但比hardly ever高。

7. type v.(用文字处理系统或打字机)打字,打印 e. g. I can't type as rapidly as you. 我打字打得没你那么快。

Every day he typed what he composed. 他每天都用打字机把他创作的作品打下来。 【知识拓展】type还可以表示“类型,典型”。 e. g. The type of skirt is all the go. 这种裙子很时髦。 He is a fine type of the youth. 他是青年人的一个典范。 type在解释为“典型”时,它的形容词形式是typical。

e. g. The picture is typical of its kind. 这幅画在同类绘画中有代表性。

8. importantly adv. 重大地;重要地

e. g. More importantly, we should use the computers to improve our studies.


【知识拓展】unimportantly adv.不重要地 important adj. 重要的;重大的 importance n. 重要性

9. operate v. (1)操作;运转

e. g. Do you know how to operate this new recorder? 你知道如何使用这部新的录音机吗? Nearly all the tractors operate on diesel oil. 几乎所有的拖拉机都用柴油开动。

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(2) 动手术

e. g. The doctors operated on her stomach. 医生给她的胃动了手术。 【友情提示】“给某人做手术”常用词组operate on sb。

e. g. Did you operate on that patient? 你给那位病人做手术了吗?

10. meaning n. 意义,含义

e. g. It doesn't seem to have much meaning.似乎无多大意义。

【知识拓展】mean v. 意谓,用意 meaningful adj. 意味深长的 meaningless adj. 无意义的

11. true adj. 符合事实的,确实的,如实的,真实的

e. g. All the rumours turned out to be true. 所有的传闻结果都确有其事。 【知识拓展】true的反义词是false。

e. g. The actor in role of an old man wears false whiskers. 扮演老头的演员戴着假胡子。

12. raise v. 提出

e. g. I wanted to raise a question to the chairman but in a moment I lost my nerve. 我想向会议主席提一个问题,但立刻我又没有了勇气。 【知识拓展】我们还学过这个词的一些其他用法。

e. g. Please raise your hands if you have questions. 有问题请举手。 We will raise some money for SPCA. 我们将为动物保护协会集资。 People often raise dogs as their pets. 人们常将狗作为宠物来饲养。

与raise词形比较接近的一个词是rise,意为“上升,升起”,是不及物动词,过去式、过去分词为rose, risen。 e. g. What causes sea level to rise? 什么引起海平面上升?

The sun rises in the east. 大阳从东方升起。

13. obey v. 服从,遵守;顺从

e. g. He had always obeyed his parents without question. 他对父母一向绝对服从。 All I had to do now was to obey him in silence. 这时,我要做的只是默默地服从他。

14. program (l) n. 程序

e. g. All these programs are software. 所有的这些程序都是软件。 (2) v. 编程

e. g. Please program the computer to do the job instead of manual operation.

请给电脑编制一个程序,以便进行这项工作代替手工操作。 【知识拓展】programmer n.(计算机)程序编制员,程序设计师

15. command n. 指令; 命令

e. g. The computer will obey your commands quickly. 计算机能够很快的听从你的指令。

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【知识拓展】command还可作动词,表示“命令”。 e. g. He commanded his man to retreat. 他命令手下撤退。 She commanded the release of the prisoners. 她下令释放囚犯。 command较正式用词,强调权威性、全局性和强制性。 order: 普通用词,侧重指具体的命令。

direction: 正式用词,指口头或书面的指示或命令。内容不一定详尽,语气较缓和,不太强调强制性。也可指指导性的说明。


16. drive n. 驱动器

e. g. hard-disk drive硬盘驱动器 floppy-disk drive软盘驱动器 CD-ROM drive光盘驱动器

17. over超过

e. g. The girl donated over 100 books to the children in Wenchuan district.

那个女孩子向汶川地区的孩子们捐赠了100多本书。 The old man is over 90. 这位老人90多岁了。 【知识拓展】在初中阶段,over用作介词的用法还有: (1)在……之上(反义词是under)

e. g. There is a bridge over the river. 河上有一座桥。 (2)遍及

e. g. There are trees all over our school. 我们学校遍地是树。

You should go over your lessons carefully. 你应该仔细地复习功课。 (3)over prep.(指时间)在……期间

e. g. I stayed at home over the holidays. 假期中,我一直在家。

18. writing n. 作品,著作;笔迹 e. g. the writings of Lu Xun 鲁迅的作品

I can never read your writing. 我怎么也看不明白你的笔迹。 【近义】works n. 作品

【知识拓展】write v. 写,写作 writer n. 作家

Ⅱ. Daily expressions. 日常表达 1. common knowledge

e. g. It’s common knowledge that English is widely used in the world. 众所周知,英语在世界上广泛使用。 common adj.常见的,普遍的; knowledge n. 了解,知道;知识,学问 e. g. Smith is a common name in England. 史密斯在英国是个很普通的名字。

The English and Australians have a common language. 英国人和澳大利亚人使用共同的语言。 My father has a good knowledge of European history. 我的父亲对欧洲历史十分了解。 这三个词都含有“普通的”意思。

(1) common强调梯常见的,不足为奇的\。

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